To the moon she gave another good review

@beriliaa /


turning on time stamps for posts was the best thing ive done for my experience this site, babe that outrage post you’re reblogging is from 2016


Every time I get groceries I’m always appalled at how little you can get for like, $20. I was making banana pudding so I needed vanilla wafers but the brand name nilla wafers cost $4 a box. The minimum wage in my state is $7.25/hr. My friend put it really well when he said “imagine you work for an hour and someone hands you two boxes of nilla wafers and said ‘actually this is a bit more than what I owe you’”

How are some of y’all missing the point so bad. “Shop at aldi instead” “make your own food” “don’t buy brand name” “don’t buy unhealthy processed food” It’s not about the box of cookies. This is about how minimum wage pays peanuts and has stagnated for 12 years while the cost of living keeps growing. No one wants your financial advice about how to survive on beans and rice and frozen veggies. The smartest grocery list in the world is not gonna help you budget your way out of poverty. Please get a grip for the love of god


Even saying ”I’m so sorry, I completely forgot” sounds marginally better than ” I’m so sorry, I didn’t completely forget, I actually completely remembered. I thought about it the whole time and it stressed me out so much my brain built an insurmountable wall around it.”


If I'm honest, I completely forgot and remembered it 27 times, relived some traumatic childhood memories, picked up a new hobby, ate a pint of ice cream, dissociated for 36 hours on the couch while rotating it in my mind, reinvented my identity, and got this whole other project done that I've been avoiding for two years


tbh i hate the way people talk about autism on this site, including some fellow autistic people

like i get trying to fight back against the stigma surrounding autism but going to the opposite extreme to talk about how autism is just so sexy and cool and quirky is harmful.

autism isn't a personality trait, quirk, trend, always positive, or something you choose to have.

it's a neurodevelopmental disability that is still highly, highly stigmatized.

the anti-vax movement was literally born from ableism against autistic people. the belief that a child is better off dead than autistic is scarily common. autistic people are still discriminated against to a staggering degree and abused in basically every way, especially medically.

i am not quirkier or more interesting or more intelligent because i'm autistic. that's fucking weird and some of the shit i'm seeing parroted on here are literally just dangerous ableist stereotypes being repackaged (see: the idea that all autistic people are "savants").

i see fellow autistic people on here reinforcing stereotypes, diagnosing strangers, and infantalizing themselves while thinking they're being cute or progressive, and it's weird.

i also see fellow autistic people erasing the fact that autism is labelled a disability for a reason. it may be a huge part of who i am, but sometimes it fucking sucks. sometimes it makes my life a lot harder, and not just because people treat me badly if i'm being noticeably autistic.

i hate that i have dyscalculia and mild prosopagnosia and sensory processing issues.

i don't want to skin pick. i don't want hyperfixate to the point that i don't eat for a day. i don't want to have panic attacks over normal social interactions, or feel rage over extremely common sounds, or struggle to understand norms.

hyperfixations aren't just "heehe i love this tv show so much and want to talk about it all the time" or "she is super knowledgeable about a specific topic." i have literally seen people on here claim someone has a hyperfixation because they studied and specialized in a niche field.

often, if you're neurodivergent, having a hyperfixation means:

  • becoming so engrossed in something you fail to take care of yourself, neglecting hygiene, failing to eat or go to the bathroom, etc.
  • being unable to think or talk about anything else, which can damage personal relationships.
  • being unable to split or divert your attention, even when you want to.
  • losing track of HOURS and thus failing to do important tasks or remember important things.
  • having disproportionate emotional turmoil when you're unable to discuss, view, etc. your hyperfixation.
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