
I Don't Even Know Anymore

@sufferingdemonsforangels / sufferingdemonsforangels.tumblr.com

I'm a mess.

Men love to talk about how much it sucks to be put in the friendzone but can we talk about how it feels to be a woman and realize that you didn’t have an actual friend? You just had somebody looming over you, waiting for you to agree to fuck them


I think we're all grown up enough to admit that pink actually is a nice color and the only reason people ever convinced themselves it isn't is because girls, often young girls, like it

like, look at these

beautiful. showstopping. incredible. brilliant. lovely.



I’m about to expose the men. Whenever you ask a man’s height, he’ll add an inch. So if he’s 6 foot, he’ll say he’s 6’1 and if he’s 6’2, he’ll say he’s 6’3.

Not me though. I subtract 4. I say I’m 5’9. Especially when there’s other men in the room. And then I just watch them panic. Not only have you exposed his lie, but now he thinks he’s 5’3.

What I do is not a crime, but it should be.


Please remember that almost everyone around you is traumatized. I didn’t understand this when I was younger. I wondered why people acted so strangely and irrationally. Maybe all children wonder this. The author Robert Anton Wilson said (paraphrasing), “We have never seen a completely sane adult human.” No one makes it out of this life alive. It’s not their fault. Mercy, kindness, forgiving — these are what makes one human. They are other names for love. People break in the strangest of ways.

“Under the present brutal and primitive conditions on this planet, every person you meet should be regarded as one of the walking wounded. we have never seen a man or woman not slightly deranged by either anxiety or grief. we have never seen a totally sane human being." — Robert Anton Wilson


Represent! #4 - “Believe You” (2021)

written by Nadira Jamerson art by Brittney Williams & Andrew Dalhouse

This is so important. There are literal studies proving white doctors don’t think black patients (especially black woman) feel pain the same way white people do. Please advocate for yourself and stay safe.


In May 1939, as the Nazis were tightening their chokehold on Europe, the United States government rejected the SS St. Louis, a German passenger vessel carrying 937 refugees who were trying to dock at the Port of Miami.

Almost all of those refugees were Jews fleeing violence in Germany and Eastern Europe, according to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. The ship was eventually forced to return to Europe, where 254 of its passengers were killed.

On Friday, to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a pair of Jewish scholars — Russel Neiss and Charlie Schwartz — started tweeting the names of the people who were aboard the SS St. Louis, under the handle @Stl_Manifest. Read more

I actually went to  seminar of one of the passengers of the S.S, Louis who survived the holocaust a couple of months ago and something I learned from her was that the whole voyage of the S.S. Louie was a planned sabotage meant to act as Nazi propaganda and a fairly successful one. It’s an incredibly important story so I wish to share it with my followers, especially with everything happening nowadays. Basically as best as i can remember it the story of the S.S, Louie goes like this:

During 1939 as Nazi’s were rising in power and gaining control over Europe, Many German-Jewish families could see the warning signs and tried to find asylum outside of Europe for many the answer came in the form of the S,S, Louie a cruise ship taking refugees that was bound for Cuba. Most everyone who went on this journey had a legal Visa to enter Cuba, what they didn’t know however was that the Nazi regime had been placing their agents closer and closer to the head of the Cuban government. They knew this ship was coming and wanted to make an example of them. 

The nazi agents convinced the Cuban government to rescind the visas, so by the time they reached Cuba their Visas were no longer valid and the ship was not allowed to dock on the Cuban shore. The S.S. Louie remained docked for about ten days or so iirc before the captain realized there was no hope and Cuba was not going to take in the refugees as promised. Determined not to return to Germany with the refugees, The captain chose to sail to nearby Florida instead in order to seek asylum in America. However just like with Cuba The United states refused entry into the country, even after a Jewish Association in Paris offered to Pay the united states about $500 per person (again I might be off on the amount but regardless it was a lot of money at the time).

Meanwhile back in Germany, Nazi controlled Newspaper carefully documented the travels of the ship. The gist of most of the articles being: “Look, nobody wants these people, not the cubans not the states. We can’t even pay them to take them. We are doing the world a favor by getting rid of these people” The Captain as well as the people in Paris tried desperately to get the US to take the refugees but unfortunately the US firmly denied them access. Realizing they were running out of supplies the captain had no choice but to turn back to Europe. 

Still the Captain refused to return to Nazi occupied territory and instead sailed to England. Where they were able to convince Holland, Great Britain, Belgium and France to take their passangers. Unfortunately Holland and France would later be taken over by the Nazi’s and thus many of these Refugees were murdered. 

We as citizens can not allow this to happen again. Between, the Syrians, the lgbt russians and many many others we cannot allow more people to be turned away and sent back to their doom. It is the only way we can honor the memory of those passangers of the S.S. St. Louie.


Simple explanation of the bills that farmers in India are protesting - in TikTok form!

hey non indians are encouraged to reblog this actually since what the indian government hates most is word of their terrible governing spreading outside of india! 

Video description: a TikTok by user hotvickkrishna. He is dressed as three people: the Indian government, farmers, and the private sector. The Indian government is shown first, wearing a white button-up and sunglasses. The farmer, shown second, wears a simple orange shirt. The private sector is dressed in formal suit and paints. The camera keeps switching between them as they speak.

The Indian government: Farmers, I want to share new laws with you. [Holds up a book with a paper over it. On the paper written, “New Farmer’s Laws.”]

Farmers: Why?

The Indian government: How do you like promotion? Facilitation? Empowerment? Protection?

Farmers: Really?

Indian government: Yeah!

[The Indian government hands over the book to the farmers, who flips through it.]

Farmers: You’re taking away all the rules and regulations that protect us and leaving me here with him? [Gestures towards his right, and the camera flips to the private sector.]

Private sector: [suspiciously] Trust me.

Farmers: No minimum support prices? He could haggle for lower prices!

Indian government: Everybody likes a good deal!

Farmers: Hoarding is allowed?! He could manipulate the market!

Indian government: [Looks in front, presumably towards the private sector] Hey, you’re not going to do that, right?

Private sector: [Visibly lying] No.

Farmers: I don’t believe him!

Indian government: Arey, he just said no now, no?

Farmers: And if we’re having any trouble or issues with him, we can’t go to court?

Indian government: You can go to couples’ therapy!

Farmers: [slams the book shut] We don’t support this.

Indian government: Why are you being such a terrorist? [Camera switches to farmers, who stares incredulously. It switches back to the government.] I’m hungry. Lunch?

Private sector: I could eat.

Indian government: I’ll WhatsApp Kangana. [Turns and leaves. The farmer stares after him angrily.]

End video description.

Please, please, please talk about this. As an Indian, I usually don’t share news about India because it always gets buried under UK and US politics. Also, Indian government is actively campaigning against any non-Indian talking about the largest protest that has been going on for months. While Modi sits in his comfy seat and tweets about how disappointed he is at US for the Capitol riots.


Thrive Cape Town-based artist Daniel Popper creates monumental public art installations of fantastical figures. His latest work Thrive will be a permanent public installation at Society Las Olas, a residential building in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.


Reminder that it costs more daily to keep someone in prison than most prisoners have ever stolen and certainly much more than it'd cost to fix the poverty that drives almost all crime, it just exists to scare people out of hurting corporate profit and you foot the bill woth your taxes.

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