kinda on hiatus?

@saqpho-deactivated123456789 /

jess | twenty | a beautiful and bitter lesbian
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Hey y'all I’m going to deactivate my tumblr very soon bc I’ve lost interest and all that. If any of my mutuals want to stay in contact: my snapchat is jessicaraah and my Instagram is jesswrr, I also run the Instagram thgalpals with Ella and our blog at If you add me on any of these, comment or send me a message so I know who you are.

also the url “fluermione” is up for grabs if anyone wants it! message me. if anyone wants the url saqpho message me as well

saqpho isn't up for grabs anymore but fluermione still is!


Hey y'all I’m going to deactivate my tumblr very soon bc I’ve lost interest and all that. If any of my mutuals want to stay in contact: my snapchat is jessicaraah and my Instagram is jesswrr, I also run the Instagram thgalpals with Ella and our blog at If you add me on any of these, comment or send me a message so I know who you are.

also the url "fluermione" is up for grabs if anyone wants it! message me. if anyone wants the url saqpho message me as well


Hey y'all I'm going to deactivate my tumblr very soon bc I've lost interest and all that. If any of my mutuals want to stay in contact: my snapchat is jessicaraah and my Instagram is jesswrr, I also run the Instagram thgalpals with Ella and our blog at If you add me on any of these, comment or send me a message so I know who you are.


Exam before you jam. #lesmis #lesmiserables #relatable

Boy (red Spider-Man shirt, popping from a doorway): Hello? Boy (peering down a staircase): Anybody home? Boy (closing a window shutter, victoriously): Yes! Shot of iPod speakers as Les Mis Prologue booms pans to boy screeching along to instrumental.

This is so fucking relatable Im crying

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