

@sacofyoutube / sacofyoutube.tumblr.com


Gothic page break and chapter embellishment... YES


Here’s the EXO version ^^




His lips were gentle against mine, yet burning with such a ferocity I could not quite comprehend it. It felt so dangerous yet so right. Maybe something had enchanted me, separated me from my senses once I stepped through the doors of Yě Qiángwēi Manor, but I didn't care. Even if my fate with him was doomed from the beginning until the very end of eternity, I would be selfish this once. Feeling him beneath me, made it feel like I, for the first time in my fucked up life, had finally found a reason to live. I owed Yixing Zhang for that... Because even at the cost of my own existence, and moreover the unbreakable curse of his own, this would be my first and last twisted love... If fate were to take my life in a mere matter of time, I'd go gladly, only after surrendering myself completely to him, and giving him every part of my darkened heart with no regrets...

Fanfic writer: Stops posting. Disappears. Is never heard from again
Fanfic readers: Are you okay? Did you die? I hope you’re receiving my reviews. Please be alive. I miss you
Fanfic writers: Rising from the grave after 1.5 years. “I’m back, bitches. And guess what I have in store for you... that’s right, absolute hell.”

My weird yet effective writing routine

To me, writing is quite an intuitive process. I basically just follow my gut. Nevertheless, throughout the years, I’ve been able to develop a pretty effective routine, and I’m going to share it with you now!

  • Writing circuits. I don’t know about you, but I’m super lazy, and I also love to procrastinate. So, instead of writing for three hours straight, I split this time into little circuits and plan them throughout the day. Let’s say I’ll write for an hour in the morning, then an hour and a half in the afternoon and so on. It’s also incredibly beneficial for your health – both mental and physical.
  • Have a plan.  I’m a discovery writer, and I don’t really outline that much. But as I go about my day – eg. when working out, or running, or cooking, or eating, or sitting and doing nothing because of this procrastination right – I think about what I want to accomplish. And I usually ask myself the following questions. What is the purpose of this scene? Which characters should appear in this scene? Should it be more visual or more internally-focused? What actually happens? How should I describe it? Thanks to this, I have a general plan, and I’m much more motivated to actually write instead of visualizing that scene in my head (we all know this, don’t we?).
  • Write. Then I write. I write whatever pops into my head. I don’t care if it’s logical. I don’t care how many times I use abruptly, saw, felt, etc. I just allow my imagination to create this story.
  • Notes. When I end my final little session, I usually leave some comments for myself. What’s going to happen next, what’s the next big thing I want for my characters, etc. Having these notes makes everything easier; I immediately know what I’m supposed to do.
  • Having fun. I don’t care about the word count, deadlines, or anything like that. I enjoy the process, and I’m always very grateful for everything I write. I actually have this cute/weird habit: Whenever I end my writing session, I say ‘thank you’. Out loud. (Yeah, awkward, huh?) Thank you for my amazing imagination which allows me to create places and people in my mind! This kind of approach always makes me happy and even more motivated for my next writing session.

Me, the writer: "I should write the whole story before I post it."

Also me, the writer: "Let's post the first chapter now although I don't how to continue the story."


...Yeah.... This is pretty much a usual routine for me 

Fanfic writer: Okay, this is some of my best work. It’s way better than my other stories. I’m hoping, and partly expecting, some good statistics
The fanfic: 40 hits, 2 subscriptions, 5 kudo’s, 1 bookmark
Fanfic writer: Looks at their poorly written, uninspired, and not as fun to write fanfiction
The fanfic: 26,000 hits, 500 subscriptions, 1,200 kudo’s, 400 bookmarks
Fanfic writer: Is very confused
Me : "okay today I will focus on writing this story/fanfic!"
Also me: *gets five new story/fanfic ideas*
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