
Feminism for Equality

@pro-equality-feminism / pro-equality-feminism.tumblr.com

This is a feminist blog that strives for equality among all groups of people. This blog will work to appreciate feminism while also criticizing the hateful attitude that this website often promotes.


If you’re “anti-feminism”, then you aren’t “pro-equality.”

except you can be pro equality without being a feminist because feminism doesnt monopolise equality…it is NOT the only equality movement. 

And it also happens to be a label. You can hold identical beliefs to an individual feminist and still not adopt the label

“If you’re not a Christian then you don’t believe in God” 

It’s just not....true? 


Dear Feminists,

Why is it that if a guy says he’s pro-equality and pro-women’s rights but isn’t a feminist he’s a lying misogynist who thinks women shouldn’t be allowed to drive.

But if a woman says she’s a proud misandrist and thinks they should kill all men and men are naturally inferior to women then she’s just venting and actually believes in equality?


What the Fuck

What the fuck is this “equality is not enough” bullshit?
What the actual FUCK are you sociopaths on now? What is this magical koolaid you’re all drinking?
Equality’s not enough? You don’t want the same rights everyone else gets? You want to be BETTER? You want to be ON TOP? You want to abuse others and beat them into the ground? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Only the truly crazy set out to intentionally cause history to repeat itself. I like that mentality, “Hmm…. We didn’t like how <insert white male cis scum slur here> treated us in the past… So we’re going to do it to them! Yeah THAT will make them respect us HAHAHAHAHAHA!”
Oh yeah… THAT works. It worked SO well when we did it!! Look how that turned out. Look how you treat us now. So what could you possibly gain from trying to just do the exact same thing back? It will just end up the same way it is now, but in reverse, AGAINST YOU AGAIN, YOU IDIOTS!!
But fine. Whatever. Have your little fun time in the sun. But you’ll have no one but yourselves to blame when you get burned.

equality is not enough. really? I can’t believe this is where we’re at. Please prove me wrong…


dear bisexual / pansexual women and political lesbians,

you need to immediately disclose to any woman you plan on dating if you are, in fact, a lesbian, or if you are something else. some lesbians are open to dating bi / pan / PL ladies. some are not. withholding this information is harmful, deceitful behavior that can make lesbians feel unsafe and devalued.

picture it: you’re a lesbian, looking to start a relationship. you meet a woman who claims that she, too, is a lesbian. this signifies that you have, at the very least, a shared sexuality, and you can bond about your experience as a woman who is attracted exclusively to women, which is outside of the patriarchal, heterocentric structure of the vast majority of societies. 

now, imagine that you, a lesbian who is incapable of being attracted to men, get a confession from your girlfriend: she discloses to you that, yeah, actually, she could possibly be with a man and feel emotionally and sexually fulfilled. she, as a bi- or pansexual, is capable of thinking about having sex with a man and not feeling revulsion. your initial feeling of intimacy and security related to the sharing of a sexuality - one of the most basic aspects of your being, which is essential to you - is gone. 

wouldn’t that hurt? wouldn’t that make you feel insecure? wouldn’t you get angry, if you were put into that position?

You know what would hurt me? 

If I was in a relationship with a lesbian and her finding out I am bi was some sort of horrific secret that must be confessed like some shameful pox. 

The fact that bisexual women are seen as being dirty or alien because we have or feel the capacity to be in intimate relationships with men is HARMFUL. It is biphobic and it is disgusting. 

The entire notion that bi women are less valuable and less desirable as partners because we have and/or have the capacity to be intimate with men is so blatantly biphobic and bigoted that I can’t believe I even have to explain it.

How about THIS: Biphobic lesbians who would feel betrayed and insecure because of a bi partners identity have an OBLIGATION to disclose that they are biphobic assholes when they enter into a relationship, in case any bi woman they are interested in was unaware of what an asshole they are. 

Also can we please acknowledge that sexuality is not always some easy answer thing? Like how would people react if someone made a post saying that we need to disclose to straight men if we are maybe bisexual so that they can avoid us? 

Now of course lesbians face issues with both sexism and homophobia that straight cis men traditionally don’t but my point is this- I don’t owe it to my partner to promise that I could never, ever change, when my sexuality and understanding of it CAN grow and change. 

If you don’t want to date a bisexual woman, that’s fine, it’s obviously not her loss if she’s being rejected by you. But I’d make it perfectly clear up front that you’re only accepting of certain sexualities because god forbid a woman gets into a relationship with you thinking you’re a compassionate and understanding partner and then dares to *gasp* NOT be exactly what you want her to be!


Why I Hate On No Shave November: Fragile Masculinity fuels the idea that body hair is for men, and men alone. Woman with the body hair are considered too manly and are shamed for it from an early age. This stigma follows to the lgbtqia community, further perpetuating who is “passing” and/or being a “real” woman/man in the trans and genderqueer community. Going further, it lets white people enjoy mustaches and beard without being stereotyped, fetishized, and objectified as people. And personally, majority of the ppl have no idea how to keep care of their hair and it’s tragic to watch.

I haven’t shaved since I was a sophomore in highschool. I’ll fucking fight you.

“Why I hate on a campaign meant to raise awareness of a type of cancer that kills a lot of men: because women experience comparatively insignificant social stigmas for not shaving.”

Also, my dad had prostate cancer and you’re a prick.

Apparently raising awareness for cancer is fragile masculinity. Wow, sexism AND racism all in one post. Glorious

I think no shave november is a great opportunity to raise awareness about mens issues in general. Branch out!

Man: Yes! No Shave November! Hopefully people will donate to men's cancer's-
Feminist: I see you're bring awareness to men's right's
Feminist: Wouldn't it be a shame if
Feminist: I just
Feminist: Made it about women's beauty standards

Prostate Cancer Symptoms

  • Burning or painful urination
  • Difficulty urinating
  • More frequent urination
  • Loss of bladder control
  • Decreased flow of urination stream
  • Blood in urine
  • Difficulty having or maintaining an erection
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Pain or stiffness in lower back, hips, or upper thighs

If you experience any of these, please consult a doctor.


Smash the Patriarchy November

Here are your tools:

(It’s a little hammer.)

Carry them with you wherever you go. When you see something misogynistic, either mark it up or smash it up. If it’s in a store remember: You don’t have to destroy it, you just have to make it unsellable (and therefore unprofitable for the store to stock).


This shit is illegal and if you get caught you will be in trouble–and I take no responsibility for what you do–so keep that in mind, BUT here are some ways to be safer.

  1. Don’t side-eye around to see if anyone is watching you. Nobody is paying you any attention ‘cause you’re just a little woman, remember? Use that to your advantage.
  2. Act like you’re supposed to be doing what you’re doing, not like you’re doing something wrong. People will assume you are correct. If you want to smash a misogynist bumper sticker, act like it’s your car.
  3. When you’re done, WALK AWAY.
  4. Don’t look up. That’s where cameras are. Wear bland clothes that mask any readily identifying features as much as possible (such as crazy colored hair).
  5. Mostly though, and it’s worth saying twice, ACT LIKE YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING WHAT YOU’RE DOING THEN JUST WALK AWAY.
  6. Lastly, hurt things never people.

You aren’t looking to be offended, but there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to respond when misogyny is thrown into your face or your path.

This is why many people claim feminism is like a cult. In fact, you posting this proves the assertion that feminism IS a cult.

If you smashed up shit of mine, you would get jumped, tased and the police would be contacted.

In fact, if any of you feminist decide to post pictures of you illegally destroying property, I won’t hesitate to file a police report.

“If it’s in a store remember: You don’t have to destroy it, you just have to make it unsellable”

Can’t tell if this is trolling or for real but I love that this post is condoning making work hell for minimum wage employees just to make a ridiculous point. 

You're not helping your point.

Anonymous asked:

So the other students should lose 30 minutes of education because she refused to leave? It's resisting arrest, she told her she was under arrest and she didn't cooperate. Yeah, it's just over a cell phone but it escalated beyond that because she couldn't obey a simple request to get off her phone and get an actual education.

30+ year old trained cop: “Give me your cell phone” 14-17 year old Girl: “No.”Cop : *beats the shit out of her and throws her to the ground*

I would say bringing the cop in and hurting her distracted the class more than her texting her friend.

A post by some tumblr user: Respect people's boundaries. Don't cross the line without consent. Don't force anyone to do anything they don't want to!

I think it is very telling that the biggest issues mras can complain about boil down to

“But I don’t like being called out when I’m a racist/misogynistic/queer hating/transmisogynistic dickwad”

Followed closely by

“Women can do mean things sometimes too.”

Like, okay dude. Go have your pity party. I'mma going over here to like work on solutions to try to keep people from being killed and their basic humanity stripped away.

You do you tho.

Or there are the other ones like The lack of male abuse shelters Lack of resources on general for male abuse victims The amount of female teachers raping male students The fact that male abuse victims are often laughed at, ignored or blamed for their abuse Everyone assuming the biological mother is a better parent than a biological father Male suicide rates are never addressed although they are more likely to succeed in suicide People like Amy Schumer can talk about raping a man and get a freaking round of applause Always being made fun of for ANY products aimed at and for men A woman is strong for having an abortion. But a man is a deadbeat for not wanting a baby Women are allowed to trick men into getting them pregnant and nothing happens, no punishment

Those are a few things but ya men’s rights people have nothing to complain about just shut up and take it like a man already gawsh


More Macklemore, less Robin Thicke.

And yet a huge percentage of Tumblr hates him. Not trying to be confrontational, but could someone please explain to me why this is?

Because he is a straight white guy and Tumblr isn’t always right. 


Yup. A lot of people like to ignore all the good things he does simply because he is part of the privileged. Never mind that he flat out acknowledges this in Same Love. (“I may not be the same, but that’s not important.”)





Macklemore grew up privileged, yes, but he understands the inequality and the disturbing gap between rich and poor. He has a song called White Privilege: 

“Hiphop started off in a block that I’ve never been to To counter act a struggle that I’ve never even been through If I think I understand just because I flow too That means I’m not keeping it true, nope.”


“But as I’m blessed with the privilege, they’re still left with the scars”


“I grew up on Capitol Hill, With two parents and two cars. They had a beautiful marriage, we even had a swing set in our yard. My mom didn’t have a job, because my dad made enough money that we could live comfortably and he could support us. Now, he commute to Tacoma, so we knew we be good. But then I realized everybody looked just like me in my neighborhood. I go to school, which was diverse. But indeed us, I got sandwiches and Capri Suns well my friends ate their free lunch. It’s crazy trying to look back, cause when I was growing up I didn’t understand the fact was there’s something called a social status. And my black friends wanted my financial bracket. And then my city’s divided, From neighborhood to neighborhood We’re polarized but we claim we’re progressive. The police shoot in the hood but never once in my residence. As a white person been shot at we’d stopped in a Lexus. And to think that we have claimed that so much has changed”



“Don’t wanna be that white dude, million man marchin’ Fighting for our freedom that my people stole Don’t wanna make all my white fans uncomfortable But you don’t even have a fuckin’ song for radio Why you out here talkin race, tryin’ to save the fuckin’ globe Don’t get involved with the causes in mind White privilege, white guilt, at the same damn time So we just party like it’s nineteen ninety nine Celebrate the ignorance while these kids keep dying.”

Tumblr needs to hop down off it’s high fucking horse and instead of turning against a potential role model and ally to all that they’ve been fucking preaching about JUST BECAUSE HE’S PRIVILEGED AND WHITE, maybe make him an icon because he’s not rapping about disrespecting women. He’s making a small change. But because he grew up with a well structured family environment and he was able to afford everything he desired, he’s suddenly the enemy. 

Macklemore hate is proof that Tumblr’s brand of militant social justice is just made up of a bunch of people with either a victimization fetish and/or a hateful, angry heart seeking acceptable targets, and they then proceed to poison the people that really just want to do good, ultimately mangling a good cause beyond recognition.

And 99% of people who complain about the first lyric of “Same Love” have never actually listened beyond that. Somebody tells them “The song starts with ‘when i was in the third grade i thought that i was gay’” and they start clutching their pearls because surely the whole song is just some straight dude making lgbtqa rights all about him and how he thinks because he thought he was gay when he was eight he knows all about it. And maybe it’s not the best way to word the beginning of the song, BUT IF YOU ACTUALLY LISTEN OR READ BEYOND THAT it turns out it’s a segue into talking about ridiculous stereotypes and preconceived ideas about sexuality and questioning why someone would think it was a bad idea to be gay in the first place. And then it goes on to discuss the homophobia inherent in the music genre he’s a part of and calling his peers out on slurs and derogatory language and hypocrisy in religion, and it beautifully features Mary fucking Lambert, and goddammit I had trouble driving home when I first heard it in the car because I was fucking crying.

Macklemore is a privileged individual who consistently and vocally acknowledges his privileges and strives to use it to do legitimate good, which is everything Tumblr claims it wants, but as soon as he starts, they scream for him to shut up. Because their need to rage and scream and hate and wallow in willful ignorance is more important to them than seeing actual change take place anywhere in the world.

so glad i came across this post. you have to remember that tumblr :so called “activists” like to comment on anything that seems potentially bad, even if that means over-shadowing great points and progress that a lot of people, both gay and straight have wished for.

God bless.

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