
to the manslator!

@manslator / manslator.tumblr.com

We take sexist and misogynistic comments from across the internet and translate them for the average reader. All comments are real and are copied and pasted directly from their sources. Submissions from others should not be read as their perspective unless it's clear that they're speaking for themselves: typically, they do not agree with the viewpoint, or they wouldn't be passing it on to us. It should be noted that we are based in America, so viewpoints presented here will reflect an American perspective. We do our best to tag posts, but please consider this a permanent content warning for misogyny, sexual violence, and other potentially triggering topics. If this is a major concern for you, you may want to avoid us—we want you to be well and stay safe! If there's anything else you need us to tag, please send an Ask and we'll do our best. To avoid posts that aren't manslations (e.g. replies, some reblogs, etc.), blacklist the tags "mantrum" and "not a manslation"
The reality is that women are emotionally and physically weaker than males. We do need provisions to protect them. The trade off is that they should not expect to be treated equally.

Manslation: Men oughtta be in charge of LITERALLY EVERYTHING because I decided we got better more stronger brains AND arms. And you better be grateful to me for protecting you from... me.

Alternate Manslation: Gee, miss, that’s a nice life you got there.... it’d be a shame if something.............. HAPPENED to it.

Women should have equal rights.  Im just saying that if men decided tomorrow that it's over, it would be. It's not a man's fault he is biologically superior. And the whole position of power thing...every woman in "power" was green lighted by a bunch of men.  Didn't get there on their own

Manslation: I like to say women should have equal rights because I think it makes me sound noble, or at least like less of a fuckin asshole, but then I go on to explain that women are naturally inferior to men and let you know for SURE I am worth less to this planet than a year-old dog shit.


Hi folks, quick announcement:

Due to a difference of opinion with the other mods, Mod L has decided to step down from Manslator.

She thanks everyone for their awesome contributions and encouragement over the course of her stay, and she says she will never forget the experience.

Mod E and Mod M thank her for her participation and wish her well.


Hey folks, just a heads-up that we’ve had to block a former follower, who is now accusing us of being aphobic and lying that we’re “claiming all aces/aros are homophobic.” If you’re concerned about that, under the cut I’ve included (anonymized) screenshots and a transcript of their public callout and the private conversation that prompted it, so you can judge for yourself.

Manslator will never intentionally post any aphobic content (i.e., that attacks ace/aro people for being ace/aro). If something slips by us, we’ll publicly address it and commit to doing better, just as we’ve addressed posts in the past that were inadvertently ableist, transphobic, fatphobic, etc.

This blog strives to be a safe and welcoming place for all women and femmes regardless of what other marginalization they do or don’t experience. We appreciate legit callouts, but we will not tolerate homophobia (or anything else) wrapped up in the disguise of self-serving discourse.

The posts have been anonymized, as they are not an invitation to attack the person in question, merely a clarification of the situation for any concerned ace/aro followers. If you know the OP, you may certainly feel free to call them on their bullshit, but please do not seek this person out to attack them. (I personally verified that searching for their post would not turn it up.)

I’ve wasted too much time on this mess already, and this is more than enough information for anyone to form an opinion without needing additional clarification. We won’t be responding to further questions on this particular incident, and anybody else who feels like trotting their homophobia out for us will be summarily blocked.

Edit: Because this is now getting circulated outside our usual circle, I want to make sure people see that this is the post the OP replied to, which sets the stage for this entire interaction and includes the exact links that they didn’t see as demonstrating homophobia.

“I don’t see what’s the deal with leaving the toilet seat up. Or down! The toilet isn’t BROKEN. Every new person walking in can just adjust it to their needs. Just look before you pee!”
- totally reasonable flatmate™

Manslation: “I don’t see what’s the deal with having consideration for others! Obviously the rest of the world should revolve around whatever I decide is best for my lazy ass.”

this blog is usually good but this is just useless imo

pssst we’re capable of having thoughts about more than one thing at the same time

i understand that i just think that this is a trivial thing to worry about in general

making a post about something does not mean it’s necessarily super important to us, tho. things have varying degrees of significance. this is obviously not a world-ending issue but it’s not like there’s a limited number of tumblr posts that must be saved for SRS BZNS ONLY.

that said it’s nasty to leave the toilet seat open at all when flushing. contain the germs!!!!! CONTAIN THEM FOR MY SAKE IF NOTHING ELSE

“I don’t see what’s the deal with leaving the toilet seat up. Or down! The toilet isn’t BROKEN. Every new person walking in can just adjust it to their needs. Just look before you pee!”
- totally reasonable flatmate™

Manslation: “I don’t see what’s the deal with having consideration for others! Obviously the rest of the world should revolve around whatever I decide is best for my lazy ass.”

this blog is usually good but this is just useless imo

pssst we’re capable of having thoughts about more than one thing at the same time


the mcdonalds thing comes from Jon Jafari, 100% absolute unrepentant shithead MRA racist ass homophobe


Good to know!

“Women aren’t oppressed, if you can go to McDonald’s and order a Big Mac with a burqa on you’re not oppressed”

Manslation: What do you mean, you’re oppressed? You can purchase a fast food hamburger sandwich any old time you want! Purchasing fast food hamburger sandwiches is the only right you need! It’s what the founding fathers fought for! FAST FOOD HAMBURGER SANDWICH PURCHASES FOR ALL!

The terms Alpha and Female don’t go together. Even in the animal world the females know their place (except for Hyenas)…

Manslation: Human women who don’t “know their place” are HYENAS should conduct themselves like I think all the other animals do because I decided their place is below me. I have based my entire worldview on my interpretation of the hierarchy of creatures in Disney’s The Lion King. People keep telling me “that’s not how it works, that’s not how any of this works” but I get all my info from CompleteBullshit dot biz so pretty sure I know what I’m talking about.

A dude told me (right after I had a seizure): “All girls are always such bitches when they wake up from a seizure”
Then when I tried to correct him: “I would know I have ADHD so I went to a special school and a girl there had seizures”
He’s a firefighter which means at least in my town he would be called to help someone with a seizure or other medical problem kinda scary

Manslation: Ever since I was a child, I have expected women and girls to unceasingly and unerringly perform an obscene amount of emotional labor for me, including in circumstances that physically, mentally, and emotionally make it difficult (if not impossible) for them to do so. Any word or action that doesn’t align with what I want is wrong, and you’re a horrible person for acting even for a second as though I’m not the center of your universe. It is frighteningly possible that this attitude will not only lead me to abuse women I’m in relationships with, but also to neglect the safety of women whose literal lives I’m personally responsible for.

“I don’t see what’s the deal with leaving the toilet seat up. Or down! The toilet isn’t BROKEN. Every new person walking in can just adjust it to their needs. Just look before you pee!”
- totally reasonable flatmate™

Manslation: “I don’t see what’s the deal with having consideration for others! Obviously the rest of the world should revolve around whatever I decide is best for my lazy ass.”


I didn't mean for terfs to like my first ask!!!! I hate them as much as you do. And i think manspreading is a bit....weird to be annoyed about? I mean no offense but men aren't doing it to show their junk to other people... Like it's a bit weird


“Manspreading” is not “any occurrence of a man spreading out”: it’s specifically when a man on crowded public transit takes up more space than he’s fairly entitled to.They’re doing it because they feel entitled to space, not because they’re showing off their genitals. The problem isn’t their spread legs, per se: it’s that they’re spreading their bodies INTO OTHER PEOPLE’S SPACES (usually a woman’s personal space, or the personal space of someone they perceive as a woman).

Seriously, whatever argument you’re trying to make here has already been addressed about a hojillion times. Please read over our archive of posts on this topic instead of plunging in to rehash a bunch of stuff that’s already been talked to death. I realize you’re only 16 and probably mean well, but presumably you’re on winter break right now and have the time available to educate yourself on why this is problem instead of bugging random internet strangers who are very, very tired of having this same conversation over and over and over.


I didn't mean it like that. I didn't read your blog before hand sorry. I hope i didnt offend any of the mods? It's just the manspreading thing struck a nerve sorry


No offense taken. Curious why manspreading is a sensitive topic for you, I have to admit. All we’ve ever said is that men need to show common courtesy like everyone else.


I really hope that manspreading is a joke. I'm a girl so.. it's not realistic manslator. I bet this blog is run by a terf lmfao


We literally have like a thousand* posts telling terfs to go the hell away so I’m afraid you have lost your bet with yourself.

*only a slight exaggeration



There is not going to be anything funny in this post.

Trump/Pence are going to be horrible for women and for people who can get pregnant. That is absolutely a fact. Regardless of the other ways in which we have privilege, we have a right to be terrified about the implications of this presidency, especially long-term ones that may echo down for decades to come based on Supreme Court appointments over the next four years.

But for those of us who are white, we also need to own that it was not men who handed this election to Trump: it was white people, including white women. Not just a plurality, but a majority of white women voted for Trump, and by a substantial margin.

As hard as things are going to be for us, we white women need to recognize that there are people who are going to be in more immediate personal danger as a result of this election than most of us, even before Trump is sworn in next year. Besides his misogyny, Trump actively targeted and campaigned on his disregard for racialized people and Muslims. Black women, Latina women, undocumented women, and hijabi women or those who otherwise “look” Muslim are among those we need to be centering and looking out for right now. (But let’s not forget other women of color, trans women, queer women, disabled women, and poor women as well. There’s really no marginalized group Trump won’t touch, and even some of us white women are affected on these other axes.)

We white women need to be dealing with the white women in our lives who supported Trump, and to help them work through their racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, homophobia, internalized misogyny. It is going to be hard, brutal work. It is going to be exhausting. But if we don’t shoulder the intellectual and emotional labor of educating our fellow white women on these issues, it’s going to fall to women of color to take up that burden, which will be even heavier for them than it is for us.


Some re/sources:

CBS News Exit Polls: How Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency: “Trump beat Clinton among white women 53 percent to 43 percent.”

I Will Never Underestimate White People’s Need to Preserve Whiteness Again: “This is on ALL White people. Who are complicit even if they didn’t vote for Trump. Because they obviously haven’t done enough to repudiate the mindsets existing in their families and amongst their friends; possessed by their co-workers and neighbors; shared during private holiday gatherings and public city townhalls.”

A List of Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth, Anti-Bigotry Organizations That Need Your Support: “Here are a few organizations that work to fight for the rights of our most vulnerable populations, and ways you can volunteer or donate to make sure they are able to work harder than ever.”

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