

@darkbloodheart / darkbloodheart.tumblr.com

Dedicated to my OTP OutlawQueen and OUAT.

Okay look, I know I shouldn’t have hope, I know that they won’t really give us what we want, I know this is going to be more painful than anything to watch. But hear me out.

When Robin died, my heart broke because that was it for Outlaw Queen. There would be no more hugs, no more kisses, no more holding hands, no more support and unconditional love, no more Hood Mills family, no more anything

There was nothing new to look forward to, because they took him away and told us “dead is dead”.

So yes, I am more excited than I should be that Robin is coming back. I am so fucking excited to have something new to look forward to for my ship, whether it’s flashbacks, Robin as a ghost, or dare I say it, Robin resurrected from the damn dead.

We could get new kisses, new hugs, new nose touches, new lines, more sex, more snarky comments, new things to hold on to when he inevitably stays dead, and damn it that’s good enough for me.

I don’t care what I get, I am beyond excited that I get to see something new from my ship when I believed I would never see them again.

Anonymous asked:

Regina got her resolution in the premiere! Nobody needed Smag back to grimace his way through his scenes with Lana again. Look around ER fandom. Except for 5 OQers, ERs are finally done with this show, and it's after everyone was so excited fir 2 Reginas. That's all because of Smag coming back.

Okay, I was gonna delete this, but I’m really annoyed at this “5 OQers,” “8 OQers” “10 OQers” thing that I keep seeing here and on twitter.

So Outlaw Queen, do me a favor and RT this for head count purposes.

I have a feeling, JUST A FEELING, that there are, in fact, more than 10 of us. 

(And if not, what are my thousands of followers here for??)


In honor of the season five finale sneeking up on us, we have decided to dedicate a whole week to the lovely Robin Hood. Anyone and everyone can participate.

30th May - 5th June

  • Day 1: Favourite quote(s) - this can be anything from sassy one lines to some of his more inspirational quotes that we all love.
  • Day 2: Favourite scene(s)
  • Day 3: Favourite ship
  • Day 4: Favourite friendship (or family relationship)
  • Day 5: Favourite location/realm 
  • Day 6: Your favourite headcanon
  • Day 7: A song you associate with Robin.

You don’t have to post all of these on time, just make sure you tag your posts with #robinhoodaw2016 that way everyone can see the posts! You can make gifs/graphics, make videos, write fanfic, draw fanart, write a meta, whatever your heart desires! We just want to spread some positivity for robin hood. if you have any questions come to our ask.

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