
it's a thankless job

@artyrambles / artyrambles.tumblr.com

Good arty, bad arty... I'm the guy with the HEAT shells. World of Tanks blog of an unrepetant leFH main. I post about my tanking and occasionally about other tank-related stuff. Draws sometimes.

While messing around with camos and decals I have in my depot I stumbled upon these face decals. I actually had to stop and regain my bearings after seeing this incredibly cursed visage smirk back at me through the screen. Thinking it would be funny to inflict psychic damage to any scout getting close enough to see me like this, I went into battle.

The situation then actually happened - I got discovered by a T-50-2, who attacked me but then, as I was within 60 hp of my life, suddenly came to a halt, looked at me for a second, and didn’t shoot again. I shot him with a HEAT shell and killed him. After the match, he messaged me saying he was so confused because he thought I was dead.

Immediately after the match, I decided I better take those decals off again.


@eject91 you got it! Depends on your config probably but for me the anonymized players simply have grey/blank stats. Kinda indistinguishable from Very Bad players that way, unfortunately. After the match if you have a config/mod that shows xvm stats on the result screens, their actual username and stats will show up.


Return to WoT went pretty well. I didn’t notice many differences except for slight map changes. Was able to get back into the LUCH clan immediately, too. And some of the matches were rather tedious, but others were pretty amazing or funny. Looks like I still got it~

Some progress on my stats, I guess. I don’t think it’s possible to get purple xTE if you’ve played more than about 200 matches in this SPG, honestly. But at least the kills are coming along nicely (7,738 kills at 4,425 matches).

I was also finally able to get some platooning in with a fella who’s been in my friend list for long enough that I don’t even remember how he ended up in there, it went nicely... 😊

For those interested, the replay file of the last match of the day (Malinovka), match results screenshot above: http://wotreplays.eu/site/6555447?secret=45bae5731707bed6baaddbef55a4d8c0


also i should have probably posted this first. match doomed from the start but i somehow got like... almost 3k damage in a mad charge for the enemy spawn. and a top gun. which i did Not Notice until my platoonmate pointed it out


Proud of my buddy!!


Thoughts and doubts about giving WoT another shot


Well basically the game didn't change much for me at least since I've been sticking to tier 5 (and very rarely 6) for the past years. A lot of the new features you mentioned (being able to switch out equipment, field modifications, battle pass, etc) are only for tier 6 and above so I haven't spent any time worrying about them.

The powercreep and meta reward/premium tanks are also a sickness of tier 8 and above, so once again only a concern if for some reason you are masochistic enough to play high tier. Matchmaker seems random as ever to me, but the maximum amount of SPGs was limited to 2 now and SPGs still cannot platoon up with other SPGs anymore. Noteworthy compared to 2017-ish is that vehicles of tier 1 to 3 are now separated from the normal matchmaking queue. I forget where that leaves tier 4, probably fighting tier 3 but a lot of the time ending up in matches against tier 5. Playing tier 5 you will find yourself bottom tier a lot, but it does seem like often the teams will be entirely tier 5 or mostly with a handful of tier 6s on the top. It seems like in general the bottom tiers are either the majority or just an unlucky few, and the top tiers are two or three (so if they suck on your team you can almost bet on a loss). Side effect of the limited matchmaking for tier 3 and below is that even on EU server, you'll be playing with actual bots a lot that the MM adds to the matches to get a full team.

Credits and exp earning is literally through the roof, even when shooting a bunch of gold ammo and using coffee I am steadily piling up millions of credits now and could get more if I remembered to use the personal reserves (boosters) which they throw at you at every opportunity.

Lots of tanks have been moved out of the tech tree but are still available as "collector's vehicles", which is basically the same since you need to research certain other vehicles before being able to buy them.

Bounty equipment is a battlepass thing, but it's useless and I don't bother with it, since the improved equipment has the same effects but without dropping millions of credits on it. You can get bonds pretty easily if you play tier 10, or if you're like me you will get them through events and personal missions. Every year they drop a couple thousand bonds on people too for the "well-deserved reward" event where all you have to do is have an account and log in once a year. Improved equipment is easy to buy that way (got a couple of my tanks fully equipped with it where reasonable and ran out of things to spend the bonds on).

Overall the equipment has been reworked but the basic principle and setups are the same, keeping in mind that below tier 5 you will now get fewer equipment and consumable slots.

HP of mid- and low-tier vehicles has been buffed a lot, many tanks hold more ammo now to compensate for that (somewhat).

There's a bunch of missions at all times which give you fancy coins or similar event currency that is usually traded for personal reserves (boosters), credits, event camos/insignias, or vehicles that will be back in the cash shop a week after the event ends. Safe to ignore.

You can block a map from the rotation (and a second one with a prem account), which is pretty neat honestly. I am thriving after not seeing Ensk and Himmelsdorf for years. A lot of the maps were changed or removed altogether, very few entirely new maps were added and they tend to be same-y to old maps. No need to go into a training room to practice, after one match you know what the corridors are and where everyone goes.

Gold spam has kind of become the standard, so armor isn't something you can rely on anymore (but to be fair it's been a looooooong time since you could). It's not recommended to go into a match without plenty of gold ammo since lots of tanks have been added which have absolutely troll amounts of frontal armor and with how corridor-y the maps have gotten you won't be flanking them unless the two of you are literally the last tanks left alive.


Alright kiddies it's time for Tech Tree Talk! After catching up with a certain @artyrambles I was inspired to talk about the American TD Line First! As a reminder I will only be giving my thoughts on Tiers 6 through Teir 10, lets get started!


This is a nice review and all but you really listened to me talking about the T67 for an hour and then didn't even mention it as a footnote huh


Well Well Well the results are in... AND ITS A TIE!!!!

jkjk I voted so I could peek at the results early I'll be doing Tank lines first! Now the way i'll do these is little imos and rec loadouts (if i actually enjoyed them enough) of the lines from T6 - T10 so like i'll talk about the American TD line(s) on day then russian meds the next.

See you tomorrow

oh yeah and i will NOT talk about arty. only note worty ones are like the T10 and certain T6s -_-


Just hand the mic over to me, I will GLADLY talk about arty~


Hello Friends!

Its been a uh... awhile since I've posted anything huh? haha...



But worry not mien friends for I have things planned!! Like tank line reviews, my feelings on certain tanks such as reward/clan tanks and memery!

Hopefully some of you are still alive to enjoy this little blog in my attempt to revive it.


I thought I was the only one left...

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