
your 21+ year old boyfriend might treat you special and nice but

  1. there’s a reason why they can’t get girls their age
  2. they’re attracted to your naivety
  3. they’re attracted to children
  4. you might be mature, but they’re immature
  5. they can use your lack of experience to leave false impressions of what’s okay that will last you a lifetime

as a girl who went through this too many times while underage i’m just saying… something is wrong… please be safe

responses this post taught me a few things

  1. some of you can’t read or don’t understand the word ‘underage’
  2. some of you think i care about your 20 & 21 year old legal adult partnership (surprise: i do not)
  3. some of you think it’s okay to defend actual pedophilia with ‘love is love’ - pedophilia is not love! pedophilia is pedophilia

Why I was never truly alone:

Let me tell you a story about a very important dog. 

When I was seven, my dad decided to get a miniature pinscher. He was meant to be the family dog but I fell in love and he became my responsibility. His name is Mac. I helped house train him, I taught him to walk on a leash, and I took him everywhere I went, even when my parents divorced and we went back and forth weekly.

When we (my siblings and I) were taken from home and became wards of the state due to the abuse, he stayed with my mom, who eventually gave him to my grandma who adopted us when both parents went to prison. Mac slept with me every night after that, curled up next to my chest. Only with him there did I feel safe. 

This is me and him shortly before we were adopted. (I am 12 in this picture so excuse the slight gawkiness)

He was there for me through everything: The abuse, my parents going to prison, some of the worst instances of my depression and cPTSD, the loss of my uncle, both instances of my grandpa’s cancer flairs, everything. He’s 13 now, he can’t see much or hear well and has diabetes, but he still follows me around, guards my door when there’s something he doesn’t like (like when the gardeners come by), sits on my book or computer to get my attention so he gets pet, and sleeps with me when I’m home. 


I know he won’t live forever, and I miss him when I’m away at university, but he’s doing well still. My brother has taken over as his main owner and he still plays with his toys and goes for walks, even if he runs into things sometimes. I love him, and he deserves so much. I don’t deserve him but I am so grateful that he is a part of my life. I never was truly alone.


the 7 y/o boy who lives next door doesn’t want to go in the house to bed and i just heard his dad use the old “you live under my roof, you live by my rules” and the kid just shouted back “im not under your roof im under the sky and thats god’s roof and he wants me to play out for longer!”

i can’t stop laughing.

update: now he’s scootering down the street singing ‘we didn’t start the fire’ while his dad chases him

chaotic neutral


i was re-watching the final agni-kai between zuko and azula and i noticed something

throughout the entire match, zuko and azula are throwing straightforward, linear attacks at one another

and they deflect with the same kind of movement

but then when zuko does his firespin breakdance thing, its in no way linear, its completely circular

up until that point, theyd been doing classical firebending movements, but this one isnt really seen in firebending. but it IS seen in airbending

point is, zuko was learning from aang at the same time aang was learning from zuko


i wonder if korra had always known she was bisexual or if she saw asami one day and thought lmao ok if i was straight at one point i’m not anymore

i have this headcanon that when she was younger and found out katara was married to her in her past life korra would get excited and be all “does that me you’re my wife?” and then if someone was rude to katara young korra would yell something like “don’t talk to my wife like that!” and just basically assume being with women was okay simply because she’s already been with them in past lives

Amazing beautiful 10/10


harry potter dropped out of school aged seventeen to actively fight against a fascist goverment no matter the personal cost to him and honestly, Big Mood


so today a public health official guy came into my class to give a lecture on disaster awareness and he was talking about house fires and mentioned that the reason people most likely die during a house fire is because they refuse to leave their pet inside or they go back to get their pet. and right when he said this my friend immediately turned his head and looked at me and in that moment I had the most complete and genuine acceptance take over my body. I would 100% in front of my family and Jesus himself walk straight back into some raging inferno that was once my house to go get my fat cat. I nodded back

the best part of this post is reading all the tags from animal people who would also go back to save their pets. like no hesitation. walk backwards from heaven straight back into hell. someone even said they would go back for their fish. amazing


“not all men” you’re right. thomas sanders would never do this

If you’re referring to sneaking a fry off your plate while you’re in the bathroom… I actually probably would, I’m not gonna lie. 


me, talking to a dog: you’re soft. are you even aware of your mortality? of course ur not. u pure, wholesome and sentient unselfish being. do u feel that? that’s my heart. i love you. look at those ears. here take my wallet

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