
tagged by: no one i am my own master

NAME: Dawn

AGE: 15


GENDER: Trans Female


PROFESSION: Pokemon Trainer / Champion


     ”Sounds like an eventful place ya got there,” says Hilda. Her voice is laden with sarcasm and she snorts, amused at her own joke. “I kid, I kid—seriously though, how’d ya survive in a place so lame? Next to the city, it’s gotta look like a flea circus!” 

     She doesn’t understand ‘small adventures’ like exploring the woods or fishing in a stream. Her life is set at a punch-kick-boom pace, and so anything less than extraordinary is just, well, ordinary.

     Steering herself and Dawn towards the ferris wheel, Hilda grins. But it falls off her face the moment she realizes what she had said must have sounded like. “Ah, fuck,” she’s saying now. “M’sorry, that wasn’t too nice a’me, huh? Yeah…” She leans down and places a quick kiss atop Dawn’s head. “My fault, my fault. I should really consider doin’ that ‘think befo’ ya speak’ thing more often, huh…?’”


     When they reach the fair grounds, Hilda whistles. “Woooo, boy—I done forgot how wild this place was!” The Gym-turned-roller-coaster is to their left, and a cotton candy stand is to their right. Laughter floats in bubbles through the air, and the smell of funnel cake is filling Hilda’s nose. 

     With a warm heart, Hilda snags a balloon off of a stand and flips the guy behind it a quarter. Then, she ties it to Dawn’s wrist and says, “I know you’ve already got yourself one a’these, but I think anybody could go for an amigo, right? Even if theys be a Pokemon!” 

     Happiness fizzles and pops in her gut, a sunshine soda. Once they’ve made it to the ferris wheel, Hilda hands the woman manning the entrance her fee and tips her hat. Then, after the wheel has ground to a squeak-tastic halt, she pulls open the door to car #14 and says, “Here ya are, princess; one spinnin’ ride, courtesy of yer friendly neighborhood Hilda!”

      Hilda's criticism did make Dawn frown a bit. She was used to the attitude people often had about Sinnoh — Hilda was right that it wasn't overly eventful, especially when compared to Unova's great cities. But it was Dawn's home, and she loved it there; she certainly wouldn't call it "lame." Still, Dawn's quick to lighten when Hilda quickly backtracks, especially when it earns her a kiss.

         "Don't worry about it," she said, smiling a little. "I'm used to people thinking it sounds like a bore — and maybe it is, sometimes. I think it would surprise you, though. There's more to it than you'd think. You've just got to go in with the right attitude." 

          As confident as Dawn sounds in this sentiment, as she thinks about it Dawn finds it a little hard to imagine Hilda in Sinnoh, even just to visit. Hilda looks so at home here in the city, sauntering easily through the crowded streets. She can't imagine her tromping her way through one of Sinnoh's icy landscapes — at least not willingly. Then again, there was a time when Dawn couldn't imagine herself in a big city, either, but here she is, side-by-side with a pretty girl in a crowded carnival of a town. 

          By the time they reach the ferris wheel, all of Dawn's wayward thoughts have dissolved away. She can hardly contain her excitement as they climb into the car, cheeks warming with blush at Hilda's teasing chivalry. "Gosh, you're sweet," she said, shooting her a half teasing smile. When the car rocks beneath her feet her grin widens, and in her thrill she finds just enough confidence to plop herself down beside Hilda rather than in the bench across from her, granting herself the feeling of Hilda's side pressed against her own. 


         Dawn isn't sure what it is about the wheel, exactly, that thrills her. It's not as if heights give her any special excitement anymore — the novelty sort of wears off once you've climbed Mt. Coronet, to say the least. Maybe it's the view it grants of the sprawling city below, or the gentle sway and swing of the car itself. Or... Hell, maybe it's just that Hilda's beside her. Either way, she's grinning so wide her cheeks hurt as she peers out of the car.

         "This is amazing! Everyone looks so small down there." Dawn bites back a laugh at her own silly words, shaking her head before turning her attention back to Hilda again. Realizing how close she is flusters Dawn a little, admittedly, but -- well, it's not a bad feeling, the fluttering in her belly almost pleasant considering the source. "I always wanted to go on one of these when I was little -- sometimes they'd be on television. But the only ones in Sinnoh were in those traveling carnivals, you know, and even if those came around near Twinleaf Town my mom thought they weren't safe. And... heck, they probably weren't! And they definitely aren't as big as this one. But that's what they say, right? Everything's larger than life in Unova." 


"Kind of sounds like Garnet when she was a Riolu. Although, she was never as much of a troublemaker as Berry. But then again, I guess that points to how young both of them were when I got them." He’s known Garnet since she hatched, and he knew that Berry was only a few months older than she was. Maybe that was why?


"Hmm... Yeah, you hatched your Rilou too, didn't you? I feel like the pokémon you get when they're still really young are more likely to be like that, Maybe because they see us more as guardians than partners?" She chuckled. "Though... what does that say about us as parents?"

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