
boo bear

@captjazz / captjazz.tumblr.com

28f. this blog is a mess. mostly captain america & shitting on capitalism, sometimes nsfw.

Not every story is about seeing yourself in it. Sometimes it’s about learning to see other people too.


i hate when family comes over and theyre like how’s the job going. how’s the education going. and i’m just like don’t talk to me unless it’s about the Show i just watched


me being mutuals with someone but not talking to them is the same as a cat existing in the same room as a person and considers it socializing. me liking and reblogging posts is like the cat purring


Some of my followers have expressed confusion as to the dead dove situation! That is okay.

There is a show called Arrested Development. There is one specific scene where a character finds a bag in the fridge. The bag is labeled “DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!” The character looks inside the bag. It is a dead dove. The character looks up and says, “I don’t know what I expected.”

The bag warned specifically what was inside it. The character looked anyway and found what the bag warned about. It was not the bag’s fault he looked, nor the fault of the person who labeled the bag, because, hey, they warned anyone who looked at it there is a dead dove in this bag. It is entirely the fault of the character who looked, and he admits that by saying he didn’t know what he expected other than what he was warned for.

This warning phrase has become a tag for authors, mostly because people are looking at the warnings, reading the fic, and then complaining about things they were warned about beforehand. It is the authors saying, “You read the tags and looked anyway. That is on you, not on me, because I warned you. You made the choice to open the fic and read it. You made the choice to open the bag.”

I’ve found that when I find this tag on a fic, it’s because it deals with some pretty heavy stuff, so I like it as a reminder to check the tags carefully and read any notes the author may have before I decide to dive into a fic. In the end, what you consume is your choice, and if you read something you don’t like despite the author’s warnings (like I did yesterday), that’s on you. I should have closed the window when I realized what was happening and I didn’t, and that’s on me.


idk if this is a phenomenon that has a name yet but like. scheduling doctor's appointments when you work a 9-5 job is really fucking hard when said doctors' offices are also open 9-5 and closed any time i could actually make it without needing to take PTO. im lucky bc my boss doesn't care if i duck out for under an hour for medical stuff but he very easily could force me to submit PTO for all of it. staying healthy in this country is such a hellscape on so many levels

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