
The Laʃt White Roʃe

@the-earl-in-the-tower / the-earl-in-the-tower.tumblr.com

Edward Plantagenet, 17th Earl of Warwick, the third Prince in the Tower. (1475-99)
It all seemed to happen too fast. His lips were upon hers before she could realise what was happening. Her heart pounded inside her chest but she could tell it was for a good reason. It felt as if she was dreaming.
As he leaned back again, Danie’s lips almost pouted in disappointment that it was over. Shaking her head slightly in response, she smiled widely, clearly showing her joy at the gesture. “Teddy, there is no need to apologise for that, not ever.” Her hand gently reached to caress his cheek before she repeated the gesture herself, gently kissing his lips.

His face was so close to hers that all he saw was her broad smile. He could feel her breath on his cheek, and wondered whether it signified mirth or relief. He was equally confused about his own emotions: glad was he that his old anxieties had gone away and all was apparently resolved, yet his heart was still thumping, and he felt a nervous chuckle bubbling up in his chest.

“Not ever...” he mumbled. His eyes drifted shut as she kissed him again. That nervous chuckle chose this moment to manifest itself, and he hummed cheerfully against her lips.

He had no idea what to do next. They had spent the first two years of their marriage living, essentially, as brother and sister, and anything else was down a path untrod. And it probably wasn’t a path they were planning to walk all the way down so early in the morning.

“So,” he said, when they parted again, “it’s decided, then?”

Anne felt her heart swollen with pride. How handsome he was! The little lord she would take care of as she would for her own son. The Neville couldn’t resist to the urge of softly grazing his cheek with her fingertips. Anne would have given anything to have been there for him when he would have needed her the most, and now she had sworn herself that she would NEVER fail her duty to him again.
❝ Safe from everything.  I know that you… traveled a lot lately. However now I can assure you that you are home. ❞
Her voice was soft as her gaze lingered on her nephew. He was so alike George and Isabel! Anne found it very unfair that she had spent so much time with the both of them while Edward would have so little memories of his parents.
❝ You do not have to call me lady, not you. I am your aunt, and you can refer to me as such. Or simply by my name if you prefer. ❞ The only thing she wanted was to make him feel comfortable& wanted. ❝ I have a son, his name is also Edward. You are only two years apart, and I sincerely hope you might become friend with him. ❞

Home. The little boy had travelled everywhere now from Thomas Grey’s marquisate in the south-west to the Neville heartland of the north-east; he had crossed the length and span of the country, but only now had someone explicitly told him that he was home. And yet the significance of the word would have passed him by had it not been for the sincerity with which his aunt said it. It was a gentle, hushed word, yet one with all the warmth and fullness of a mother’s embrace, or a cup of sweet posset. Oh yes, he could definitely get used to calling this place home.

Lips split into another grin as her hand brushed his cheek. He would have drawn away as though ticklish, were she not fixing him to the spot with her gaze. Edward watched her as her eyes scanned his face, feeling as though he truly were a marvel that God Himself had fashioned from clay.

He nodded, trying his best not to appear confused. “Yes, lady aunt.” A good if muddled compromise, he thought: she would be both his lady and his aunt for now.

The reminder that he had a cousin was enough to quell any embarrassment he had about his aunt’s title, however, for his little head was soon bubbling with a whole stream of questions. It was a test of wills not to pour them all out at once! But he could not keep his excitement contained completely, for his tendency to bounce on the balls of his feet betrayed him.

“Yes, oh, yes, I will! We shall be the best of friends!” There was pride mixed with his elation, for what better friend could the other Edward have than cousin Warwick? “Do we look alike?” And then the most important question for a growing boy: “Am I taller than him?”

Was she actually hearing him right? Danielle couldn’t quite believe her ears and was trying to figure out what was going on. That was until she felt his lips tenderly on her cheek, which immediately brought her back into the room and to the situation at hand. With cheeks flushing brightly, a genuine smile filled her lips. It made her heart skip a beat for a moment. This was the closest they had ever been.
That was it, they had made the decision and with glee, Danielle gladly squeezed her husband’s hand to reassure him that he’d done the right thing. When they had first met, she had been scared to be touched but now, this marriage had helped heal her in some way. Perhaps whilst they were being honest, there was something else that needed to be said. “And I want to see you happy too, Teddy, because…. I… I… I love you.” She too placed a kiss on his cheek.

The touch of her lips upon his cheek was enough to turn his shy smile into the broadest of grins. On impulse, his hand released hers and moved to rest upon the line of her jaw before he leaned in to kiss her on the lips...

But within the space of a heartbeat he had pulled back and retracted his hand, as though he had done the wrong thing completely. “Sorry,” he spluttered. His grin faltered, though no amount of apologising could completely wipe the smile from his face. “I should have said...” He cleared his throat. “I mean, I meant to say first... that I love you too.”

             “I  didnt  say  small,  I  said  ‘little’,”  technically  the  same  thing  but  she  likes   to  be  picky  about  these  things  sometimes.  She  scoffed  at  him  flapping  his  arms,  muffling  her  giggles  behind  pursed  lips                        he  reminded  her  of  a  bird  the  way  his  arms  moved,  as  if  he  would  take  flight  at  any  moment.“They  flee  far  from  me,  cousin.  I  am  a  Princess  and  the  daughter  of  a KING,  of  course  they  would  flee  quickly!

Her first reply drew no response from Edward save a nonchalant sniff and roll of the eyes. It was the kind of thing he could not do in front of his pedantic tutors, but that lent him a self-perceived air of superiority when in the presence of his pedantic cousin.

“But I am the son of a duke,” he replied with the same self-confidence. Now clearly ‘twas greater to be a king than a duke, but ‘twas also greater to be a son than a daughter. And so Edward won. Obviously. 

“I do not flee from princesses.” A goose-feather pen was lifted from the desk and raised like a sword, aimed below Mary’s chin. It was, mayhap, too flimsy to run her through, but it might still prove a threat to one who was ticklish! “Princesses flee from me.”

Richard would like to say something to those words, but in the end it was Teddy’s choice if he believed him or not, whether he was speaking about the rats or his origins. Richard was the son of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville, but if Teddy didn’t want to believe that he was his cousin, he was not going to force him. However, he was free to speak about his memories. He was not there to argue with Teddy upon his origins.  Teddy was eight when he and Edward were thrown in the tower by uncle Richard. He still had something in his memory regarding him and Edward and he would remember. A pretender wouldn’t have so many memories. “Rats run away from disease.” Richard explained to Teddy.
“You saw them? They are nice.” Richard told Edward. “So they still have monkeys. Sounds good enough. They are some distraction. And you, you always drew nice things. I liked it when you drew father’s sword” 

It was perhaps for the best that Edward missed the double-meaning in the pretender’s words. He had, indeed, drawn the old king’s sword, hoping in vain that straight lines and sharp edges would be easier to sketch than a horse or one of the household pages. Yet he had never drawn a sword from its sheath to claim his heritage, never had the opportunity to campaign for what was rightfully his.

But was it rightfully his? Some would say the crown that so many men had tried to place upon his head really belonged to the man downstairs.

He was not sure he minded terribly. Kingship, as he remembered from his childhood in the company of his two uncles, meant mornings taken up with paperwork - a sealed letter patent to this lord, a closed warrant to a household knight somewhere else... 

“Yes...” His reply was uncertain, his brows furrowed. “Drawing the sword was fun.” The earl grinned happily at the memory, but the smile never quite reached his eyes, for he was not sure whether this was really his memory or not. Had he really sketched the old king’s sword as a boy? Or was he making it up in his head, prompted by a clever pretender?

“I wish I could see you properly,” he eventually said with more cheer in his voice, shifting his body where he still lay on the floor to see if he could get a better look through the hole. “Then I could draw you! And I could see if you really look like m-me.”


28th November 1499 - Edward Plantagenet, Earl of Warwick, is executed, aged 24.

Edward, the only surviving son of George, Duke of Clarence, was the last remaining male heir of the House of York (in the male line). He had been imprisoned in the Tower of London since 1485 (aged 10) and despite being the figurehead of two rebellions, impersonated by the pretenders Simnel and Wilford, it was only after he unwittingly aided Perkin Warbeck and his fellow conspirators in an attempt to escape the Tower and claim the crown that Henry VII finally got rid of him.

Between 2 and 3pm, he was escorted from the Tower by two guards up to Tower Hill, where he was beheaded. The King paid for his burial among his ancestors at Bisham Abbey, Berkshire, rather than presenting him as a traitor on London Bridge.

At the time, it was not uncommonly believed that Henry VII had framed Warwick and executed him at the instigation of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, so that their daughter, Catherine of Aragon, could come to England without fear of further rebellions. There is no primary evidence to support such a conspiracy.

The Tudor historian Polydore Vergil wrote that ‘the entire population mourned the handsome youth’s death’, while others believed that by making sure that ‘not a drop of doubtful royal blood’ remained, Henry Tudor had brought a curse upon his own family.

Warwick is commemorated on a plaque on the scaffold site at the Tower Hill memorial.

'Sir, this present day was new baresses made in Westminster hall, and thither was brought the Earl of Warwick, and arrened afore the Earl of Oxford, being the King's grace commissioner, and afore other Lords, (because he is a peer of the realm) whose names followeth: the Duke of Buckingham, the Earl of Northumberland, the Earl of Kent, the Earl of Surrey, the Earl of Essex, the lord Bergavenny, lord Deyngham, lord Brooke, lord of St. Johns, lord Latimer, lord Delaware, lord Mountjoe, lord Daubeney, lord Hastings, lord Barons, lord Zouche, lord St. Amand, lord Willoughby, lord Grey of Wilton, and lord Dacre. And the Earl of Warwick confessed the indictments that were laid to his charge, and like Judgement was given of him. as is afore rehearsed. When these persons shall be put in execution I intend to show to your mastership right shortly.

An extract from a letter from John Pulman to Sir Robert Plumpton,which relays news about the recent trials of Perkin Warbeck and the Earl of Warwick, written on the 21st Nov 1499. (Warbeck had been tried the day before.)

Now it was obvious that she had somewhat rehearsed this in her mind since she had realised what was missing in their lives. A slight flush came to her cheeks. “Ah… well…” She paused trying to say the right words that wouldn’t make him feel uncomfortable. “I have only thought about this since the boys showed up.”
There was a silence. Neither of them liked talking of such a subject, as the first few years of their marriage had proved. A love had existed and grown more obvious between them, but still children had remained absent from their lives. It seemed like now was perhaps the right time for such a conversation. Still holding his hand, Danielle guided her husband to sit beside her on the edge of the bed. “Teddy… I know we have rarely talk about this but do you think the Abbey boys being here has… well…. erm…” She sighed as she tried to get words out but her hand squeezed his tightly. “Well, made the idea of children, our own children, a possibility?”
She wasn’t sure if they were the right words or if they were clear enough to suggest that her mind had now been changed on the matter. Still, all she could do was wait patiently for her husband’s response, hoping that he would agree.

He followed her lead without hesitation, finding surety in her grip as she squeezed his hand. 

“You... you looked so happy with them,” he murmured, “... with the boys. Motherhood would suit you, I think.” He made an effort to look up into her eyes, but shyness made them drop back to their hands, and he entwined his fingers more tightly with hers. “I would love to see you that happy again, Danie.” 

He looked up again, offered her a nervous smile, and slowly leaned forwards to plant a soft kiss to her cheek. It was simple, childlike, as though he were a young novice in a priory. Or Greyfriars Abbey, he thinks, where the boys came from. Yet what might have passed for a chaste kiss of peace brought him little peace of mind; whether through nerves or something else he could not describe, he could feel his heart thumping.

He leaned back and flashed that nervous smile again, his cheeks reddening. He felt embarrassed, as though it were presumptuous of him to kiss his own wife. His chin was pressed to his chest as he looked down at his hands, but he cast his eyes upwards to gauge her reaction as he added, “And I think it would make me happy too.”

Sir, as for tidings, here is but few. The King and the Queen lies at Greenwich; the Lord Percy is at Winchester: the earl of Oxford is in Essex: the earl of Derby and his son be with the King. Also here is but little speech of the earl of Warwick now, but after Christmas, they say there will be more speech of. Also there be many enemies on the sea and divers ships take, and there be many take of the king's house for thieves. Other tidings I know none. Also they begin to die in London; there is but few parishes free: at summer they die faster.

A news update from a letter to Sir Robert Plumpton, written by Thomas Betanson, 29th Nov 1486. The Earl of Warwick was lodged in the Tower of London by this point.


Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury  

ROYAL CONNECTIONS: Born Margaret Plantagenet daughter of George, Duke of Clarence (brother to Edward IV, King of England) and Isabelle Neville (who was the elder daughter of Richard Neville, Duke of Warwick). Lived in the court of her uncle Richard III, King of England who was her father’s brother and his wife Anne Neville, Queen of England who was her mother’s sister (who suceeded her Uncle Edward IV and his wife Elizabeth Woodville as King and Queen of England). Trusted friend of  her cousin Elizabeth of York, Queen of England. Married to Richard Pole trusted friend of Henry VII, King of England who defeated her Uncle on the battlefield. Lived in Ludlow with Arthur, Prince of Wales (son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York) and his wife Katherine, Princess of Aragon and Castile. Lady in Waiting to Katherine of Aragon, Queen of England now wife of Arthur’s brother Henry VIII, King of England who succeeded his father. Governess of Mary Tudor, future Mary I of England (daughter of Henry VIII, King of England and Katherine of Aragon, Queen of England). Mother to Reginald Pole, Archbishop of Canterbury a figure of importance in Mary I’s court. 
“My dear boy,” Isabel beamed as she noticed her son out of the corner of her eye. She set her current stiching project to the side as she glanced at her son. He was so handsome like her father and especially her husband. He brought her so much pride and joy, just as his sister Margaret. “Come here,” she motioned for him to come over to her. 


Edward had not expected his mother to see him as he passed the door. He had very much hoped that she would be so engrossed in her needlework (alas, a craft for which young lads like him had no natural appreciation) so that he could scurry down the hall and outside to the castle moat. He had hoped to spot the friendly shoal of fish that tended to swim around by the drawbridge. It did not matter to him that he was supposed to be practicing his letters...

He smiled his most innocent smile, turning back towards the doorway to face his mother, one shoe scuffing the ground in a way that he hoped didn’t make him look too guilty...

However, for all of his deception, his smile was indeed genuine. How could it not be, when his mother seemed so very happy to see him? Her mirth quickly rubbed off on him, and he was glad to obey when she beckoned him over, shuffling forwards like a little puppet boy on a string.

“What is it, Mama?”

                      sweet boy! oh, how you have grown!!
a soft smile was dancing on anne’s lips as she gently placed a hand on edward’s shoulder. he looked so much like isabel that it was breaking & healing the king maker’s daughter at the same time. her dear sister was dead. gone and anne would have done anything to see her again. but she couldn’t. however what she could do was taking care of her child.
        you will be safe with me. always. I promise you that.  
anne wouldn’t let him ( or his sister margaret ) down. they were her family. they were her sister’s children & they did not deserve to grow up without the love that a parent could give. and as her sister and brother-in-law were gone, anne would give him that affection. // @the-earl-in-the-tower  ♡ for a starter.

He smiled back, a broad, toothy smile that betrayed the fullness of his pride. Everyone seemed to be commenting on his height at the moment, admiring what a tall, strong and handsome young lord he was turning out to be. To confirm her statement, he sprung up onto his tiptoes to make himself even taller, teetering from side to side as he tried to find his balance.

Mayhap he had just reached that age when boys grew fastest. It did not occur to him that maybe the reason his height took everyone by surprise - his aunt included - was because he had spent so long flitting from place to place, never staying in one household long enough for people to watch him grow up. In any case, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester had spent so much time on their Yorkshire estates that little Edward would have seen very little of them anyway, even if he had spent his whole childhood at court. No wonder she thought he had grown.

“Safe from what, Lady Anne?” he asked, brows knotting his face into a quizzical expression.

True, he had spent little time with Anne Neville so far. He did not know her as well as he ought - not yet, at least. Given that his mother had died when he was only a babe, he could not even tell whether the two sisters looked alike, or whether, when he looked into Anne’s eyes, he also looked into Isabel’s. Yet there was a familiarity there. Despite his confusion, he still had the uncanny sense that he was indeed safe with her, as though by simply being his aunt she had the power to dispel any nasty threats that came his way. It was a good feeling, he decided.

Anonymous asked:

How do you think Edward would have felt if his parents had had been able to have more children after him?

{{ What an interesting question!

I suppose it depends on whether they were brothers or sisters. Having another sister probably wouldn’t have changed anything, since Edward still would have ended up in the Tower of London and the sister probably would have been married off. There’s nothing to suggest that Margaret Pole had any dealings with her brother when he was imprisoned (not that this would necessarily have been recorded - contemporary comments about Warwick are sparse as it is), so we can assume it would have been the same if he had other sisters.

Brothers probably would have had a greater impact on Edward’s life because they would have been in the same position as him - i.e. a legitimate grandson of Richard of York in the male line who needed to be dealt with to secure the Tudor regime. Whether Henry VII would have kept two boys in the Tower is up for debate, since it would have been dangerously reminiscent of the fate of the two princes in 1483; he might have chosen to keep them separately. But if Edward had had a brother and they were together from 1485 onwards, it might have had a big impact. No doubt he would have been glad of the company. (The comments Edward was supposed to have made to his co-conspirators in 1499 imply he just wanted friends.) Having a brother with him may well have made him happier, and prevented Edward’s (presumed) mental decline from years in isolation.

It’s also possible that any brother would have been closer to Edward than Margaret was (or any other sister would be), assuming that they grew up together. Edward spent several years as Thomas Grey’s ward and so presumably lived in his household, so a brother might have joined him there, whereas Margaret (as far as I know) didn’t. Thomas Grey had children of his own at this point, so Edward wouldn’t have been lonely, but having a brother would have given him a playmate who actually stayed with him through all the upheaval of their father’s death, their move to court, their move to Grey’s household, etc.

In short, having younger siblings wouldn’t have changed his prospects all that much, but if circumstances allowed them to stay together, I reckon he might have grown close to them and appreciated their company through everything they faced. }}

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