
Muddy Rainstones are the best to Find

@muddyrainstone / muddyrainstone.tumblr.com

Hello. My friends call me Webs, and I'm normally reserved and quiet, but I'm pretty friendly. This is mainly just for reblogging stuff I like--you'll see a lot of Fantasy or Video Game stuff (mainly KH, Pokemon, Disney or all sorts of stuff), and some funny stuff in the middle. I also use this to talk to others. Just to note--I don't really ever post or reblog anything controversial or speak any personal opinions often --I do not like arguments period and I avoid conflict as much as possible (as I hate it), so you'll mainly see positive, funny, thoughtful, or heartwarming stuff, or just stuff to use for reference, or just things I found neat/nice. if I do post anything on my opinions on something, it'll be tagged as personal. I like to draw, and I like to write, mainly for funsies, and I don't mind RP, but I feel more comfortable RPing with people I know/friends. Most of my art/writing is found on dA, though, not on Tumblr. I'll probably post random thoughts/ideas and just interesting stories too, when I feel the need.to share it. Most of it will probably be In-joke stuff between me and my friends, so I apologize in advance if you get confused by something. Aluna and the SilverIce is a PMD-themed RP/ask blog, if you were curious. dA: http://webghost.deviantart.com/ Nice meeting you all in advance. :)

“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”

not even risking that shit

scrolled past this, re-evaluated my life, then SCROOOLLLED back up and hit the damn reblog button. 

  1. She ain’t no games in real life so I take her serious all the time
  2. Anyone with a name that starts with a “Z”, ends with an “i”, and isn’t some kind of Italian pasta, IS SERIOUS
  3. I’m not climbing no mountain with a pig on my back, 🙅🏽🙅🏾🙅🏿 Negative.

Nope. I know better, have your reblog Madame Zeroni.


who the fuck is Madame Zeroni

Look at these stupid children who don’t know who Madame Zeroni is


Man lissen if you don’t know you better ask somebody AFTER you hit the reblog button

Idk who she is but I have an exam today so I’ll reblog her

idk who she is but i have an exam today so i’ll reblog her

^Haiku^bot^0.4. Sometimes I do stupid things (but I have improved with syllables!). Beep-boop!


Because wise, I am.

Oh fucks no she’s back lmao must reblog. I’m sorry guys


2 million people aren’t wrong

Sorry guys but she’s back and I’m not risking it

I’m reblogging only because fuck you I love Madame Zeroni

NEVER play with this one, always reblog

Reblog I guess


today is march 16th which is the start of homura’s month and a half timeloop. on april 30th when she fails to defeat walpurgisnacht and save madoka she will return to this day to start over.


This is the lucky clover cat. reblog this in 30 seconds & he will bring u good luck and fortune.



I’m convinced bc I reblogged this on Friday, got hired at a job I had a million interviews for, went on a first date that went well, and got kissed a billion times so like hell ya to the luck cat


Praying that $1500 randomly comes to you when you need it the most this year.

Rebloging because, no shit, I just recieved a scholarship for $1500…

Ayyyyyy I’m here for it

Please, so I can have money for the doctor and kinesiology

I hope you get more than that.

that $1,500 would help my situation immensely right now.

Wouldn't mind this happening, would fix my account issue nicely.


Care to Lend a Helping Hand? (Emergency Donation/Commission Post)

Hello there!

Kind of reposting information from my dA Journal on this, thus I’ll give the same TL;DR for this whole thing: this is a donation journal to help make ends meet due to an upcoming bill and other priorities as well as stretch goals below what’s prioritized. I suggest reading down lower in the journal to get the full gist, but if you don’t want to read it fully, it’d be greatly appreciated for you to spread the word in case others might want to help out. Thank you!

So, Money has been a little tight in my family lately, due to a lot of circumstances that would be too long to explain properly, but in short–I’m kind of coming up short on cash at an inopportune time, as I have a bill I need to have paid by June 30th this year, one that raised the total amount due recently. I did get a job, but since I’m still new at it and it’ll take me a while to work up to a good amount due to how the job works, and it’s kind of hard for me to find a second one that as easily accessible as the one I have now, due to different reasons:

  • I live in an area where it is a two hour walk back and forth from the nearest Gas Station and Hours more from a Grocery Store. I cannot drive and currently, I have no money to afford a Cab, so for the most part, I have to walk, in the summer heat and humidity of Florida. It takes me a total of four hours just to walk to the gas station, then back home. And while I have sent an application back to many places including said Gas Station, I have not received any response back in over two months. My current job, at the very least, has the accessibility for me to work at home.
  • My Family is out of Town. Since we’re really having issues paying off the house we all live in at the moment, my father is looking for a job and currently trying to apply to a position in California that pays really well. As such, to attend the interview, both of my parents have went out of town, leaving me in charge of the dogs and with visiting relatives that also cannot drive, thus limiting my range of mobility in terms of job searching for a while, at least for places that are reasonably acceptable and easy to reach.

So what do I need help with and need money for?

Well, let me list off the necessities that are my top priorities:

  • For the Bill that’s due on June 30th: currently, I’m trying to still work out an issue with the charge due, but depending on how I work it out, I need to have $60 to 120$ USD in my account in order to pay the charge that will be taken out of my account in order to pay said bill. They raised the price from normal means, and with Certain Billing issues, that is the range I’m looking at.
  • Monthly Bank Fee: my Bank account tends to charge $6.00 USD for holding any amount of money that is below $100 a month, normally around the 20th each month for me. This can get really annoying especially when money is tight, but the only way the fee stops is if I have at least $100 saved up in it (it may also not withdraw a fee if stay above at least $50, but I’m certain the requirements to not have the fee is at least 100)
  • Internet Bill: this apparently counts as my rent fee, as constituted by my parents–last time I had to cover this bill, it was $105 USD, and it’s part of why I began running into money issues because they sprung this on me with no real forwarning.
  • Groceries: because I like to at least pay for my own food and necessities as well as pitch a hand in any grocery shopping. The grocery bill usually ranges to a total of $50 and higher. This does include necessities like personal hygiene items that I need to restock on.

And here, if anyone cares to help with these too, are personal stretch goals I’d like to meet, but don’t have top priority:

  • Kingdom Hearts III: everyone who knows me, knows I’m looking forward to this game. In fact, it’s on my Bucket List to play it. It’s also coming out soon this year. Once bills and things are out out the way, it’ll be my second priority next to Grocery Money. Currently, the price range i’m looking at just for the regular edition is $50-60 USD. The price for a Limited Edition may be higher, but I am going to aim for just the regular version to order/buy.
  • A Ticket to Incredibles 2: I’d like to catch this movie on my own soon. That, however, comes with a fair amount of fees overall: $11.33-$12.00 for the ticket, $17.00-$20.00 for a cab to the movie theatre and back (meaning I’m charged two times, pay once i’m there and pay once i’m home), and $22.00 dollars for conessions (popcorn, a drink and a box/bag of candy)
  • For things that catch my fancy: I’ll normally stockpile whatever is left for more important things, but sometimes I won’t mind picking something up if I can afford it–usually CDs, books, sweets and other things.

So, now you know the list, you want to help out, the question is how? Well, you can help me out via these methods:

  • Buy me Drinks: I have a Kofi account that I use to gain extra money, and even offer special rewards and certain exclusives for certain amounts and goals met (and amount of drinks bought). If you choose to give money this way, I can not only provide rewards, but can also work on things I love to do alongside with my current job comfortably and still pool in a steady income!
  • Paypal.me: if donating/paying through coffee isn’t your thing, you can pay me through paypal. I recommend utilizing this if you’re willing to just donate and help out, as well as for the best option in regards to the next two options below.
  • Commissions: now, I know I’m not popular enough to warrant any real payment for my commission work, and I haven’t done much with the category since early 2012, but these are always open for me to do, just note me about inquiries and we can talk about it and settle on things.
  • Possible Item Sale: now, I’ve always ran into something when it came to ordering items in the past–sometimes I’d end up with duplicates I did not order for. I’m willing to put some of these items on sale, though I’d have to admit, shipping and packaging cost will come extra with the price, otherwise I’d have to pay out of my own pocket just to get it to you.
  • Spread the word: if you can’t help by paying at all, the least you could do is spread the word about this situation through any means you can.

Now, I’m not sure anyone would want to help me out, and all i’d like to do is cover the bill and stay out of the red by not being left with just seven dollars in my account,  but if I could at least make 15 to 20 dollars each week, I can have the bill paid and get through it by the skin of my teeth, as well as continue on what I like to do alongside with the work required in my job. If people could at least contribute

3 to 5 dollars a day, that’ll help loads! Even if it’s one dollar, It’ll all help. I thank you greatly for your help in advance.

(6/8/18): still doing updates on this! Please help out if you can!

(6/14/18): if I have at least $23.54 in my account, I should have enough to cover the bill, though it will leave my account empty. To make it to the second priority goal to prevent that, I need to make $103.54. Thank you for your donations so far, please still share this, I think we can make it together still!

““I do consider Kingdom Hearts to be Sora’s story. But if I go into any more details, I think I’ll be spoiling the game for everyone, so I just want to leave it at that,” Nomura said. Going off of the surprising reveal that Aqua has seemingly fallen prey to the darkness, Nomura emphasized Kingdom Hearts 3 will deliver some shocking scenes. “There are going to be a lot of shocking scenes, especially toward the end of the game,” he said. “So I think you would definitely need to brace yourselves for them.” One thing fans may hope Kingdom Hearts 3 can deliver on is offering a satisfying wrap-up to the friendships that began the franchise — the trio of Sora, Riku, and Kairi. All will obviously feature in the game, Nomura hopes its depiction of their bonds can offer a realistic sense of how friendships evolve and change over time. “{Kingdom Hearts is] not too realistic, but I do want my players to grasp a sense of reality from it as well,” Nomura said. “For example, I’m sure you had friends when you were young, a good group of friends, but as you grow older things change and it doesn’t always stay the same. I think all I can say is please play to the very end and see what happens. But I think [Kingdom Hearts 3] does depict how each character feels about each other in this new storyline.””

Tetsuya Nomura


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