
the reason why hayden, ewan, and natalie still look so #fresh and young is because they have been granted eternal youth by sipping on those prequel hater tears, keep on hating it fuels their ethereal beauty

me upon seeing shiny materialistic object: how pretty! i will buy it right away
my wallet, screaming and beating me with a stick: no!! you! will! not!! you filthy goblin

who wants to go with me to a state park and sunbathe topless (toplessness regardless of gender is legal on state park land in Ohio) and feel fucking empowered and shit?


Don’t self perpetuate the narrative our abusers have given us. The one that says, “You’re hard, if not impossible, to love.”

(It often sounds like “I’m so crazy! I’m sorry I’m so anxious! I know I’m an awful partner! I’m so selfish!”)

You’re not. Everyone is a mixed bag. You just got a shitty person who spewed their own garbage onto you. That’s gonna take time to clean up, but you didn’t make the mess. You didn’t get to choose to have the mess inside you.

Don’t tell yourself or the people who love you that you are hard to love. Don’t let that feeling sit inside you. Push that idea out of your life. It isn’t true. It isn’t true. It isn’t true.

You are no harder to love than ANYONE.

Do not apologize for what has happened TO you.


Okay, but it's not just about getting paid to prance around in a princess costume

Let me tell you a story.  Once at a party, I had all the little girls sitting around me and I was asking them about their favorite parts of all the princess movies.  The birthday girl was sitting next to me, and tells me, “Princess, your skin is the same color as mine.”  I smile and agree, and try to move the game along, but she interrupts and says, “Your skin is brown and you’re a princess.  It’s the same color as mine, but you’re a princess.”

“Well, if my skin is brown and your skin is brown, and I’m a princess, then you must be a princess too.” I tell her.  And then I spent the next 10 minutes assuring all the black girls at the party that yes, they have lovely skin and yes, they can be princesses with me.

This happens at most of the parties I go to.  I have had my arm stroked, my hair patted, my skin color commented on more times than I can remember. I am not simply hired out to entertain a bunch of cute little girls dressed in poofy skirts who want to play with a big girl in a poofier skirt.  I am hired out because I am an affirmation. For these little black girls (and boys!  I’ve dazzled a few of them too) Princess Tiana is proof that for once, they can be special BECAUSE of the color of their skin, not IN SPITE OF.


Adding some of her pictures for emphasis.


Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life

“Oh wow my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this,”

“my will to live! i haven’t seen this in 15 years!”

“I knew I lost that potential somewhere!”


“Mental stability, my old friend!”

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