
@nyloa-blog / nyloa-blog.tumblr.com

TS4 Simblr ♥ Custom content and rare sightings of gameplay ~Semi Hiatus~

Justa little bit longer

Hi long time no see, I can’t go on my computer at the moment as I’m redecorating my room so furniture is a mess but I will be back soon because I’m done with college for the summer 😊 i also thought that I’d post a photo of the dress I made… but trying to insert a photo using html on mobile is not great so it might not even show up 😯


Nolan Sims here.

I fell in love with the shape of these leggings by @nyloa, and HAD to get my Trill Jean texture on them! With her permission (many thanks!), I have slightly edited the UV map around the cuff to suit my texture. These jeans include all of the colors and patterns of my original jeans, as well as 4 ripped swatches, as requested by @burritosims

Thank you so much for letting me edit your mesh! 

Trilled Jeans - Cuffed

  • 14 Solids, 6 Patterns & 4 Ripped
  • YA-Elder Female
  • Base Game Compatible
  • Edited Mesh Included - Original by @nyloa



Hi There! I was wondering if it would be ok to recolor your cuffed leggings? Thanks :)


Hi! Yes if course, I love your recolours ♡


honestly im excited nectar is coming back, my sims having dinner parties with juice isnt fitting lol


The Sims 4 Dine Out: Official Trailer

The new foods look brilliantly bizarre and it looks like there’s a few varieties of restaurants included in the pack - not just high-end! As always, new hairs and clothes are never a bad thing! No mention of new traits, but I’d like to see a Restaurateur aspiration for the Food category.

* __ *


ohhhh yes i will be getting this, reminds me of sims 2


so i kind of have an idea for a story-ish thing, mainly just ideas for scenes. its about aria (wow such suprise) and her life etc

Anonymous asked:

Hii I just noticed a small problem with one of your CC and I thought I'd let you know! It's not a big issue, but with your moonstruck heterochromia, when I put necklaces on my sims with them (this seems to mainly be with CC) the actual necklace will go over the image of the eye. For example, when I tried to put on a choker with a sun pendant, the image of the sun face was over the eye.

hi, yeah its because they use the necklace texture space, but it needs to go somewhere sorry


I love playing with other people’s sims and this time I’m using Mimi by @nyloa. She’s absolutely stunning and I’m already so in love with her!


ahhh, thankyou she looks great in your game :D

Anonymous asked:

Would you consider uploading the 12 non-default Hand outs + Punch ups eye colors for those of us who use the defaults but want to use the extras too?

you can have both packages at the same time, and if you want, delete the other swatches with sims4studio

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