
Neither can imagine life without the other

@mizugachi / mizugachi.tumblr.com

Mizu. 25. France. I am a part-time dentist-surgeon, part-time Jedi master born on Naboo, trained by Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Sometimes, I write.

Salty Ask List

  1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
  2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
  3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
  4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
  5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
  6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
  7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*
  8. Have you received anon hate? What about?*
  9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
  10. Most disliked arc? Why?
  11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
  12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
  13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
  14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
  15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
  16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
  17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
  18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
  19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
  20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
  21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
  22. Popular character you hate?
  23. Unpopular character you love?
  24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
  25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
  26. Most shippable character?
  27. Least shippable character?

*several of these questions are taken from a list that was not rebloggable


Kurtbastian Week 2020 - Day 2

Every logical line of thinking in Kurt’s head led from where he was standing, all the way out to the parking lot. It would be so easy to follow that path, to pay no mind to the boy who, for a little while, made his life hell. Not to mention the way he almost blinded Blaine.
Then he remembered Karofsky. Another boy who made his life hell for much, much longer - and yet, earned his forgiveness. If he hadn’t taken the time to hear David out when he decided to change his ways, he would have spent the rest of his days at McKinley in fear. Kurt wasn’t frightened of Sebastian in the same way, but he was tired of always waiting for the next fight.
With that in mind, Kurt took a deep, fortifying breath, and sat himself in the chair next to Sebastian’s. He had no idea what to do once he was there. Sebastian didn’t either; he tensed up instantaneously, harsh enough for Kurt to feel it.
[For KBWeek 2020 - Canon Compliant/Coffee Shop]


kurt and sebastian meet, and it’s hate on first sight. both of them are intent on having and keeping blaine, and when it’s clear kurt is the winner, they express their feelings the only way glee clubs know how - through song. it isn’t until they’re singing the ending strains of every breath you take and staring into each other’s eyes that they think, oh - they may have been eyeing the wrong target all this time.



downton abbey rewatch | season five, episode nine: a moorland holiday

what do you say we take a moment to think of sybil? we’re the three left on earth who loved her the most. and mama and papa. but we were the three who should have grown old with her. and who knows when we’ll be together again? darling sybil - wherever you are, we send you all our love and kisses, for the happiest of happy christmases. 

My Followers’ Top 10 Favorite Characters: #1 — Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)

They are children, Sansa thought. They are silly little girls, even Elinor. They’ve never seen a battle, they’ve never seen a man die, they know nothing. Their dreams were full of songs and stories, the way hers had been before Joffrey cut her fathers head off. Sansa pitied them. Sansa envied them.

I see a bunch of posts and comments on insta (I will never not hate insta gleeks) talking about how Sebla*ne should’ve been canon and Kurtbastian never would have worked, so here’s a bunch of reasons why Sebla*ne never would have worked and kurtbastian would’ve:
  1. Sebastian just wanted sex with Blaine, not a relationship.
  2. Blaine is really sensitive and Sebastian seems like the type of guy to not hold back insults, Blaine wouldn’t be able to handle it
  3. Kurt and Sebastian had great back-and-forths on the show and would easily be able to match each other in arguments and would be able to shake anything off
  4. Enemies to lovers >>>>> any way that Sebastian and Blaine could get together
  5. Blaine being insecure in S5,,, Sebastian definitely wouldn’t deal with that
  6. Blaine getting jealous and dramatic about Kurt talking to a guy, imagine how he would be about Sebastian with other guys
  7. Kurt takes things slow in relationships,,, Blaine proposes 2 seconds after getting back together
  8. Sebastian and Kurt would be equals in relationships
  9. ^^ also if Blaine got insecure about Kurt showing his sexuality (?) in tested, god imagine how he would be about Sebastian
  10. People say that Kurt isn’t attractive enough for Sebastian,,, but the toddler clown is ???
Idrk there’s probably more but it’s late so I’ll add on later feel free to add yourself
​: 11. They’re both “lead singers”. Sebastian knows how to share the spotlight, but Blaine insists on being the center of attention, and they’d break up the first time Sebastian called him on it or Blaine tried to whine his way into getting more focus.
12. This point has basically already been made, but I don’t believe Sebastian would put up with Blaine’s shit for one second unless he knew he was getting something out of it (like getting everybody else’s favourite Warbler to come back to Dalton, for instance.) He’s smart; you can tell by the way he talks that he knows people, and he’d see through Blaine’s “obliviously hopeless romantic” act in a heartbeat. Yes, Sebastian also does some pretty dodgy things when we first meet him in S3, but I think he knows exactly why what he’s doing is wrong - he just doesn’t care, because at that time he lacks the perspective that the people he screws with are just as human as him. (We probably all have our own theories on that.) Blaine, on the other hand, never really apologises for anything he does wrong, or at least not in a way that doesn’t shift some of the responsibility onto Kurt. We never see a shred of responsibility or culpability from him, it’s always Kurt who has to patch things up as if he’s in the wrong, whether there’s an element of truth to it or not. Kurt isn’t spineless, but he is incredibly forgiving. Sebastian wouldn’t tolerate him the same way.
13. The way Sebastian looks at Kurt? Hello???
Originally posted by churroscolfer
14. YES! They way that they stared at each other. Because Kurt looked at Sebastian kind of the same way. Even though it’s not the same way.
15. It has been said already but they really challenged each other. And they both are a sucker for challenges. They don’t back down from that and both want to win a challenge and go far and deep to achieve it
okay but can we talk about this handshake for a sec, please? I didn’t study psychology, but I do know a thing or two about handshakes. When Kurtbastian shook hands when they first met Kurt’s hand is on top of that of Sebastian’s. Kurt’s showing more dominance right now, that’s if your hand is on top. Sebastian’s at the bottom (pun kind of intented), but I think that’s also saying something. I don’t know if Kurt actually intented to turn his hand so his hand is on top or if Sebastian did it or it just kind of happened. But when I saw it after seeing it for the 2345th time it just occured to me and thought you should all know it, too
See!!! Like it’s clear from Sebastian’s blatantness with how he talks and acts that he’s comfortable in his sexuality and isn’t afraid to do it that hes dominant. But it’s subtleness like this until s5 that we see that Kurt can be dominant too!! Which is why Kurt and Sebastian are better matched as they would be equals in the relationship, whereas if either of them would be with Blaine the relationship would be difficult as Blaine is needy, and Sebastian and Kurt need someone who can support themselves and can be independent

YES! That’s exactly it! They are so much more equals than Klaine ever was. I mean I personally think Blaine needs to show that he’s the more dominant one of the two. He maybe wants to prove something, maybe to his parents, maybe to himself, maybe both. But that isn’t right to me; you’re supposed to be equal in a relationship. My mom’s bf once told me “society makes you believe your soulmate/lover should be your other half, better half, everything, but in reality your lover should just be something extra to your life. You have a life of your own and your lover is a part of that.” and honestly that made me realise a whole lot about my perspective of love, as well. I feel like Blaine believes in a total different/unhealthy version of love. Of course, this can be created by a lot; upbringing/your parents/your surroundings. But it isn’t healthy. Plus Blaine is really touchy and needy, which pushes Kurt’s limits a lot, imo. Which is toxic. And I’m not trying to say or excuse Blaine’s behavoir, but maybe he’s unaware. But that doesn’t make it right. He does these things so subtle that you/Kurt don’t/doesn’t know it at first, but it slowly creeps in and before you know it, you’re too far in. And that’s manipulation/toxic/gaslighting/you name it all.

Honestly I think that blaine sees love as a way to prove something. IE, his relationship with cooper had him always being shoved in the background. He (somewhat canonically) persued Kurt in Original Song because he was losing Kurt’s attention. He said he was going to propose to Kurt for gay rights or something (I struggle to remember but I know it wasn’t all because he loved Kurt). In tested he shows that he views love as a competition and that he has to win and can’t fall behind Kurt. It seems like Blaine doesn’t seem love as LOVE and neither he nor Kurt completely realises it. IMO he shows that he doesn’t truly love Kurt when he cheats on him, and again when he dates Karofsky. IDK?

I keep reblogging this post because everytime it comes up on my dash, there’s a new, valid addition

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