
@yamearts / yamearts.tumblr.com

hello my name is lez
Anonymous asked:

I can't give any wise words of advice because im just as lost as you are but i want you at least to know that youre heard. All I can say is please endure this last year and get your degree before making any big changes, that way you can have something to fall back on. Sincerely, a business dropout haha

Thank you~

And despite hating uni, i will not drop out. Never.

Anonymous asked:

Hey, read your recent post. I'm also a law student, raised on tumblr and obsessed with fictional couples and want to share my experience if it helps. I wasn't an artist, but a writer. I understand your reservations about law. I was the same, until I discovered a branch that really interests me as law is more then arguing in a court as I'm sure you know. However when I feel down I still escape back to the comforting arms of fandoms. It's okay. I also wonder whether I would be some place else as nowadays with internet artists have a lot more options. But also don't forget the field is changing so dynamically, especially with AI. Try to find where your studies and your passions could interact, perhaps intellectual property? Helping artists to protect their creations because you can experience better what they feel? Idk..m first and foremost, take carebof yourself and remember this safe space is always going to be there for us, we just cannot stay in it permanently as time is ruthless. The bliss is not coming back just because we're struggling and unhappy with our current challenging studies... let it be your peace. But don't let it become your life as imo in he long run it'll do you no good, especially after you worked so hard. Hang in there!

Thank you so much for sending me this. Hearing and learning from someone elses experience is very welcome! It’s comforting to hear that there are other fellow ex-tumblr warriors who are now facing the big world. And yes, i have thought about combining law and my creative interestes but i don’t see it happening. You are right tho, time is ruthless and i can’t be stuck in the past.

Law is just a big no for me. I feel like i’ve been pressured into it from the beginning. I always had a dream of going to this big and very prominent art school after high school, i was even working on my portfolio. And then just the “big girl” mindset hit including the need to be successful for my parents and grandparents as an only child. Now it feels too late to change anything, i’m going to graduate in a year and i know where i’m probably going to work. The thought of this makes me want to throw up or even worse... I think turning 23 made me go into existential crisis, as my childhood and freedom are fading away, i realize i will never experience life like it was, i lose people, hobbies and interests because i don’t have the time or energy anymore. Doesn’t help that all i hear around me is adults saying “this is how it’s going to be”. I crave my childhood/teenage days and this has made me turn back to anime (especially Naruto) and reopen this tumblr account. I don’t know, maybe i’m just depressed and need to cope somehow.

Btw, you actually don’t know how much you sending this ask means to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you, i will remember your words.


About to go into my last year of law school and recently i’ve been thinking about my tumblr phase, when i was 15-18, posting art and would defend the life out of a manga/anime couple. And i really miss this. When i was 18 i made a decision to quit the “kids” stuff and focus on a real career like law. With that i said goodbye to this tumblr account, as the post before this states. But now i’ve come to a understanding that i don’t like my law profession and i’m dreadful of my future. I really really really hate it and honestly, i’m 23 years old and i have no idea what i want to do anymore. I can’t take this legal stuff anymore. I’ve resorted back to watching anime in my free time, drawing (now digitally on my ipad lol) and i wonder where would i be if i took art more seriously and didn’t quit posting on tumblr and twitter? So now, im back here after 4-5 years, having a crisis. I don’t even know if anyone will read this because i haven’t posted in years…..


Sending love and good luck around your way!! You’ve come so far and your so strong that I know things are gonna be ok for you! ^^


Thank you ❤️

Anonymous asked:

don't worry, take your time! we all need time to breathe, yeah?

no matter what i will always feel sick and tired


Art reposters will never stop reposting just because the artists point out how much it negatively affects them. They don’t care about that they care about the positive response they get from YOU guys. Stop liking and following instagrams dedicated to mass art posting, I promise you even if it’s credited they aren’t asking permission first. Stop reblogging repost art. Stop turning a blind eye to the people destroying artists’ reach and credit.


i’m mad i can’t watch the new seasons of SNK because crunchyroll hasn’t made it available in my region and i’m too scared to use other sites because of viruses


Does anyone else ever feel like they’ve lost literally all motivation and all you want to do is curl up in a ball in bed and eat junk and watch films and avoid all other responsibilities for like 37 years or so


*sends hugs* ❤❤💗💞💓💘💖💖🙏💜💙💙💙💟💚💚💕💕🔥🔥💓💓💘💘💖💜💜💙


a hug i very needed right now ❤️❤️


Now let’s be honest. That baby Sarada moment we had in the new opening was pre random. BUT remember when gaiden was running and people begged to see Sarada’s birth Honda tweeted that it should be done in a separate episode so WHAT IF.

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