
Captain James T. Kirk

@admiralsdontfly / admiralsdontfly.tumblr.com

Jim has been retired from active RP. Captain James T. Kirk Written by Lee. Established Feb 2014. . Contact me on @1stofficerspock for the quickest response as I am always logged onto Spock's blog.

OOC - The Time Has Come

Dear Friends, Followers, and Family;

After close to 7 years of RPing on Tumblr, I’m making the decision to step away from active roleplaying. I’ve been here a long time, and I’ve made some amazing friends over the years. But I’m also finding it harder and harder to motivate my muses.

I love my muses, but I do not have enough brains to keep them all going. It’s also become near impossible to find active partners. I’ve lost count of the Jims, McCoys, and Spocks my Spock and Jim have lost to the ages. Each loss leaves a scar and some open wounds that have never healed.

I also need to focus on my writing career—now that I have one—and my other jobs as a webmaster and personal assistant. I’ve spread myself far too thin. Apparently there is a limit to my creativity.

The following blogs will be on permanent hiatus:

Spock’s blog will still be here. I may pop in from time to time for some crack RP and to chat with friends. I also will be posting links to my fanfic, which can use all the plots that I’ve never been able to complete through RP.

I love you all, and I’ll still be here watching over you.

Live long and prosper,

Jenn, Spock’s mun @1stofficerspock


Warp Theory - Cadets

   Engineering had always been something Tilly could do, at the age of nine she had made a replicator only make ice cream - from then on she couldn’t help herself, anything and everything that she could fiddle with she would dismantle and then put back together, or create something completely new. A few years after her ice cream replicator she started researching other things, not just engineering tasks but math related tasks, warp theory and this new interesting scientist called Paul Stamets had created something called Mycellium - when she reached the right age she left home and joined Starfleet, there was nothjing more that she wanted to do than travel and explore and find new things and maybe one day become a captain.     The test was easy, for someone who had been researching and studying Warp Theory from the age of 11 it was a joke to think that it would be hard for someone like her - that’s why she had been moved up a few years - it wasn’t something she wanted but after a few lessons and acing absolutely everything the tutors didn’t see why she was in the first year when she was capable of handling higher level things. Finally she had found a place where her talents were recognized as talents and not - as what her mum called them - garbage.    She had headed to the cafeteria after her meeting with the superiors, her new badge gleaming on her chest and a grin on her lips gleaming almost as brightly as the badge. She knew she was good, but she wasn’t one to show off - and now that she was in a new year - she would have to re-make friends… it was difficult enough for her to make friends… she jumped slightly at the others words, her hands tightening around her tray as she turned with a slightly furrowed brow to glare at the man. “Y’know it’s not polite to make someone almost spill -” she paused as she took the other in, calming herself as the words sunk into her brain, a smile spreading over her lips.     “Sorry - bit of a day. I’ll tell you a secret - I was a freshmen until an hour ago…” she started to ramble, placing her tray on the table and slipping into the chair.     @admiralsdontfly

“Well that is a very shiny badge you’ve got there. I’m almost a sophomore, but they haven’t finished all the grades yet. So I’m still a couple of years behind you. Name’s Kirk, Jim Kirk.” Jim grinned at her and nodded at the new line across her cadet’s square badge. Another thing Jim noticed was the metallic copper on her badge and uniform unlike the gold of his, which meant good things.

“If you’re on the Engineering track, how do you feel about helping lowly Command cadets with their engineering studies on warp theory?” It never hurt to ask, and as much as he loved burying himself up to his eyebrows in books, history was a lot more interesting than reading engineering books.

“I’m more of a hands-on student with mechanical stuff. It’s easier to figure out how they work if I can use a hologram or better yet the real thing. How about you?”


Mirror: Another One Bites the Dust

Unlike Jim to remain pessimistic and negative for long, but their current situation does seem to warrant it, in Leonard’s opinion. He doesn’t like being here much either, doesn’t appreciate the disruption from the routine his life had become, nor does he care for the uncertainty of their collective futures even if they are relatively safe in the moment. Their aim is to heal, to recover, to rest and to prepare themselves to return to duty when the time comes. 
“Guess I do,” he admits, far more interested in observing Jim than he is in making sure he’s a fit conversationalist. Often time Jim carries the conversation all on his own; other times they manage to bask in comfortable, companionable silence. “Mostly? I hate not knowin’ what’s gonna happen next.”
He doesn’t mean for that sentiment to contain a double meaning at the time, but later he’ll suppose maybe he’d also been mulling over another troubling matter. One he hadn’t been ready to pursue, even if he’d leaped with startling swiftness at the chance to retire somewhere quiet for a drink with his friend. 
“It’s not the Enterprise, it’ll be some other ship,” he says, sounding tentatively dismissive as his fingers rest comfortably around the curve of his glass. “They may like t’put you in time out, but they’re not gonna let you sit around on your ass for long. Wouldn’t worry too much.”

“I only want the Enterprise,” he said, his voice taking a deeper timber, as he tightened his fingers on the glass. Anything less was unacceptable. She was his ship. He’d killed the Kirk of this reality for her. One he put the hijacking program Spock wrote into her computer, he’d be on his way. Sure he’d have a crew full of Federation fluffballs, but the Emperor would find something to do with them. That was not Jim’s problem.

“And you, of course. Not going out there without my partners in crime.” The smile returned. Even his bright blue eyes sparkled, because Kirk loved how this naive do-gooder was obviously ready to do anything for his captain. He wondered if he’d kill for him. His Spock would. His McCoy would. But the two here…he just didn’t know. He did hope he didn’t have to kill them. They might have valuable information the Empire could use.

He leaned closer, bumping shoulders against the man. So far there’d been no negative reactions to physical contact, but if he made a single mistake, did something Jim Kirk wouldn’t do, he’d fail. Kirk picked up his drink and slid down in a chair a bit, the corner of his mouth curling into a smirk as a cunning idea came to him. “Bones, who’s the biggest gossip in the crew? I mean who can you count on to have the dirt on everybody, and don’t pretend there isn’t a gossip. There’s always a gossip.”


Warp Theory - Cadets

He’d studied for a week straight in preparation for the exam, and Jim knew he aced it. They didn’t call him the ‘stack of books with legs’ for no reason. All the attention and effort he used to put into being a genius level repeat offender, he now gave to Starfleet Academy. He might be studying engineering this term, but Cadet Kirk intended to be the youngest captain in Starfleet history.

With a smug look on his face he sank into a seat in the cafeteria and fingered the edge of his PADD, scrolling through to see if his test scores came in yet. If he did well enough in Advanced Warp Theory, which he considered a piece of cake, he could start taking command classes next term. Then he’d get to try his hand at the Kobayashi Maru.

His best friend and roommate, Gary Mitchel, called him a glutton for punishment, and he was probably right. Jim Kirk never met a challenge he didn’t like—even when he should run away screaming for the hills.

“This seats not taken,” he said to the cute redhead walking near his table with a tray balanced in her hands. She was two years ahead of him, according to her badge. “That is if you don’t mind sitting with a freshman.”


Mirror: Another One Bites the Dust

“Thought you’d never ask.” They fall into step beside each other as casually and as easily as ever, and it doesn’t even occur to Leonard that he’s usually the one to propose they retire somewhere and knock back a few. Things have been a bit off lately, however; he can blame stress. 
One day he’ll look back on this moment, as he will look back upon many moments in a desperate effort to try and understand where it all went wrong, and despair. He knows Jim better than nearly anyone else. He should have seen it. He should have asked questions. 
Instead, he endeavors to let all the stresses of the day melt away in his best friend’s presence, relying on their easy rapport. They’re in need of another change in scenery, and Leonard, for one, cannot wait to get off the ship for a bit. He figures Jim already has a plan, and as per usual, he’s prepared to follow the man anywhere. 
Hell, maybe this small respite is just the chance he needs. Maybe this is when everything changes. 
“You, uh, wanna talk about it? You’re lookin’ like someone’s been yankin’ your pigtails.” He is referring, of course, to Jim’s expression. Rather than the open, utterly careless look his Captain is usually sporting, he seems a tad on the serious side today.

It’d been a toss up whether he had a shower or a drink first, but while he felt like the unwashed, he didn’t want to let the rapport he’d been building with McCoy fade. He also really needed a drink. Everything was going well, according to his cunning plan, but it was taking so fucking long, which was to be expected. Good plans took time, and it wasn’t as if he was trying to steal a torpedo or a shuttlecraft. He was trying to steal the NCC-1701-A.

“I miss the Enterprise,” he said without a single reason to lie. That ship equated to his power. It got him the respect he deserved, and the fear he craved. A captain without a ship was NOTHING, and if he didn’t come back with a replacement, he’d be sent to some crapfest space station or shitty world and left there to rot. The Emperor did not like failure, even if he could prove that it was the Admirals who set him up.

He played with the spherical ice ball in his glass of bourbon and then licked the alcohol from his fingertip. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed just how much attention McCoy was paying to his nasty little playing with his food habit. Now that was interesting. Where he came from it was Spock. Was it McCoy here?

“I feel like I’m never going to be on the bridge of a ship again, and that thing we took out to Altamid doesn’t count. Do you miss her?”

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