
2 ghosts in a beautiful trench coat

@2ghosts / 2ghosts.tumblr.com

digital painting&illustration/ any pronouns / pfp by: @saprophilous

no one uses :* these days


i want to draw hypnos too :( i think finally worked out the composition but just the idea of lining this makes me feel tired


i also just remember i still got prisoner's throne to read...im interested and excited about things again yippee hurray

Anonymous asked:

same confused anon here again ^^ i checked your art tag [v nice art btw] but alas i've never seen it before. you're part of my tumblr ecosystem now tho so i've got no reason to unfollow hehe

have a nice day :D

tumblr ecosystem 😭😭 i will be here doing my thing then

hope you also have a lovely day!!

Anonymous asked:

as the very confused anon from a few days ago [oops didn't notice you answered]: thank you the old icon does help. i still have no idea why i followed you tho. i barely see you on my dash. are you a writer on ao3 or something?

yeah i barely ever post on tumblr but i try to be more active now that twitter became.........less usable. i'm not a writer as you can see i only do art and sometimes cosplay

hope one day you find out the answer!! you can also unfollow me if you're not interested in what i post i won't be offended haha

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