
~A Hat Full Of Drawings~

@pridehats / pridehats.tumblr.com

Hello guys, this is PrideAlchemist7 from Deviantart. i love all art in all shapes and forms~ ^u^/ link to my DA - http://pridealchemist7.deviantart.com/  icon by melbert.tumblr.com

Were-Lion Starter Call

I realized a bit belatedly that the previous starter post wasn’t very obvious and that some may have been liking simply for the artwork…specially since at least one like was from a personal blog.

So posting a new one, sorry about that! Also I will be outside handing out candy most of the day but I will have my tablet on hand so should still be able to manage these!


-raises hand to roleplay-

A young girl dashes throughout a strange land, trying to escape some Shadows chasing her down. Little did she know, the "Shadows" were Heartless. Beings that would rip a person's heart to consume it, she tried her best to fend them off but there were too many. She found a great spot to hide and squeezed in, however she became stuck doing so sadly and decided to remain still and quiet.

The Heartless were chirping loudly and clawing at the hiding spot that they didn't even hearing prowling footsteps nearby..

( To Mun: Epic Artwork and very well done Role-Playing!! Please seriously keep them up and hope you don't mind me.. it's basically me as a character.. ^^; )


Heyo guys, hard to see but I drew Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy 5 as a small Heartless from Kingdom Hearts. This is so random, I deeply apologize xD -that small bubble on the right doodle, he's searching for his friend Squall Leonhart- QwQ 

-taken with Tablet Camera,sorry if blurry-

*Drawn with a pencil*

** Bartz Klauser belongs to Squaresoft/Square-Enix~**

**Heartless belongs to Disney and Squaresoft/Square-Enix~**


To helperlion

I sent a starter call to you but my Tumblr is acting up, it won't let me follow you and is acting weird..I deeply apologize!! D:

EDIT: I'm sorry.. Tumblr was being glitchy and I forgot to see the rules... .___. 😭😭


((Starter call!))


A young girl with a apple hat and glasses dashes through RG being chased down by a few shadows, she didn't realize that they were Heartless..beings that would rip out a person's heart and consume it. She already tried throwing various objects at them but they don't seem to be giving up any time soon so she wedged herself behind a niche(literally becoming stuck between two sides)and closed her eyes, not hearing a pair of footsteps in all the noise going on as the shadows drew closer to the tight space chirping and blinking their yellow eyes brightly...

-me as a character sorry ^^;-


Heyo guys, drew the Main 10 Final Fantasy Heroes of Dissidia as the Animal Forms i think they would have, hope you all enjoy these!~ 'v'/ 1 - WOL(Warrior of Light) - White Tiger 2 - Firion/Firionel - Peregrine Falcon 3 - Onion Knight(Luneth) - Red Tailed Squirrel 4 - Cecil Harvey - White Stallion 5 - Bartz Klauser - Brown Mouse 6 - Terra(Tina) Branford - White Tailed Deer 7 - Cloud Strife - Wolf(Fenrir/Cloudy Wolf) 8 - Squall Leonhart - African Lion 9 - Zidane Tribal - Golden Snub Nosed Monkey(monkey design by a friend of mine on Deviantart) 10 - Tidus - Killer Whale(Orca) *drawn with a blue Crayola colored pencil and Sharpie fineliner~* **All Characters shown belong to Squaresoft/Square-Enix~*


.: -Final Fantasy 8 -Griever- Make Them Bleed- :.

Heyo guys, a drawing of Griever from Final Fantasy VIII(8) using a Pencil, Sharpie fineliner, Crayola colored pencils. Hope you all enjoy!~  'v'/

*P.S - Man i adore drawing this Beast!~ <3* *drawn with a Pencil ,Sharpie fineliner,  and Crayola colored pencils~* **Griever belong to Squaresoft/Square-Enix~**


.: -Final Fantasy 8 - Griever - Brimming Sunset- :.

another drawing of Griever(adore this Beast's design!~)once again, this was done with only Crayola colored pencils(the face was the only thing done with a pencil first), hope you all enjoy! *took to finish: 1 day~* *drawn with Crayola colored pencils(pencil for the face first)~* **Griever belong to Squaresoft/Square-Enix~**


Hello Everyone, i drew this in Remembrance of the People who lost their lives in Orlando on June 12th(yesterday)..and the loss of former Voice star Christina Grimmie who was shot outside a Florida concert venue. May these People Rest In Peace and condolences to the friends and families of these Tragic events.. ;^; *drawn with Crayola colored pencils*


.: -Dissidia - Predators and Prey- :.

heyo guys, drew team 589(Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IX) again as their animal forms, now including Cloud Strife(Final Fantasy VII). Hope you all enjoy!~ 'v'/ *drawn with just a pencil~* **Bartz Klauser, Cloud Strife ,Squall Leonhart and Zidane Tribal belong to Squaresoft/ Square-Enix~**


Heyo guys, drew Cloud Strife in animal form, here he is shown as the Fenrir or Cloudy Wolf often shown here - http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Fenrir_(Final_Fantasy_VII) . Hope you like!~ 'v'/ *drawn with a pencil, Sharpie fineliner and Crayola colored pencils/markers~* **Cloud Strife and Fenrir belong to Squaresoft/Square-Enix~**


.: -Final Fantasy 8 - Flying Lion- :.

Heyo guys! yet another drawing of Griever, i can not seem to stop drawing this beast for some unknown reason XD, hope you all enjoy!^v^/ p.s - the pose was done by looking at a picture on here and one on Google, sadly i couldn't find it ;0; i deeply apologize..the pose was wicked! -all freehanded- *drawn with a pencil, Sharpie fineliner, Crayola colored pencils~* **Griever belong to Squaresoft/Square-Enix~**


Heyo guys, drawn Dark Pit two years ago by looking at only this picture found on Amazon shown here - http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71BlHiZyl2L._SL1235_.jpg. Hope you enjoy!~ 'v'/ *drawn with a pencil, Sharpie fineliner and Crayola colored pencils~* **Dark Pit belongs to Nintendo~**

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