
Where's The Maid?

@cates-maid / cates-maid.tumblr.com

They/Them | I'm a 28 year old pansexual human rights activist feminist who left a private Christian college to live with a bf, but now divorced from an AFAB and lives with their cat...this should be interesting.

It is inherently fun and sexy to say statements that swap the traditional genders of pronouns and terms mid-statement, such as: "I'm going to make him my wife" "She's my boyfriend" "Who says a guy can't be a pretty princess?" "That girl's the coolest dude I've ever met" "She's a madman who has to be stopped" "It's not his fault he's a material girl" Gender is a set of watercolors and the prettiest shades come from mixing the paints together.

Please refer to me this way

Women are my favorite guy


look I don’t want to tell anyone what to do but if you go down that path you will wake up a thousand years later and all your great-grandchildren will be dead

But I get a thousand year nap out of it?

That’s not the intended use Sir


But I get a thousand year nap out of it???


One person’s bug is another person’s feature.


Dhxjsjxhdhshdhd I love my bf so much he just said "hey do you ever see a picture that changes your life forever" and then showed me a photo of a loaf of bread shaped like a crocodile

in case you were curious this is the photo and yes, my life has significantly changed for the better after seeing it

[Image ID: a photo of a glass display in a bakery, in which five large and exquisitely crafted crocodile-shaped loaves of bread are stacked up. End ID]


I think the picture takes place in Vietnam, from what I can parse from the "Mr. Thınh" poster in the bg. HOWEVER I would like to do small infodump on my culture.

Crocodile bread is actually very important in Batavian weddings (people of Jakarta; endonym "Betawi"). It symbolizes loyalty and strength in marriage— and traditionally, crocodiles are regarded as very patient animals (stays and waits instead of chasing prey) and it reflects how love requires patience and how it needs to come naturally. It also symbolized riches at one point, but the specific records of that are unfortunately lost to time like the proper Batavian language (thanks 300 years of colonization).

These days it's unpopular because of the rise of "modern" weddings that only have the ceremony, food, and party. Not to say that that's bad but the simple symbolic breaking of bread between the two families straight up doesn't happen often anymore and whenever a mini one (mini ones for the guests) gets sent to my house I go "oh yeah!!!! hometown culture!!!!!!!!" and then I get sad over forgetting it in the first place.

Anyway. Culture good, want more.

Oh my goodness... love really IS stored in the crocodile bread


Porn gets banned on major internet space -> porn moves to new space -> new space gets surge of popularity usage and investors -> investors want porn gone because you can't advertise Better Help next to hq art of the scout from team fortress 2 getting backshots -> porn gets banned there -> porn moves to new space -> new space gets surge of popularity usage and-

It’s gentrification.



A comic about looking after yourself, your loved ones and your mental health during the tough times ahead. I started this last November, when people were hurting so hard it was difficult to function - I’m sorry it took me so long to finish it.   Everyday activism you can do when you feel powerless. And when you feel stronger, Punch back.


girls when the media they're obsessed with is never going to be as good as they wish it could be


girls when the media they're obsessed with is never going to be as good as they wish it could be


Ok, so here's the deal-

Voting for Speaker is normally kind of a formality. The parties pick their guy, everyone votes on party lines, and ta da.

BUT the Republican lead in the house is so slim now, that about 20 Trump nuts have gone rogue- refusing to vote for McCarthy until McCarthy (who is a more normal Republican) agrees to some extreme right concessions. And so far no one is budging.

Apparently there is no protocol for what to do if a majority can't be reached. They just have to keep voting over and over. (This has happened before, though not since 1923. Once, in 1855 after the Whig Party collapsed, it took 2 months to finally reach a majority vote.)

There's basically 2 ways this goes:

1. the nut job trumpers who are holding things up right now can just keep demanding concessions from Mccarthy for their votes until he agrees, but so far all that's doing is apparently pissing off the more normal Republicans even more.

2. Some of the Democrats could go to McCarthy, ask for some concessions to the center, and break the stalemate by voting for him. (I don't really trust McCarthy with this, and there's a good chance that this would play badly with the Republican base. Unless they can really make Gaetz and Boebert look like the bad guys to their voters)

(It would be even funnier if the most moderate Republicans jumped ship and voted for the democrat just to spite the Trump nuts. But that's a 0% chance)

Lololol the votes going to fail again.

Ok, so, with 435 voting members, you need 218 for a majority. Republicans have 222 seats- that means if Democrats hold the line (which they have, throwing all 212 of their votes for Jeffries in every vote so far), only 4 Republicans can vote for not-McCarthy for him to win. And so far we are at like 12 votes for Jones.

It looks like McCarthy is LOSING votes.

And Jones (who the Trumpers are rallying behind) is VOTING FOR MCCARTHY, but he can't get the others to listen to him!?

And we are back folks- a 4th vote and McCarthy STILL LOST.

At this point, the Republicans seem *done.* Trump even came out and supported McCarthy. Jim Jones, the guy that the nut jobs had been voting for, is supporting McCarthy.

Literally no one even knows *what* these people want. They need to just be disruptive because they can?

Who knew- insurrectionists are actually really fucking bad at...functional government.

So all of this really underscores an interesting weakness in this need for a majority.

When you have a solid 2 party system, where everyone votes lock step with party, getting a majority is no problem.

If you have a multi-party system where parties regularly have to compromise and ally with each other, you can get to a majority almost always but it takes a little longer (which, I would argue is basically what the Democrats constantly do. They really are a coalition party.)

But the situation that we have now, where we are functionally a 2 party system but one party is splintering but no one can really ally with any other party without it being political suicide? We could get stuck here for a while.

This has happened before. The worst was in 1855- the Whig party had splintered and we effectively had 5 parties (though the 3 smallest mostly worked together) in Congress. After 133 votes over 2 months, they basically gave up and agreed to accept a plurality vote for Speaker.

If the Republicans can't get their ducks in a row, we could be stuck without a functioning House for a while. At this rate, I suspect they'll have to ditch McCarthy and pick someone else (though not whoever the Freedom caucus assholes choose) to claw up enough votes. The possibility of McCarthy cutting a deal with the nutters OR the Democrats doesn't seem likely at all now.

He's lost again. 🤣


For some additional context: Part of the reason the MAGA crowd are refusing to budge toward McCarthy is that they see him as an RNC shill - which, tbh, he probably is. He's very tied in with the establishment. And so at this point, they've dug in their heels and there's very little chance of them budging even with concessions. Hell, the concessions McCarthy gave them before all this, up till the day of the first vote, probably helped convince them he's a weak willed patsy who will cave immediately (which he is).

However, the OTHER Republicans are now getting more and more pissed off about being held hostage by the MAGA crowd with basically no end goal (we're all very shocked that the MAGA block would do that, pls pause of gasps). So they're no longer willing to negotiate either. They've specifically turned down the suggestion to hold a Republican meeting over this, citing it would be negatively helpful (aka it would just lead to more fights and more stubbornness).

Dems, because of this, are actually closer to electing a Speaker. They are also getting rowdy. They have brought popcorn and alcohol (which is hilarious) and have started shouting during speeches when they disagree (even MORE hilarious, especially when it's round 6 going on round 7).

Honestly, crazy as it sounds, it's possible that one side or the other will cave and vote Dem, or that the Dems will get some concession that makes them willing to bend to McCarthy (but no way to the Freedom Caucus/MAGA bloc, not after everything).

This is such a goddamn funny start to the year.

The 6th vote just wrapped- same vote as before.

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