
New to the whole Etsy game. Check out my small "shop" if you find something interesting share it with your friends, and you feel like it's super interesting purchase a piece or three. Thanks!


It's that time of the year, here is a little pumpkin carving to show my support. Niners all the way!


Here is one of our ferret moms and her kits out in the preconditioning pens today. She is teaching her kits how to kill prairie dogs and be ferrets. They will be released in the wild this month.

The USFWS’ National Black-footed Ferret Conservation Center (FCC), located in northern Colorado, houses 60-70% of all captive black-footed ferrets (BFF), which are a critically endangered species. The FCC serves as the hub for everything related to BFF recovery. Together with our partners we produce as many BFF kits as possible for reintroduction efforts & to maintain the captive population while minimizing the loss of genetic diversity.


tinynerd #theylive #liedto #ferret


Introducing the new and improved Captain America. #Falconpunch


I found this great blog today and had to share it :D 

Refashionista is an amazing seamstress who refashions awful thrift-store finds into new clothes and some of these results are so amazing?? Check her out! :D

she is a goddess

So she’s taking plus sized clothing and making it into hipster wear for people who aren’t fat?  Ok. 


looks ten times better on her anyways  

that is besides the point. She’s taking resources from plus sized people who likely need it more than she does. If she was really any good at her refashioning, she could use clothing that was her size(or close to it) and make her hipster monstrosities that way. 

So what? Who gives a fuck? Shes taking something ugly that no one wants and making it into something cute for

Clearly it is the empathetic people who actually COMPREHEND how problematic and detrimental this to an already twice marginalized group of people who give a shit. How about you learn how to be a little more considerate of people who are less fortunate than you. 

Before I even got to the comments I was repulsed by the first image

So…. she took already limited fat clothing resources, from a thrift store, thus taking these fat clothes DIRECTLY from those who don’t have the money to pay in store prices, and who cannot afford to be choosy and buy only what they deem attractive (also clothing is incredibly subjective, and your idea of ugly clothes might be someone’s fav dress.. so fuck off with that)

and turns them into hipster outfits? 

wow… assholes gone wild 

for every 20-50 stores for thin people, there is maybe ONE for fat people

and those who cannot afford to pay 2-4 times the cost of thin clothes, for those fat clothes, ONLY have thrift shops, and now even THOSE limited resources aren’t safe (because you know damn well when a fat person finds something that fits, they are unlikely to give it away because we already have so few options)

fucking WOW.

also how DARE you call fat person clothes ugly, and imply that because they aren’t your idea of cute, that we don’t deserve them. my apologies that the fashion industry treats us like shit and offers us burlap sacks… SORRY TO OFFEND YOU WITH SOMETHING OUT OF OUR CONTROL

god i just want to puke all over these photos and everyone defending her



I highly doubt that she’s doing this to prevent bigger sized women from being able to buy clothes. It’s her money and her time and she can do whatever the heck she wants to with it. Why do people always have to start huge immature internet fights out of nothing


First off, this girl has talent. Second and more importantly, my god these comments are hilarious. Really people? This poor innocent girl posted these before and after pictures to show her hard work and creativity. Not to say that she is going to be stealing the world's, apparent, limited supply of clothes for larger woman (which apparently is only found at goodwill). I applaud this girl for being so creative, there is no reason to bash her for this. So I say keep on trucking, and the people who are taking offense to this unsubscribe and move on with your life.

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