

@mimalecki / mimalecki.tumblr.com

I'm Mim. she/her. My blog is a mess, but it's all g.

Gwendoline Christie is the actress for Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones. She stands at 6 feet 3 inches tall and took swordfighting, horseriding, and stagefighting lessons for her part, as well as gaining 14 pounds of muscle, to accurately portray Brienne. (x)

She was also terrified of cutting her hair because she’d spent her life believing it was one of the only things that would make people see her as feminine despite her height. In an interview with TV Guide she said:

I struggled for a long time with [cutting] my hair, but then I’m grateful for the opportunity to realize that femininity doesn’t have to come from hair or any of those traditional female archetypes of appearance, So, that’s been exciting actually. I can’t speak with any kind of authority whatsoever because I’m just an actor and I only have my opinions, but I do think it’s really refreshing to have a woman depicted on a mainstream TV show that doesn’t obey typical aesthetics of females and the way they have been portrayed in the past. And I’m really excited to be portraying one of those women. And I hope that her popularity signals a greater expansion of people’s views about men and women and that gender types can be more flexible.


She’s so so so so great. I think she’s just incredible.

I love this woman with all my heart. Her potrayal of brienne has done so much for my confidence as a woman

She’s so beautiful, inside and out and I LOVE YOU GWEN

Sometimes I believe I couldn’t love her more than I already do but once in a while I stumble across gems like this and I am inevitable falling more for her. She is genuinely one of my favorite persons on this planet


Workers refilling the Earth’s core with molten lava during the Great Lava Shortage of 1912. 1912

“I’ve wanted to be a writer since I picked up my first fantasy novel. Ever since then I said, this is what I need to do. I am terrible and I’m going to be terrible at anything else, and if I don’t make it at this I’m going to be a bum on the side of the road. And then I dedicated everything I had to doing that.”

— -Brandon Sanderson (source)


Friendly reminder as Pride Month looms ever closer that the LGBT community would not have nearly the amount of acceptance that it does today without the work of trans people, specifically trans women of color. So let’s not forget to show our trans sisters the love they deserve

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