

@younolongerownthoserights / younolongerownthoserights.tumblr.com

This is my story; it's not a pretty one, but it's mine. This is life with Fibromyalgia, this is life with a hearing loss, this is life with pain as my constant companion. "You no longer rule your body, You no longer own those rights." - EA

the idea that your friends won't like you if you're too weird is wrong for example one time I told a friend whenever I was losing my mind I laid down on the floor under my desk and stared at it until I was better and next time she visited me she taped a bag of salami snacks to the underside of my desk with a message saying "going insane all by yourself, handsome?" which I only saw months later when I had a breakdown. that's friendship.


Chris Rock mocked Jada Pinkett Smith’s appearance due to a chronic illness. She has a chronic illness that causes her to lose her hair.

It’s ableism. Full stop.

Chronic illness and disability can change your appearance and it’s often a VERY sensitive subject. Seriously I cannot explain how painful it is to experience.

Will Smith did right. And it sucks that this will overshadow an award he’s worked decades for. And it sucks this could discourage Jada Pinkett Smith from being more comfortable in her body.

It’s not acceptable.

I’d like to add on an important part of this if you don’t mind.

It’s not only ableism but how that intersects with Jada Smith being a Black Woman. Chris Rock, like many other comedians, has made a career off of belittling black woman in an effort to push himself up and become more successful.

It’s important that her Race is taken into account here because he would not have said anything Similar to a white woman for his ‘joke’.


Ableds: I, with my untrained and ill-informed eye, can see no obvious outward signs of your disability (that I know nothing about) so I have concluded, with complete certainty, that you are faking. You’re cured, you’re welcome.


The thing about hyperflexible joints is that building muscle helps to avoid hyperextending them, but building muscle requires you to avoid hyperextending your joints, and being hyperflexible means that’s just what they do all the time constantly.

when the natural, neutral position of your joints is hyperextended, intentionally making sure you’re not accidentally overextending them means going around like this:


Everyone outside of USA:

US First responder here, Just some info for folks, you only get billed if a private ambulance company or a fire department transports. The medical service provided by your local fire department or FD/municipal paramedic is free. Call us when something goes wrong, We will show up and evaluate you/provide care (stop the bleeding, splint the injury, administer epinephrine) free of charge, And then you can have a friend or uber transport you to the hospital (or sign AMA and just stay home if you don’t want to go to the hospital either.)

Also, in a large number of counties, there are public paramedics paid for by the taxpayers, so ALS transport is free. I’d advise researching your local system.

Please don’t avoid calling 911 for a medical emergency because you’re afraid of bills, you have the right to refuse transport which is where the bills occur.

I have to repeat, you will NOT be billed for medical services provided on scene by the fire department/paramedics, And you have the RIGHT to refuse transport even if not going to the hospital will kill you.



I’ve called for an ambulance (for myself) tw-three times. Three times in my life.

YOU WILL NOT BE BILLED IF THEY DON’T ACTUALLY TRANSPORT YOU. If you are worried you’re having a heart attack or literally whatever, CALL 911. DON’T BE AFRAID OF BILLS. DON’T DIE OK. LET THEM MAKE SURE YOU’RE NOT DYING.

Paramedics will come out, evaluate you, make sure you’re not actually dying and administer whatever care you might need on the scene and THEN you may decide if they take you to the hospital or if someone else does, or if you go at all. It’s totally up to you.

The first time I ever called for an ambulance, they evaluated me, told me I wasn’t in immediate danger and I elected to have someone else drive me to the hospital, for fear of bills. I signed a form saying I declined transport and calling that ambulance did not cost me a single thing. But I made sure I wasn’t about to get dead.

The second time I was having a severe anaphylactic reaction to food (though I didn’t know that at the time just had a vague idea) and my nearest help outside of the paramedics was 45 minutes away and I was in such pain I could barely dial the phone (I actually tried to dial my dad before 911 and could not get his number into my phone correctly after 3 tries because my hands were shaking, but luckily 911 is a very short number) so I let the paramedics take me to the hospital despite the possibly of bills. I couldn’t drive myself, had no other help. And thank fuck I did because my entire face started to swell not very long after that.

That ride was about 4k if I remember right. But would you rather be dead?

There are always savings programs, help programs, call the ambulance company and see if they do payment plans or you can get some of that forgiven for your financial situation etc.


“Depression is such a cruel punishment. There are no fevers, no rashes, no blood tests to send people scurrying in concern - just the slow erosion of self as insidious as cancer. and like cancer, it is essentially a solitary experience; a room in hell with only your name on the door.”

— Martha Manning


There are a million more gorgeous moments ahead of you. Thousands of more times you will laugh until you cry; times you will feel covered in love and warmth. There will be so many more times in the future where you look up and know you belong right where you are in that moment. If you’re in a lull or a rough patch right now, remember that lovely things will come again and beauty is always around the corner.


anyway with regards to the opioid addiction crisis y'all really need to learn the difference between reliance and addiction, because they’re not the same.

I am reliant on opiate painkillers the same way I am reliant on my epilepsy medication: I take a set amount twice a day in order to function normally. my condition is not curable. physio will not fix it. I do not experience any highs from my painkillers, but I do experience less pain.

this differs vastly to addiction, where the amount you take is not set, may be beyond the safe dose. It will likely cause withdrawal symptoms if stopped abruptly, as well as harming your body due to the large doses ingested.

this is why it’s terrifying to hear that restrictions are going to be tightened to the extent that it will be almost impossible to get.

that kind of “reform” will only push people -reliant and addicted alike - to get it from non - official sources, where you don’t know what the fuck is in there. it will make actual addicts less safe and reliant people forced to live in agony.

the way to treat this “epidemic” is to invest in addict help schemes, rehab centres, and offer a variety of pain management systems, not this stupid blanket ban style thing that politicians are saying for brownie points.

guess that isn’t as profitable though hm.

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