
Social Justice Hetalia

@sjhetalia / sjhetalia.tumblr.com

This is a blog made for people who are tired of the toxic community that SJWs have turned tumblr into. Please don't be hateful or rude.

Dear cis people,

Check your motherfucking privilege.

Guess what, sunshine?  Everyone has the right to refuse anyone else sex for any reason. Doesn’t matter if you don’t agree with it! Doesn’t matter if it hurts your feelings! Everyone has the right to choose when, where, and with whom they get it on. You thinking someone owes you sex doesn’t make you right; it makes you a rapist. 


SJWs and “feminists” operate under this umbrella notion that all men act as though they’re “entitled” to sex, but honestly, I’ve never seen anyone act more entitled to sex than SJWs and “feminists”.

Being a minority of any kind does not automatically entitle you to another person’s body.

If you’re a lesbian badgering heterosexual women about trying lesbian sex, you’re acting like a sexual predator.

If you’re someone like the OP, you’re trying to force someone to have sex regardless of whether or not they are comfortable with it.  That, too, is acting like a sexual predator.

This also includes if someone has preferences regarding body hair or size.  I see these same people that whine about guys that are short or have facial hair throwing a hissy fit when a guy loses his hard-on at the site of their majestic afropits.  Body positivity is fine, but not when you’re trying to use it as a reason for why you should be able to have any guy you want, regardless of that person’s feelings or preferences.  If you wouldn’t date a hairy fat guy, then no guy is obligated to sleep with you, either.

All the majority of this “activism” really looks like is a bunch of social outcasts trying to use their own victimization complexes as excuses for acting like spoiled children, rather than making any effort whatsoever to either improve themselves physically, or improve their attitudes.  Everything they say and do only revolves around them.  The feelings and preferences of other people don’t matter to these individuals.


And here I thought SJWs were all about people’s right to withdraw consent at any time

There are times when I’ll agree with a statement like OP’s–specifically, post-transition trans women. You honestly can’t tell the difference between a post-transition trans woman’s parts and a cis woman’s parts in a lot of cases, because the procedures from trans women have come so far. If you’re attracted to her parts before she tells you she’s trans, and, somehow, her not always having those parts you desperately wanted to fuck five seconds ago upsets you, yeah, that’s probably transphobia.

You’re basing your lack of attraction not on what she has, not on her physical form, but on what once was. It’s sort of like saying, “I’m not attracted to people who used to be fat.” It doesn’t make any sort of sense, and most people would laugh you out of the room if you tried to pull that sort of dumb shit.

If you wanted to fuck me before you found out I used to be fat, why the hell would you stop wanting to fuck me after you found out I used to be fat?

At the same time, if you withdraw consent, that should be respected–even if it’s for a shaky, nasty reason like transphobia. People don’t deserve to be forced into anything regardless of their political views. You should always respect a person’s right to say no.

Of course, there are also people who have experienced trauma. So, for example, if a trans woman abused you, there’s that to consider, too, and it would pretty easily explain why, even though this trans woman is post-transition, finding out she’s trans would make you uncomfortable. During such a situation, I would hope she would be understanding.

There’s just.

There’s a lot of variables involved in this sort of thing, so I get sick of seeing people, on both sides of the debate, acting like it’s black and white. That’s the sort of thinking we should avoid.

TL;DR: everyone has the right to withdraw consent, and that right shouldn’t be stepped on or taken away just because they withdraw consent for a bigoted reason–or, in some cases, a legitimate personal issue.

I agree that sometimes there are transphobic motivations, but like you said, no matter why someone’s withdrawing consent they have the right to withdraw consent. If someone’s a rampant Nazi and they withdraw consent when you refuse to get a swastika tattooed on your ass, they’re a douche, but they still had the right to withdraw consent. That’s what bugs me about OP, the fact that they’re saying that someone doesn’t have the right to refuse sex - everyone should have that right, regardless of why they’re doing it. And while I think that there are additional non-transphobic reasons to the ones you listed, including for post-op trans people (wanting biological children, needing a partner to achieve orgasm in order to do so themselves, if they have a kink for forced feminization/masculinization or other things that could trigger dysphoria for the trans person, etc), there are also transphobic reasons too. That said, even some of the reasons that have an ignorant/transphobic ring to them don’t necessarily mean that the individual hates trans people - again, not wanting to sleep with someone doesn’t mean you hate them, and being ignorant to trans issues or how transgenderism works doesn’t mean you hate trans people.

~ Vape


Google’s internal dictionary can be a lovely resource. But a pair of women in Australia recently discovered a not-so-lovely quality lurking in some of the example sentences. Certain words play up damaging and dangerous stereotypes about women, some sounding “straight out of the 1950s.” The example sentence for the word “ugly” is particularly offensive.

Talk about first world problems. If you have time to bitch about ridiculousness like this then women must not be doing too bad.

It’s took me 5 minutes to find a bunch of negative words that use men in the example sentences. Congratulations on your cherry picking skills. Is that what they teach in gender studies?

It ain’t that deep Mic. But thank you for helping in one of the most useless ways possible

Mic.com garbage as usual.

How privileged do you have to be…

Besides thoes were not defentions, thoes were examles

Source: mic.com

So, do people not realize that saying “they is misgendering” is actually a huge problem?

1. They is neutral, and creating a stigma against it forces people who are unsure of the gender of the person they’re speaking with/about to pick one that may or may not be correct. When you remove the option of “I’m not sure” from the table, you force people out of the conversation, or worse, you risk actually misgendering people. Often people do not have access to the correct information. As a society we are trying to move towards not making assumptions– we can’t both not make assumptions and also make assumptions at the same time.

2. It is not forcing a gender label on anyone. They can refer to nonbinary people, but it is a catchall that also encompasses to the binary genders as well– it can refer to multiple men, multiple women, and multiple mix gendered people. Using they as a plural does not misgender a group of men, and it does not misgender a singular male or female.

3. This is the language the trans community on tumblr has pushed everyone to use leading up to this point. Why is it all of a sudden the incorrect language? My biggest fear here is that people who are unsure of the right choice (it’s using “they” if you’re unsure of the gender of someone and then using the correct pronouns when you are 100% sure) will fall back on incorrect language. If there’s conflicting information out there what do msot people do??? Lean on what they learned BEFORE they entered the conversation. If they can’t trust other people’s knowledge they tend to trust their own judgment. And if the conclusions they had before entering the conversation were wrong, this is where trouble starts. That said, if there IS an argument to be made it’s important that we keep adapting to what is the most respectful language– but if there isn’t a good reason to contradict all this, shut the fuck up.

4. Why the ever loving fuck would someone use “they” to misgender someone? A person who doesn’t care about someone’s preferred pronouns would more often that not opt to use the wrong side of the spectrum, not neutral ones. This shit makes no sense. Unless someone is specifically claiming you’re actually nonbinary or that there’s no such thing as being trans or gender or what have you “they” is used out of respect for your identity.

The frustrating part is that most people who bring this up know good and well there’s no true issue present and they just want to stir up controversy. You’re not fooling anyone except the other people who want to get fucking angry and start a witch hunt (so, most of the vocal part of tumblr/the internet). You know what? Even then you’re probably not fooling them. They’re just kissing your ass and using you for entertainment. They don’t give a shit about “they" and they all know it.

Long story short, listen to what most people have said up to this point: avoid gender-specific language if you’re unsure. I do it to be extra safe sometimes. And don’t buy the controversy around it.


Pre-T, I could mimic my cats’ meows perfectly.

Post-T, my voice dropped approximately a fuck-ton (metric) and I can no longer do that. Lil'y has responded by making her own meows as gravely as possible, so I can meow at her again.

So if there are any other guys or non-binaries out there who are worried that their pets won’t recognize them after they start hormone-therapy or something similar, don’t worry. Your pets will love you. They already know who you are.

I am dead of the cute


This is not a new world, it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the super-states that preceded it, it has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and truth is a menace. - Rod Serling when asked to describe the University of Houston.  

But wait… THERE’S MORE!!!!

The diversity training is one of several sanctions Sethi has been handed down by the student government president for her tweet (EDIT: THAT’S RIGHT, THIS IS ALL OVER A SINGLE TWEET), a punishment in response to the uproar among many students who accused the tweet of insensitivity and divisiveness. Many students, including the Black Student Union, had called for her resignation or impeachment.
Sethi’s five sanctions include “a 50-day suspension beginning Aug. 1, mandatory attendance of the Libra Project diversity workshop, mandatory attendance of three cultural events per month, a reflection letter and a public presentation in the Senate Meeting on Sep. 28,” the Daily Cougar campus newspaper reports.
At that September meeting, Sethi is expected to detail what the diversity experiences have taught her about “cultural issues,” SGA President Shane Smith said in a statement announcing the sanctions.

Who gives a shit if Trumps a “fascist” when they already fucking infest our college campuses?

“Freedom of speech? Independent thought? Yea, you have those… as long as you say and think what we want you to.”


If the flag flew at half-mast every time an unarmed black person as murdered by racist cops it would never fly high again.

Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015.

Also, unarmed…Hmm…

The “unarmed” label is literally accurate, but it frequently fails to convey highly-charged policing situations. In a number of cases, if the victim ended up being unarmed, it was certainly not for lack of trying. At least five black victims had reportedly tried to grab the officer’s gun, or had been beating the cop with his own equipment. Some were shot from an accidental discharge triggered by their own assault on the officer. And two individuals included in the Post’s “unarmed black victims” category were struck by stray bullets aimed at someone else in justified cop shootings. If the victims were not the intended targets, then racism could have played no role in their deaths.

Also,  40 percent of cop killers are black. The police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black than a cop killing an unarmed black person. (Source for all of these facts)

Stop playing the victim, and at least try to educate yourself on the numbers, instead of buying in to paranoia. 

“cops killed twice as many whites as blacks”.

NEWS FLASH: There are 6 times as many white folks as black folks in the US. That means cops killed black folks at 3 times the rate they killed white folks.

Throwing numbers is all good and well but know what they actually mean.


And on top of that, if a cop involved in a shooting reports that someone was going for their weapon why should we believe them? They have every incentive to lie if it wasn’t a justified killing so I don’t see how their word should be evidence that it was a justified killing. As for the two accidental killings, yeah, you can’t blame that on racism that’s jsut good ol’ incompetence. call me crazy, but I don’t think racism or incompetence have any place on the police force.

I swear if I see a post telling me cops killed whites more than blacks one more time…



I hate the tumblr “POC” culture. Because not only when they say “POC” do they nine times out of ten just mean black people, but it also consistantly puts the struggles of black people above the struggles of all other ethnicities that aren’t white.

It consistantly tells people (eg brown people, Latino people, native Americans etc) that their struggles and issues are nothing compared with those that black community face and they should shut up until they’re next needed to push a narrative. If the term POC is really supposed to be that inclusive you need to take a long harsh look at what you’re doing and see what it is that’s happening wrong because currently it really doesn’t look that nice.

- Belgie

Anonymous asked:

someone i follow just came out as a "genderfluid female" and she go by she/it pronouns??? im so confused

maybe they’re female most of the time?? idk


A friend of mine identifies as a "genderfluid transman" because he's a dude like 90% of the time. I mostly see it as a default pronoun indicator for people that don't like "they" - Belgie


there’s nothing wrong with admitting you were once toxic.

there’s nothing wrong with admitting you made a couple people feel like shit.

there’s nothing wrong with admitting you fucked up and were horribly arrogant and parasitic.

there’s nothing wrong with admitting you did anyone wrong, especially if you’ve learned from it. If you’re humble enough to admit it, I guarentee there’s a bit of a good person inside of you. 


What is racism towards white people? Please I'm genuinely curious


It’s the same as racism towards any other race, when you discriminate based on their skin color. When you try to restrict them based on their race/ancestors. When you are generally cruel simply due to their skin.


That’s not racism that’s prejudice. Holding a group of people to a certain standard based on one physical trait is prejudice. Collectively endorsing the believe that a particular ethnic group are superior to others is racism. The topic of racism isn’t double ended simply because white people cant exist on the losing side of it.They’ve created it. Racism and Discrimination aren’t interchangeable because one term (racism) covers more ground than the other. Racism works on a systematic basis as in the judicial system, educational system, economy & media meanwhile discrimination is almost entirely situational. Meaning it’s after effects reach a hand full of people tops, like if a #AntiWhite Twitter trend that was started it would literally be that group of participators who entertained that discrimination yet we would all go back to work tomorrow and it would still be unprofessional to wear dreadlocks or box braids, DarkSkinned people in nice cars would still seem “suspicious” and “nigga” would still be just a term to majority of people. This is because the vast majority of people have been raised into their perspective on racism and rarely does that perspective change as you get older. You grow into your views on discrimination through experience. I pull my purse closer to my body when I see a white guy approaching me because I’ve had several experiences where that was done to me as a DarkSkinned black child. White ladies pull their purses closer to them when seeing little black kids because systematically were “super predators”. That’s the difference.

“ That’s not racism that’s prejudice. Holding a group of people to a certain standard based on one physical trait is prejudice. Collectively endorsing the believe that a particular ethnic group are superior to others is racism. The topic of racism isn’t double ended simply because white people cant exist on the losing side of it.They’ve created it. Racism and Discrimination aren’t interchangeable because one term (racism) covers more ground than the other. Racism works on a systematic basis as in the judicial system, educational system, economy & media meanwhile discrimination is almost entirely situational.

I hate to be the one to copy and paste the definition, but it applies here.

I’ll put two just to prove that is the actual definition. Now let’s look at an actual dictionary for prejudice. 

“Racial prejudice” also ties into racism. Another picture to prove the actual dictionary is right…

Prejudice is racism regardless of your feelings towards another race. 

“ The topic of racism isn’t double ended simply because white people cant exist on the losing side of it. “

You do realize there is a losing side to ANY form of racism. For one, it can create mental illness such as depression, anxiety and can simply ruin a person’s mind. It can also tie into bullying. Bullying can be prevalent in this. 

“ Kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, school, and mental health issues. Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience: Depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. “ 

Racism can hold truly ruin a person regardless of race. If you have ever stepped foot into Memphis, Tennessee as a white person where the population is  63.3% black let me know. I, as a white woman, used to live in that area with my family. Let me tell you this; people can be mean. Black men would call at my mom when her and I were just walking minding our own business. They would constantly call her a “dirty cracker”, asked her if she wanted to be a “night rider”  and many other nasty things. Every single time we went out to a place and traveled by walking, we would have to prepare for it. The degrading terms being yelled at us every time we went out were not only disgusting, but degrading to us as women. It got to the point where we couldn’t take it anymore and left after our house was almost broken into and the racial slurs would get to us. So, we moved. It can ruin a person’s life. Oh and then one of our family friends actually applied for a job at an establishment there run by a black family. He was not hired because he was white and they favored blacks over whites in that establishment. He really needed a job and it was hard to find one because of that reason. 

You do know the judicial system, educational system, economy and the media all work in very different ways, so that comparison is not the best to use. Even so, if we went by your definition that oppression is the ONLY way you can be racist its wrong. Blacks can actually benefit from diversity in America. Let me explain…

Oh and Saida Grundy is the Boston University professor who tweeted out so many racist things like this:  
And then mocked a white rape victim on Facebook by using the hashtag, #whitegirltears.
The fact that she is still employed, while it’s undebatable that a white professor would’ve been fired for saying such things about people of color, is proof that there are no privileges in academia that come with being white. Rather it proves the opposite – there are many privileges that come with being a person of color such as Saida Grundy.

Now, whites have been oppressed as well and still are to this day.

  • That is Darfur and currently, there is a genocide going on there. Since 3 January, the civilian populations in North Darfur have been subjected to new scorched earth campaigns since the beginning of this month. It is now clear that the genocidal war that has already claimed the lives of some 400,000 people, and displaced nearly three million, is witnessing a new and devastating stage. A great majority being whites. So, whites are oppressed there currently.
  • The White slave trade of the Arabs is another example. Let’s talk about Arab Pirates… Within the year of 1625 ships could not leave the ports (there were some great periods ships could not leave ports) in Dorset, Bristol, Cornwall, and Devon. The first Arabs showed up and people were taken back and put into panic because it was so sudden. *Keep in mind there were so many of them and England had a coastline that was fairly unprotected. So, England’s navy was the weakest in / around the 1630′s. This was a great opportunity for pirates to take their slaves and the kidnapping and slave hauling was at its peak around this time. At first they stormed fishing boats, but as time went on, they grew bolder and more confident. They took to the shores to find victims. I highly recommend researching the village church in Cornwall because they took white slaves from this village. Now, slaves were a lot of money back then, so the pirates kept taking and taking. The year of 1629, James the 1st went to North America to demand the return of his people. No surprise, it failed. Admiral Mansell once stated that he truly believed that there were 25,000 to 35,000 slaves in captivity. 
  • Also, the holocaust is another great example of whites being oppressed even if its by other whites. Its still whites being oppressed. 

If you degrade a person, automatically pass judgement upon a person, use a violence towards a person because of their skin, its racist. 

Meaning it’s after effects reach a hand full of people tops, like if a #AntiWhite Twitter trend that was started it would literally be that group of participators who entertained that discrimination yet we would all go back to work tomorrow and it would still be unprofessional to wear dreadlocks or box braids, Dark Skinned people in nice cars would still seem “suspicious” and “nigga” would still be just a term to majority of people. “

  • Okay, this bothers me. Any form of discrimination, even if its online is still racism regardless of how its used. That’s like me saying in a predominately black area, “Yeah, well you can’t experience racism because of the anti black twitter trend. At the end of the day, you can go about your life and still do your job.” Yes, its a petty twitter trend, BUT it can insight violence towards a race and make people feel really shitty about themselves. It doesn’t matter if its a direct message, or a twitter trend, being anti-white is racist. 
  • Look, the whole natural hair at work category is complete garbage. Why do I say that? Whites also can genetically obtain very curly, frizzy hair just like a black person obtain straight, sleek hair. Whites are also policed for hairstyles, so its not a racial issue. If a white were to walk into a professional work environment with dreads, or cornrows they would treat them like any other race by saying, “It needs to go. The hair is not professional”. Dark skinned people in nice cars is suspicious? What the hell? When I see a black person is nice car, I get jealous and motivated because I would want a car like that one day
  • “Nigga” is also used by many, many, MANY black rappers. Words only hold power if you empower them. Life will be so much easier if you stop letting words get to you and stop caring about it. The more thought you put into those words, the more angry and enraged you will be. Stand up for yourself, but do not let the words come back to haunt you. 

 “ This is because the vast majority of people have been raised into their perspective on racism and rarely does that perspective change as you get older. “

You do realize this is not the fifties, or sixties anymore, right? I was raised with an open towards anyone, regardless of race just as my mother was. I was taught that we should be kind and skin does not matter. I still hold the same thought process my mother raised me with. You cannot be so paranoid that everyone is racist because it will make life less enjoyable and more stressful. 

You grow into your views on discrimination through experience. I pull my purse closer to my body when I see a white guy approaching me because I’ve had several experiences where that was done to me as a Dark Skinned black child. White ladies pull their purses closer to them when seeing little black kids because systematically were “super predators”. That’s the difference.

Actually I pull my purse close to me when anyone approaches me because you can never be too careful with strangers. Regardless if its a white man, black man, white woman, or black woman, I will hold my purse close to me, but I won’t do it out of the judgement of skin. Bad analysis.    

So in the end, racism is racism regardless of race. We cannot end a problem if we choose to help one side of side of it and ignore the other side of it. :)

I love how @crime-she-typed is replying to others on this post, but won’t even touch my reply. Lol

She hasn’t replied to mine either

If they do it’s just pointless “shut up whitey” type replies those brain dead paint huffing little kids resort to when they don’t have shit else to say. If it’s not the rumble definition it doesn’t count

zeusdethroned, you’re my hero. You hit the nail straight on the head.👍


“That’s not racism that’s just the thing that leads to racism, that’s totally different!”


Surveying the economy right now, I can’t help but feel there is definitely… a phrase… or an expression… a message of some sort that it might be appropriate for Cameron and Osborne to leave us…



terrible, awful, boring film

Nostalgia Critic ripped it to shreds. 

leave me to my bad movies also I don’t like him >:\

Nostalgia critic did also say that he gets why people like it, its got a charm about it or something NC is my fav critic b/c he’s so good about not being a dick 

The cheesy acting and the spin on modern music and costumes are probably it tbh

He also liked the Bee Movie, so

I mean I like him but

The Bee Movie.


what the fuck u saying about bee movie that shit is a masterpiece 






The Bee Movie is a truly unique example of modern film making and will go down as a classic through future generations. - Belgie


I'm going to send some stuff to the house of commons and hope something gets through. If cameron is resigning I won't stand by a conservitive leader we'd need a new general election. - Belgie

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