i know the world's a broken bone

@probablyalizard / probablyalizard.tumblr.com

But melt your headaches, call it home. Sophie | 20 | she/her "https://www.redbubble.com/people/eimphee" > My Redbubble

now that i am a real adult i am starting to realise. media lied to me about the availability of rooftops to go hang out on. every day i wish i could be hanging out on a rooftop somewhere looking cool as fuck


A resident of Hamnavoe, Shetland Islands in Scotland, Anne Eunson decided to knit herself a beautiful lace fence using twine. The fence is fashioned from strong black twine - the same kind that is used to make fishing nets - and Anne knitted it on specially adapted curtain rods. It took her about three weeks to knit enough lace to surround her front garden, using a 23 stitch repeat of a familiar Shetland lace pattern.

*Photo via Laine Glover‎, Social History


the only reason why ten year old girls are destroying stupidly overpriced products at sephora to make “skincare smoothies” is because they aren’t being given access to a yard with a variety of mud, sticks, rocks, puddles, and old ceramic planters to make potions in. the children yearn for the apothecary


I am, like, a long running proponent of the "eat something and you'll feel better" crowd and am often one of the first people to suggest "maybe it's time for a snack before I get whipped into a frenzy" but I really do resent how instantaneous it is. like it'll feel like I'm having my worst day in months and then I'll start eating and literally before I even finish I'm like oh yeah the world is beautiful


unfortunately a lot of the corny self help advice turns out to be true but the thing is you have to come to those conclusions yourself otherwise it just sounds dismissive and dumb


The core appeal of Willy Wonka is that he's a nigh-omnipotent maniac who uses his near limitless powers over reality to trick shitty people into killing themselves. You can't make him the protagonist of a whimsical coming of age tale - you have to treat him like Jason Voorhees, or Dracula, or any other horror icon. Give him some new victims and new interesting kills and set him loose, that's all audiences want.


I feel like I watched a somewhat different movie...


My boyfriend prefers his mattresses firm, and I need a soft mattress. He prefers his food temperate while I like my food hot and spicy. This is another good reason to not have a kid, because even if the kid averages out and prefers everything in the middle, there's the risk of some blonde bitch breaking into our house to rummage through our stuff.


"have you learned how to drive yet" i have the spirit of friendship in my heart. the joy of lifes little things in my soul. the whimsy of magic. the beautiful enjoyment of nature. the answer is no though


her eyes were the sickly green of the sky before a tornado, and to his horror he discovered she could throw cows around just as easily


to his horror? weak shit. outta my way gayboy im boutta get it

all of our trobles seem so small from up here


yeah i recognised you by your footsteps because of the weird gay shit i feel for you but also because they're loud as fuck like man you sound like a hog hunting for truffles through the undergrowth


i had a dream that due to a botched contract mcdonalds had accidentally agreed to individually sponsor every post on tumblr dot com so the site was unusable because everyone was just posting like 'cock sex cum' and then there'd be a giant integrated SPONSORED BY THE MCDONALDS CORPORATION banner underneath it and mcdonalds was losing millions of dollars on this


high school is soo funny in hindsight. the entire time you're there thinking it's the most important period of your life and then the second you're out you're like well that was fucking stupid

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