
good luck

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this blog's dedicated to everything our2ndlife related please enjoy your stay! +

kian's retweet 

the jian ship is going strong 

Anonymous asked:

Hey thanks for clearing that up - ive just seen them. Im hella nervous now. I hate seeing all these youtubers have like real moments because it reminds us they're not perfect too when all you want is to watch people who seem to have perfect lives :3

No problem!! And yes I completely agree with you on that, they're human and have stuff going on in their personal life just like everyone else, we all know by now how open kian is with his fans so i honestly can't wait to see what he has on his mind 

Anonymous asked:

What's up with kian?

he sounded upset/sad in his snapchats (i reblogged one of them) and he also spoke about his upcoming main channel video saying it is going to be a little different so it just raises questions atm 

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