


Formally known as starkobsessed
Changed my name after 7 years
Find me on my new blog @stark-obsessed

Manager: So can you talk to me a bit about your strengths and weaknesses?

Me: *literally just describes ADHD symptoms*

“Yeah my weakness is that I’m very sensitive to criticism but it can be a strength because it means I consider the feelings of others when criticizing or coaching them and make sure I always offer encouragement and positive reinforcement.”

“One of my weaknesses is that I often hop from task to task and sometimes get my wires crossed or miss a step, but the same setting makes me thrive in a fast-paced environment.”

“One of my weaknesses is that I can sometimes talk too much or dominate a conversation, but it becomes a strength when I’m in a position to connect with customers and I’m able to encourage conversation comfortably.”


okay now THIS is a viable strategy for me. everyone else is like “just lie lol” which is actually good advice but also anxiety inducing as hell


though I still love Chronicles of Narnia the older I get and the more I learn the clearer it becomes to me why it would have driven Tolkien completely insane

The Santa part almost ruined their friendship

Tolkien: you can’t just patch random things together because you like them, everything has to fit together in a dense textural weave of reasonable causes and effects

Lewis: and then the witch from the other dimension turns the fox to stone for having a contraband tea party …


Tolkein is the nerd that complains that characters’ costumes and weapons are impractical and Lewis is the nerd that thinks the designs fuck

Tolkien is a planner and Lewis is a pantser; change my mind.


Which is even funnier when you also know that Tolkien got his revenge by writing Lewis into LotR as a living tree who couldn’t ever get to the point.


Your mixed feelings about your parents are valid.

Shout out to people like me who have parents who are loving but are black holes of emotional labor… It took me a long time to realize that it’s okay to have mixed feelings about your parents, about your relationship with them.

Sometimes parents can love you but be somewhat toxic to you and your growth, and that’s a very hard realization to come to if you, like me, grew up extremely close to them.

Sometimes parents can love you genuinely but lack emotional maturity, forcing you to perform disproportionate amounts of emotional labor. Some parents manifest symptoms of their mental illness in ways that are toxic to your mental illness.

Some parents, like mine, try so hard to be good parents but fall back on habits of emotional manipulation because they haven’t processed their own traumas and are modeling behavior they grew up with. That doesn’t make their behavior acceptable, and it’s okay to feel exhausted and hurt when they betray you. You don’t have to forgive every mistake.

I want you to know that it’s okay to protect yourself, to need some space apart from them. The love you have for your parents is still valid, and you are making the right decision.

Placing a safe emotional distance between myself and my parents has been one of the most difficult, heartbreaking processes I’ve ever gone through… it hurts to try to curb the strength of your own natural empathy around people you love. It feels disingenuous to your heart’s natural state.

But I promise you, you are not hard-hearted or ungrateful, and you are not abandoning them. You are making a decision about your own emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

I know what it’s like in that confusing grey area of love mixed with guilt and anxiety, of exhaustion and quasi-manipulation and unreciprocated emotional labor, and I promise you, you are not alone.

Your mixed feelings about your parents are valid.

Scott: What kind of men do you like?
Hope: I actually don't like men, I'm only attracted to them.

what city slickers don’t understand is that weird noises always come from the forest and we just ignore it

if you go out to investigate and get got then that is on you, ignore it and go back to sleep like a rational person

Me, on the porch: chillin

Woods: WoooooooooEEEEEEEEEEEG


Best case scenario, it’s a fox. Worst case scenario, you’re next.


Don’t forget about the blue herons (if you’re near water).

Replace forest with acres upon acres of corn fields and the advice will holds, I’ve learned.


I love genuinely innocent “boys will be boys.” Just saw a guy come out of a frat house to poke a pair of jeans they’d left outside - they were frozen solid, and as soon as he confirmed that, like twenty more boys came rushing out of the house going “YOOOOOOOOOO”

I heard grunting outside my window the other night and there were four boys struggling to push this giant snowball (like 7 foot diameter) down the sidewalk.

I once lost my keys at a frat house.

My drunk ass had actually walked home without them, pounded on my apartment door, gotten let in by my rightfully-disgruntled roommate, and proceeded to pass out on the couch.  Apparently I puked in the toilet before passing out.  I do not remember this part.

The next morning, I schlepped back to the frat house.  I stood there, right in front of the front door.  This was a novel experience for me.  I’d never been at a frat house in broad daylight before.

A boy, presumably, of the house, asked me what I was doing. 

“I lost my keys in here last night,” I called back.  “I was seeing if I could go in and look for them?”

He opened the door and gestured for me to come in.

“Go wherever you want.”

I’d never seen a frat house post-party before.  Wandering up the stairs and through the halls, I was surrounded by hungover and still-drunk frat boys stumbling around in their socks and sandals and gym shorts, seeking out food and showers like moths to a porch light.  A few of them threw puzzled glances my way.  I’m sure they thought I was some post-bacchanalia hallucination.

I entered one room where a boy was drunkenly watching some Old Yeller-esque movie on a tiny TV in the corner of his room from his bed.

“Do you like dog movies?” he asked, voice all mumbly from grogginess and also from the fact that his face was squished against his pillow and half-buried by his blanket.

I told him I did.

He mumbled again, pleased, and asked what I was doing.  I told him I was looking for my keys.

“Sorry, I haven’t seen any keys around here.”

I didn’t doubt him.

Twenty minutes had passed.  I’d searched just about every bedroom and nuclear-waste-dump-site of a bathroom in that house.  I’d given up on ever finding my keys and was prepared to beg my roommates’ forgiveness and get a new set copied.

As I stood there in the hallway, silently bewailing my predicament, a particularly-burly frat boy approached me.

“You need help with something?”

“I lost my keys here last night and I can’t find them, I’ve looked everywhere.”

“What do they look like?  I’ll put it into the group chat.”  He was already pulling out his phone.

No one ever checks a group chat, I thought, but what the hell.  It was worth a shot.  “Um, it’s just a ring of keys.  The keychain is a pink plastic cat, though, like yea big.  Like bright pink, you can’t miss it.”

He nodded, presumably typing this description faithfully into the group chat.

“Alright, I sent the message out.  Good luck.”

And with that, he turned and left.

A few moments later, I heard a distant thundering.  It was coming from upstairs, and it was getting louder and louder.  One assumes that how I felt in that moment was how Simba felt seeing the wildebeest stampede through the ravine as a horde of large young men all thundered down the stairs, making a beeling for me.

“Someone tell the girl!” One of them shouted, faceless in the mob.  “Girl!  Hey, GIRL!!!  We found your keys, girl!!!”

They circled around me.  I hadn’t felt that small since I was maybe eleven years old.  One of them split himself off from the crowd.

“Are these -” he pulled out a ring of keys from his pocket, “your keys?”

And lo, there was the distinctive bright millennial pink cat keychain dangling off the ring.

Yes,” I whispered.  “Oh my god, yes.”


The cheer went up.

Turns out he found them in the bathroom upstairs.  I thanked them again profusely.  There was a scattered round of “no problems” and then, just as suddenly as they descended, they all dispersed, like ships in the night.


THIS is boys will be boys

on a camp with teenage boys recently and as i was one of the camp leaders, it was part of my duties to help wake said boys in the morning (at 6am or a similar ungodly hour).

we (the camp leaders) found the most efficient way to do so was to blast music from a tinny little speaker one of us owned.

so before the sun itself has risen, we’re walking down a corridor with 8+ rooms filled with 6 or more boys in each, blasting the one and only Let It Go from Frozen, hoping to wake a few students, preparing for hateful commentary.

instead, what we got was the thumps and shouts of boys excitedly leaping from bunk beds, stuffing on shirts and bursting into the corridor to scream the lyrics to Let It Go.

every.single.boy.did this.

as soon as the song finished, they acted like it never happened and went back to their rooms to get dressed.

you will all be pleased to learn that provided with the zero-gravity environment of scuba diving, it is not uncommon to turn around to see 3 or 4 teenage boys t-posing mid water column


Young men and boys! Please reclaim ‘boys will be boys’ by doing chaotic good things, having good clean fun, and engaging in benevolent bro culture.


people apparently think rubber bullets aren't dangerous or something. they're bullets with a thin rubber coating, they're generally not, as some seem to believe, bullets made from rubber. they've got the capacity to seriously injure and kill. there is nothing nonviolent or lenient about rubber bullets.


they aim at your eyes on purpose.


important addition:


The Zodiac Signs as Joe Exotic Quotes

Aries: I’m Joe Exotic, otherwise known as the Tiger King, the gay, gun-carrying redneck with a mullet.

Taurus: I’m never going to financially recover from this.

Gemini: I don’t think we’re done blowing shit up today.

Cancer: I’d shoot you before I’d shoot my cat.

Leo: People don’t come to see the tigers, they come to see me.

Virgo: This is my own little town. I’m the mayor, the prosecutor, the cop, and the executioner.

Libra: I’d like to introduce my wife, but my husband’s at home feeding my brand-new baby kangaroo.

Scorpio: She’ll never get a million dollars out of me. I don’t own anything.

Sagittarius: I’m outspoken, good looking, love to party and have fun.

Capricorn: It’s just two complete opposite, different worlds. You know, he’s a little more upscale, and I’m working with people who just got out of prison.

Aquarius: I am not changing the way I dress. I refuse to wear a suit. I am gay. I am broke as shit. I have a judgement against me from some bitch down there in Florida.

Pisces: I had my days of coke. I had my days of drinking. I had my days of…meth.

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