
hunger games era

@warmcrossing / warmcrossing.tumblr.com

oliver 23 artist prev user oliverisaghoul 🖤 tag to view my stuff: my art

My ideal aesthetic is what I'm calling "sexy tomboy". That is to say, I am 100% femme through and through, but I want to look like what a straight man's idea of a "masculine woman" is. I wanna be masc in the way that LaCroix is fruit flavored, just a little extra something to make things a little more interesting

This you?

I don't think I'll ever recover from this one


So I started working again today, and me and my coworker had to squeeze lemons which usually is a really un fun job but TODAY. We had the mostly lovely batch of lemons to work with. So we rated how smoothly they cut and how nice the insides of them looked for about an hour. An absolutely marvelous time I gotta say

And in case anyone was wondering

Here she is. The most lovely lemon I’ve ever laid eyes upon

Just thinking about her. I can’t believe we had to turn her into lemon juice


well i may not be the prettiest person in the room or the coolest person in the room i think im at least the third funniest


Small artists you need to understand that when you see an artist who you think has 'made it' tells you not to worry about the numbers and to not fret about getting more likes than reblogs they are not telling you it because they think you are stupid for caring or because they dont need to network to survive they are very likely telling you that because they have witnessed first hand the way the numbers game tears people to shreds in terms of mental health and motivation

Beginner artist: It’s easy for you to say not to worry about the numbers because you don't have to do it anymore.

Advanced artist, shaking them by the shoulders: DON'T DO THIS, it's a never-ending loop of trying to satisfy the nameless statistical tables that make you think your worth is measured by the number of people you can entertain.


can everyone be normal about masculine presenting trans women. for the love of god can everyone please be fucking normal about masculine presenting trans women.

hey guys you understand that when you say women don't owe you femininity it includes trans women right. you guys know that trans women don't need to be feminine to be considered women right. right. guys. you know that right. right guys. Right Guys.

listen to me okay listen to me. trans women can be comfortable being masc. it does not mean they're not trans women. sometimes, and i know this is going to be a shock to some of you, but sometimes trans people can be trans and not look like their gender. do you hear me are you fucking processing what im saying right now


i looked and she was sleeping like this. on purpose, she chose this. and when she heard me laughing she crawled out from under the duvet all sleepy and gave such an angry offended look

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