


dino stan | 세븐틴

I personally dislike labels but if you're going to put the sunkist orange sticker on my head I'd let it stay there


Crazy in Love (170524 MBC Show Champion)


its ya boi, depression, and i'd like to make a statement about my absence. the entire k-pop fandom was absolutely intolerable, i had to take a month hiatus. no, nothing in particular happened, fans are just kind of weird and territorial so i just scootled my boot on out bc, i don't like interaction with the fandom. now, yknow, i took a step back and saw deeper than the crazy fans. i saw the music, and the aesthetic of a few bands, to name, dreamcatcher, seventeen, and vixx, who, as i can tell, have very tolerable and decent fandoms. ive met some gross svt stans, but thats about it. and to people near me, dont make me feel gross for appreciating this genre every once in a while, ok? i know its not intentional. but seeing the surface isn't enough to make judgements of it. it's trash, trash, whatever, i dont give a rat's ass about the fanfiction and the cute boys anymore. but the cute girls. they stay. anyways i just wanna say. im not hardcore anymore, more of a casual stan. i like svt and vixx and i enjoy some girl groups. thats the end. thats it. i cant enjoy it past the music and video point anymore. just a suggestion, if you want your "boys" to have a bigger fanbase, stop being so dramatic. stop being so "your bias could never win 2,000 awards, act in 7 huge action movies, fly to venus and sing while dancing." stop being so "the boys reacting to their crush showing their big bazongas in their face!!" its weird. where's the actual appreciation for the music? the hard work? and when there isn't such hard work, the dedication to keep moving even if it's slow? "THE KINGS OF KPOP RIGHT HERE LADIES AND GENTS THEY SITTING IN THEIR THRONE" no. no. okay? no. they're all human, you shouldn't forget, they're not gods, they just want to make music to make an impact. and unless they let fame get to their head, they don't want a gigantic fanwar because someone is better than someone else. get it? the oogling over boys can stay, but i've seen a 14 year old get called daddy on twitter, and i have to say, that was probably where my bitterness towards the fans started. just keep it cool, keep it to yourself, and get along for chrissake.

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