
Those Damned Bees

@donkeykongliker / donkeykongliker.tumblr.com

Head honch down at http://duckcomics.world

I have been substitute teaching lately but it's becoming too depressing. Two separate rooms full of high schoolers identified a priest in a movie as Romeo's dad.

The voice says, "With the Moon and stars and planets we provided you with boundless opportunities. We gave you gifts. But you have shown no inclination to take advantage of them. Thus, the gifts are worthless to you, and we are giving them to somebody else."

The planets are all long gone. The inkblot finally closes overhead and the last star winks out. The gibbous Moon remains shining balefully down on the world for a tense and hopeful minute, but then, in an eyeblink, is swallowed up by one final event horizon, and spirited away.

Left in utter darkness, the former astronomer tries and fails to deal rationally with his loss, and his isolation from the human race who, as the voice rightly tried to tell him, has really lost nothing.

Great ways to end your movie

-There's a Wedding!

-Building is declared a historic landmark

-Rich man carried out of town on a rail

-High school/college graduation

-Man leaves town, never to return

-Winning a contest after conceding all hope of winning, usually through a loophole

-Everyone dies and is forgotten by history. Bono sings "Coming to America"


I'm gonna put this here! I've been doing "Nemo Comics" causally the last couple years on my twitter. Recently, https://buffetoflies.com/ alum Mister Sad died of eating fried chicken too angrily. Here are some highlights from his illustrious film career.


Lately I've been working on a short! I want it to be as complete a surprise as possible, yet I have a sickness, so I must inform this community of androids.

This is the internet, yes? I am not mistaken? You are all meachanical beings typing at typewriter consoles?


I like the fox who never sees hobbits on adventures. Why isn’t he in the movie.


I think I drew the same cloud twice in that last painting, it just moved to the right. This could be perceived as a mistake if the visual measure of time in a painting were not in constant question

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