Hugh Grant is bae

@shakespearesgirl /

I'm da bes

imagining a world where askjeeves won out as the most popular search engine so people having arguments online end up saying stuff like "literally just ask jeeves about this, it's not hard"


worst part about getting angry is how much it makes you want to be mean

sorry i said something dickish. a few mildly frustrating things happened to me in succession and it turned me evil


James baldwin’s the artists struggle for identity. Btw.


"That I have experienced my share of traumatic experiences, have survived abuse of various kinds, have faced near death from accidental circumstance and from violence (different as the particulars of these may be from those around me) is not a card to play in gamified social interaction or a weapon to wield in battles over prestige. It is not what gives me a special right to speak, to evaluate, or to decide for a group. It is a concrete, experiential manifestation of the vulnerability that connects me to most of the people on this earth. It comes between me and other people not as a wall, but as a bridge."

Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò, Elite Capture, 2022


Standing in the pasta aisle eyes closed trying to picture the mouthfeel of different pasta shapes with perfect clarity in the theater of my mind

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