

@yonderbeasties / yonderbeasties.tumblr.com


Hey, I just wanted to say I admire your Tarot cards! Is the deck available somewhere?


Thank you so much! Hopefully I will find a way to produce physical cards once I finish all the major arcana. Currently I'm working my way through them. I don't have plans to design a full deck at the moment.


The Star is a true sign that you are blessed. Rely on your inner compass and take solace in the fact that you already have everything you need. Have faith that you will thrive, even in the face of great challenges. 

The sandhill crane is such a gentle, resilient, fascinating bird. They are migrating over my state at the moment, and I love hearing their distinct bugle-like calls as they fly in formation overhead.

Anonymous asked:

I adore your illustrations! Where are they available, if they are?

Thank you so much for the kind words! Here are some links to my online shops:

And to see my work in one place:

Anonymous asked:

hi! i love your tarot deck so much and am so inspired by the decisions you've made. could you talk a little bit about the symbolism of your high priestess card? it's one of my favorites!

Thank you so much for taking an interest in my work! I try to put a lot of thought into my design decisions and it’s very fulfilling when someone notices them :)

The High Priestess is a card with a long history of varying symbols and figures attributed to it. Above all she is associated with mystery; a solemn figure guarding the mysteries of the world behind her pomegranate-and-palm veil. I borrowed some of the symbolism directly from the original card, such as the black-and white color scheme, B and J “pillars” as trees (which refer to the Temple of Solomon in the Rider-Waite deck) , the wolf’s crown of stars, and her necklace and scroll.

To me, a female wolf best represents the mystery, power, and authority this figure embodies. She is associated with the moon, just like the High Priestess, and represents a presence in the physical world as well as the incorporeal world of dreams. This card is also often associated with a juxtaposition between feminine and masculine, suggested both by the black-and-white color scheme as well as the maternal and protective instincts of a mother wolf (one of my favorite examples of this in literature is Raksha from The Jungle Books). Her connection to the moon also suggests her feminine power; the moon has been associated with femininity and darkness across many cultures for much of history.

In a broader sense, this card hints at a deep and mysterious wisdom, both seen and unseen, that guides the Querent. It may apply to the Querent themselves or someone they are currently aware of or will soon interact with. Like all cards, this is open to interpretation by the Reader.

Anonymous asked:

Super random, but was that death card illustration with the yellow background and vulture/flowers at all inspired by the album Trench?

Nope, just an interesting coincidence! My tarot cards are heavily influenced by the Rider-Waite tarot deck illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith. The flowers I included in the design are gravel ghosts, a type of desert wildflower native to the U.S. Southwest. I thought the name was fitting :)


I can't say enough how IN LOVE I am with your tarot series!!!! especially the color scheme + the fool being a deer, aaahh. My favorite card, favorite color, and favorite animal all together... lovely!! and the hierophant card being bees is so smart. I'm losing my mind. if you ever make a tarot deck of these I will buy 17 copies. If you even just make a small deck of only the major arcana I will buy 17 copies. Possibly more.


Thank you so much for sending this positivity my way! With how long this project has already taken me, I will probably look into creating decks of just the major arcana once I get close to the end. A full deck would be amazing but probably not practical for now (who knew raising an infant would be so time consuming??) but I’m glad you’re enjoying what you see so far. These types of messages really do recharge and motivate me to keep going! :)


Do you have a public Twitter account?


I have an Instagram account @yonder_beasties but for some reason Twitter just never stuck. To be honest, I never thought I had enough of a following for one. But as Tumblr has changed over the years, I feel like I need to branch out and get my work on other platforms, so maybe I’ll consider starting one :)

Anonymous asked:

Hello! First of all, I would like to say I absolutely love your work, I have been following it for many years! I was wondering if you were alright with people using your artwork as profile pictures, credit given of course. I tried looking around but couldn't find it. Keep up the great work! :)

Sure, thank you for asking and double thanks for the credit! As long as my work is not being used as an official logo (or printed/sold by a third party) I’m all for it :)

Thank you for following me for so long, it’s fascinating to hear from people who have watched me for awhile!


Just wanted to say I love your tarot cards and would/will definitely buy this when available. I hope new motherhood is treating you well. Take all the time and care you need


This is such a sweet thing to read, especially early in the morning when I am up feeding my daughter! Thank you so much for the encouragement ❤️ I’m about 3/4 done with my next card and I can’t wait to share with you all! Thanks for sticking with me :)

Anonymous asked:

Do you sell copies? I like the birds and herbs..

Thank you! You can find my prints at my Society6 page :)

Edit: society6.com/monicamcclain if that hyperlink isn’t working

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