
idk man

@smol-giant / smol-giant.tumblr.com

I'm Taylor and i know not a single thing my dude buddy pal

every day I think about how hysterical it is that taika waititi really almost had a scene in thor ragnarok where thor reveals he has “LOKI R.I.P.” tattooed on his wrist like thats. literally so funny how did that get past anyone at marvel there is FOOTAGE of them shooting that scene gjkhdfjkghgf

like let’s unpack this behind the scenes photo:

1. that’s taika’s forearm and and he clearly practiced writing tattoo ideas on his own arm, in ballpoint pen, moments before shooting, and “loki 4 eva” was a rejected idea

2. thor’s tattoo is also written in ballpoint pen

3. chris hemsworth has absurdly well-manicured hands. not relevant to this discussion but it’s worth pointing out 

If Hulk can smash Thor around and not even break his skin, what I want to know is what kind of freakin needle can actually bust through that godly epidermis and make a lasting impression on it. These are important questions.

serious answer: skurge, also an asgardian, has head tattoos, so ostensibly there’s some kind of godly tattoo parlor out there

fun answer: thor possibly, in canon, also literally wrote this “tattoo” in ballpoint pen and just kept writing over it whenever it faded because he’s not quite sure what a tattoo actually is 

better answer: there is no godly tattoo parlor and skurge also does his tattoos in ballpoint pen

This post is the galaxy brain meme in written form


when ur mutuals are mutual with each other 

pro: squad con: i saw this post like 18 times today


answered a scam call today and had the most bizarre conversation

scam caller: hello, how are you today?

me: great!

scam caller: good. I’m calling because your IP address has been compromised. I’ll just need you to get in front of your computer so we can get your account fixed up.

me: okay! there is one thing I’m wondering, though

scam caller: what?

me: you really couldn’t think of a better lie?

scam caller:

me: like, my “IP address has been compromised.” How, exactly, does an IP address become “compromised”?

scam caller:

me: I was just wondering, is all

scam caller: why did you answer?


me: what?

scam caller: if you knew this wasn’t a legitimate call, then why did you answer?

me: oh, I just though I would have some fun at your expense.

scam caller: what expense? talking is no expense to me.

me: well, you’re currently not accomplishing your goal

scam caller: my goal?

me: your goal of scamming my elderly grandmother. You’re not accomplishing that. I’d call that an expense.

scam caller: well, can I scam you?


me: did you- did you ask if you can scam me?

scam caller: yes. can I scam you?

me, baffled: sure, you can try

scam caller: you need to get in front of your computer

me: yeah, that’s still a problem. I’m eating tater tots right now and I really don’t feel like getting up.

scam caller: okay. I will call you tomorrow morning, then.

me: I might not answer. My grandma definitely won’t.

scam caller: You answered today.

me: …touché?

scam caller: I will call you tomorrow. Have a good day.

Enemies to lovers, slow burn, 500K


when you find an academic source that’s perfect for your paper but it’s behind a pay wall


Deciding to cite it anyway base on the abstract, knowing your professor probably won’t go through and look up every source in works cited

if you guys want to read academic papers but they’re behind a paywall, get the chrome extension Unpaywall. when you visit a site that requires you pay for their journal to view the article, the extension will look for other open access sites that will show you the article for free, and it’s all completely legal. all that money goes to the publisher, the writer of the paper gets none of it. https://unpaywall.org

If you can find out an author’s name, contact them. They may be willing to email it to you.For free. 


Check researchgate.net and academia.edu! Also authors’ professional websites.

Reblog to save a life


Just as a PSA, I’ve never reblogged that “your mom will die” post. I’ve seen it half a dozen time so or more and I’ve ignored it every time. My mom’s doing great. 

You’re safe. I’ve done the test for you. You can safely ignore it. It is a failed curse. It doesn’t work. 

Lmao they really took that chance tho

No, I didn’t. In my mind it wasn’t a chance. 

But for some people, it would feel like one. There are people for whom posts like that cause great distress. Not because they think those posts actually work, but because those posts prey on anxiety disorders by exploiting the way anxious brains function. It’s an inherently cruel thing to do and I do not blame anyone who is unwilling to take the ‘chance,’ because regardless of whether or not they genuinely believe their mom will be affected, the emotional distress caused by having seen and not reblogged the post is not worth it. 

I do not suffer from this particular brand of anxiety. But I do have anxiety about other, equally unlikely things. So I can empathize with people for whom these types of chain posts cause genuine distress, and I can recognize how needlessly cruel the posts themselves are–particularly because people who DO reblog them often do so at the expense of followers, or at the risk of getting rude comments about how ‘gullible’ they are, or even angry remarks from other anxiety sufferers who start blaming the victim instead of blaming the person who created the damn post in the first place. 

My point in creating this post was simply to attempt to ease the anxiety of those who are negatively impacted by those types of chain posts. It has nothing to do with whether or not I actually believe that ignoring that post puts my mom in danger. I don’t. If I’d had even a modicum of doubt about that, I wouldn’t have taken the chance. 

But hopefully a few fellow anxiety sufferers now have ammunition against the part of their brains that torments them with that whispered “but what if…?” every time they see the post (or others like it). 

That’s all. 

hey op you’re a good person

I have also never reblogged those posts and my mom is also fine. She recently called me about labeling emails in her gmail inbox and to tell me about antioxidants. 

That’s the most mom thing I’ve ever heard and I love it <3


*someone, probably flash, starts a rumour that he’s dating spiderman*

ned: spiderman wouldn’t even breathe in your direction, flash

flash: what’s your problem man?? are you homophobic or what?? are you jealous??? spiderman is My Mans


*flash caughts peter wearing the spidey costume*

flash: dude you’re wearing his merch?? get over it


*catches peter frowning at a news report on Spider-Man*

flash: oh so now you hate spidey too?? That’s low, even for you Parker


flash: spidey is such a great kisser


Villain: well, spiderman? Are you going to come and save your beloved?

Peter: actually…uh…he’s…oooout of the country right now! yeah. he has some stuff to do in…uh…mexico??? yeah mexico. now that i mention it

*42 minutes later*

Peter: and that’s why burritos are actually american

Villain: …if i let you go will you never talk to me again


i don’t know nothing about mooming but i am best friends with that three inch tall onion head FREAK that looks like an 80 year old 2 year old

this thing is every swear word personified


I like how everyone who knows nothing about moomins still takes one look at little my and always correctly guesses everything about her


I’m not gonna lie I forgot that Levan Polka was an actual song and it took me a whole 30 seconds to realize that this dude wasn’t just out there playin Miku in the park


do u ever get a message or a comment that like isn’t OVERTLY sexual but it’s in the subtext and even though it seems completely innocent your kink alarm bell rings something like

“you’re so cute! would love to see a photo of you in some red sneakers!”

like…..that’s too specific to be innocuous…………. .


god i love this


Teddy Bear suggest: covor face with pawz for extra sleep comfôrt

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