
Convergence of Worlds

@she-of-the-many-fandoms / she-of-the-many-fandoms.tumblr.com

The many eclectic and almost always nerdy interests and loves of a MSW grad student.
There will be: Fullmetal Alchemist, Royai, ATLA, Zutara, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Tortall, Sherlock, more Royai, Downton Abbey, Disney, Skip Beat, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Criminal Minds, more Royai, cute animals, and Inuyasha and much, much more.
I love to talk to other fans, so don't be shy!

Who’s Alex?

Billboard demonstrating gender stereotypes as most people automatically assume that Alex is the boy.


Actually, I’ve studied design and advertising, and I can tell you that the reason people would look at this and immediately assume Alex is the boy is because, quite simply, the boy is the focal point of the ad.

English-speaking readers’ line of sight goes from left to right and up to down. This ad leads the viewer from the words MEET ALEX etc straight to the boy and then over and down to the girl. I didn’t even notice there was a set of parenthesis with words in them in the ad until I looked the fourth time. 

This is a fallacious confirmation bias, as anyone looking at it will assume Alex is the focal point (i.e. The Boy) and then if they’re perceptive they’ll notice the words at the bottom. Aha! Those damn gender stereotypes gotcha again! Except no, because the ad literally forces you to read it as “Alex is the boy” by the visual language and lines of sight. 

A better ad would have been structured from top to bottom instead of left to right, and wouldn’t have pushed the girl, the real subject of the ad (who, by the way, has been VISUALLY PUSHED OUT OF HER RIGHTFUL SPACE ON THE AD BY HER BROTHER) off to the corner as far away from her identifiers as possible. 

Here, I’ll make you a better ad.

Bam. Shitty stock photo but you get the point. If anyone sees this and assumes Alex is the boy, they don’t have the the ad layout to use as an excuse for their internalized gender shittery. Likewise, the ad isn’t actively trying to make you read it a certain way and THEN making you feel guilty for interpreting it the way they designed it to be. 

Always reblog


Ladies, I am holding out my hand. Do you trust me?

I need you to open Google Maps. Locate your nearest mall. Get in your car. Drive to Yankee Candle.

Past the seasonal pumpkin display, near the back of the store, you will find a trash pile Man Candle section. You will see candles called MMM, Bacon!. Riding Mower. Man Town. (I’m not kidding. Man Town.) Stay strong. Not in this section, but likely very near this section, you will find a candle called Mountain Lodge.

Hold this jar in your hands like a talisman. Close your eyes and picture a man.

I want to be clear: I’m not talking about a Hugh Dancy. Or an Andrew Garfield, a Ben Whishaw, even a Tom Hiddleston. This exercise requires someone in the Chris Evans weight class. The Richard Armitage department. Someone with smile lines around his eyes who could chop the cedar for your bower with his own hands, strangle an alpha wolf, carry you home when you sprain your ankle in the woods, bench press your entire body. Picture this man in your mountain home with a full beard, a slightly grimy white henley, a fond half smile he reserves only for you. Now open the lid and smell Mountain Lodge.

Steady yourself on the man candle display. Give yourself a second. No, you’re not wrong. Yes, the Yankee Candle Company has just eliminated the need for men. This medium tumbler Mountain Lodge candle jar is now your boyfriend. The Yankee Candle Company has effectively replaced the need for contact with the male half of our species with a compact and clean-burning candle in a jar.

“Do you like this one?” the cashier asked, ringing me up. “Every man should be required by law to smell like what this candle smells like,” I replied intensely. “That’ll be $12.01,” she said.



it literally smells like waking up on a cold night to find a bearded richard armitage adding another quilt to the bed before he gets back in and pulls you snugly against his chest

I’m not fucking around I feel like I should be watching chris hemsworth in flannel and suspenders whittling a delicate masterpiece in front of a fireplace rn

All right, Tumblr, I saw this post a few months ago and immediately realized I had to smell this candle.  I have never in my life experienced such a burning need (pun intended) to smell what the Yankee Candle website described as a warm aroma of cedarwood and sage, but what Tumblr described as my new boyfriend.

The trouble is that nearest Yankee Candle Company store was a bit of a trek, and my schedule tended to prohibit this olfactory adventure.

So for the last few weeks, as I’d scroll my Tumblr dash and look at images of attractive manly men, I’d sigh and wistfully think, if only I could engage another sense with this image. If only I could I could truly fathom the ideal fragrance of this man.

And then this happened.

And I knew.

I knew whatever was happening, I needed to get to a Yankee Candle Company. The scent of Mountain Lodge would transport me instantly to this scene. The aroma of this infamous candle could make me live out a self-insertion Avengers fanfic.

So I got in my car, made the drive, and located the Yankee Candle Company.  The store was crowded with holiday shoppers. My nose was immediately assaulted by hundreds of warring scents.  

I battled through the sea of humanity and the Angel Wings-Merry Marshmallow-Magical Frosted Forest assault, buoyed on by my need to understand what Steve Rogers ripping a log in half with his bare hands smelled like.

I waded toward the back of the store, only to discover the man candle section seems to have been discontinued. What was I going to steady myself on, once I found my scented gateway to hanging out with the Avengers on Hawkeye’s farm? I felt lost, adrift, unable to find my bearings amid Soft Blanket-Fluffy Towels-Home Sweet Home.

And then… rising from the “Fresh” display, there it was.

Mountain Lodge.

It was the moment of truth. What would it be like to smell this infamous candle?

I opened the lid. I took a deep breath.

And I giggled.

Ah yes.  This was it.  This gentle, pleasantly masculine fragrance, in fact, reduced me to what I’d probably do in the actual presence of Chris Evans: giggle like an idiot.

The smell makes me smile, makes me laugh, makes me gently swoon: all reactions that, indeed, can be elicited by an ideal man. I can barely handle the true power of Mountain Lodge.

Several months have passed since this discovery. I have regaled friends with the saga, and after hearing of it, they, too, felt the burning need to smell the candle.  One by one, we have all become Mountain Lodge converts. In times of need, this candle is our refuge. Our group has developed escapist superpowers, infused by the Yankee Candle Company. 



This is how you do advertisement

we love everything about all of this. We will always be there for you, just light your Mountain Lodge candle and know that our love burns bright for you.


This Means War

Not for the first time, Mycroft pulled on his tie.

It wasn’t that he was unaccustomed to wearing ties. In fact, he wore them on a daily basis and was quite fond of them. He liked to dress smartly, it gave him an air of confidence and superiority that lends itself rather handy in his line of work. Not to mention, the sight of him in a waistcoat did things to Anthea. He wasn’t sure what the things were exactly, but he was rather fond of them.

No, ties weren’t the problem. This tie was the problem.

He ran his finger under his collar and sneered.

‘What’s wrong, brother dear?’ Sherlock slid into the seat beside him with a smirk. ‘Can’t stomach wearing a cherry-patterned tie?’

‘It’s… bearable.’

Sherlock tossed his head back and laughed. ‘You hate it, we both know it. Now take it off!’

‘And hurt Molly’s feelings?’ Mycroft sniffed and straightened up, pressing his chest (and the tie) out proudly. ‘Never.’

They sat in silence for several minutes and watched the couple dancing about the floor.

‘She’s quite lovely. Though, how you ever managed to deserve her is a mystery even you will never solve,’ Mycroft commented as Molly twirled by in John’s arms, her white dress rustling about.

‘But that won’t stop me from trying,’ Sherlock retorted and stood, straightening his jacket and tie. ‘Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s about time I steal my wife back from Three Continents Watson.’

Mycroft chuckled lazily and waved him away.

Sherlock hadn’t gone more than two steps when he turned back with a smirk. ‘You do realize that Molly only asked you to wear that in order to make you uncomfortable.’

The smile dropped off Mycroft’s face.

‘When she gave it to you, didn’t you think it was an odd request? The only groomsman to wear a cherry-covered tie?’ Sherlock shook his head woefully at Mycroft’s dumbfounded expression.

Mycroft watched dumbly as his brother walked over and swept his bride away from John with a growl. Molly giggled and threaded her fingers behind his neck.

No, she was innocent and sweet, he refused to believe she would be so devious…

Suddenly, Molly turned her head and locked eyes with him over Sherlock’s shoulder. With a cheeky wink, she smiled widely, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

He narrowed his eyes in challenge. Oh, sister dear. This means war.


Sherlolly AU - Expecting

Molly really thought he knew. After all, she was married to the Sherlock Holmes How could he not know? Had he really thought domestic bliss was the only reason she had gained 10 pounds?

Mycroft gets a call at 3:00 AM.

“What is it, Sherlock? Wait, you didn’t know! How…? Okay, calm down! What? No, I’m not making a ruddy law to ban pregnant women from working! Sherlock, stop whining. I…I’m hanging up.”


OMG it got even better!!!!

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