
L'esprit Modeste

@lespritmodestee / lespritmodestee.tumblr.com

Hi. Dia Duit. Bonjour. Asalamualaikum. Aaleen and 27. Pakistani by birth, Irish by heart and Muslim by His mercy. Psychology grad doing her MBA - studying & living in the GTA, Canada.


a black woman named zoe amira posted a video on youtube. this video is an hour long and filled with art and music from black creators. it has a ton of ads, and in result will rack up a ton of revenue. 100% of the ad revenue from the video will be dispersed between various blm organizations, including bail-out funds for protesters. it will be split between the following, dependent on necessity

  1. brooklyn bail fund
  2. minnesota freedom fund
  3. atlanta action network
  4. columbus freedom fund
  5. louisville community bail fund
  6. chicago bond
  7. black visions collective
  8. richmond community bail fund
  9. the bail project inc
  10. nw com bail fund
  11. philadelphia bail fund
  12. the korchhinski-parquet family gofundme
  13. george floyd’s family gofundme
  14. blacklivesmatter.com
  15. reclaim the block
  16. aclu
turn off your adblocker and put the video on repeat. do not skip ads. let it play on loop whether you’re listening or not. mute the tab if you need to focus elsewhere. but let. it. play.
youtube will donate to blm for you.

please, please reblog. for people who don’t have money to spare, this is incredibly important information to have.

Now this is initiative in action. Signal boost!

Consider not looping it, it'll get marked as spam. Shake it up between loops.


i can’t believe we’re all young professionals and academics and we’re still logging on to tumblr.com every single day to clown on ourselves. who let this happen


One day you’ll look back at the most difficult times of your life and smile at how you got through them and how you grew through such experiences. But Allah knew from the beginning that you were able to get through it as He promised not to test any of us beyond our abilities.

1. If your heart becomes heavy and hurts sometimes, don’t worry. It means He’s still with you. Your heart is aching to go back to Him. It’s craving detachment from the people you’ve taken to mean too much, from the things that should have just stayed as things. Your heart hurts because He hasn’t given up on you and wants you back. Allah protects the ones He loves. So your heart will hurt. But it will bring you back to the Only One who can fix it. 2. The beauty of Islam is that it emphasizes the need for balance in every aspect of life. When you overindulge and over-invest yourself, your feelings, your time, your effort, your money, your strength, your concentration, your love and your trust on the trivial, the banal, the transient little parts of this dunya, you’re doing yourself an injustice. You’re making it harder for yourself to grow and easier for others to take a grip on you. Stop caring too much about things that won’t matter on the day that counts. Don’t let yourself drown in your work or fall head over heels for another person or strive to succeed whilst allowing yourself to forget what is truly worth striving for. Be fair to yourself, be moderate in everything and be smart about it. Find a balance. 3. You once thought that it was too much to bear. You felt overwhelmed and completely devastated. And yet, you’re here. No matter how difficult life gets to be, remember that Allah is Al-Muhaymin and Ar-Razzaq. He protects and provides. And He will always do so. So trust Him and keep going, this too shall pass as it always does. 4. If you’re heartbroken and tired, disillusioned and confused or if you just feel lost and betrayed by the same people over and over again, remember that Allah is Al-Jabbar, the Restorer, the Repairer, the Compeller. The one who can make you feel better when everyone else keeps pushing you down. You just have to call on Him. 5. If Allah can take the person you never thought you’d lose out of your life, He will surely bless you with someone you never imagined would be in it. 6. I guarantee you’ll reduce the amount of stress and disappointment in your life if you learn to live by this: Everything really does happen for a reason. We all know this but if something was written to be yours, a grade, a job, a relationship, a trip, it will always be yours and nothing in this world can prevent it from being yours except Allah’s will. If you weren’t meant to get something, you won’t get it. Regardless of anything. Because it just wasn’t written. That being said, All you have to do is keep your intentions straight, keep doing your best, keep being the best you can be and keep trusting in the fact that Allah’s provisions are always for our best interest. Something good always comes of something that may seem initially disappointing or bad. So don’t worry. Keep that trust, do your thing, if you don’t get what you wanted, keep moving, keep going. You’ll get something better or make it somewhere more worthwhile. 7. Sometimes the most difficult and heart wrenchingly painful situations are the ones that push you to your knees, to your lowest, and have you raising your hands high to The Most High. When you lose everything you had such strong convictions about and such deep certainty that you would never live without, you realize that truly, Allah has always been there and it was only a matter of time before you went back to Him. It hurts in the moment, but sometimes it takes a lot to bring us back. Sometimes it takes a lot to break the heart so that you can actually realize that there’s only One way to fix it. You have to go back to the One who knows it best, the One who Created it. When we forget Him, He brings us back in ways that sometimes break us. It sucks but it’s what you need and it’s why you smile when you look back at how you got to where you are today. 8. Islam is all about balance and moderation. Look at anything in your life right now that is slightly problematic, worrisome or not going as planned, or perhaps you just aren’t happy with the way you’re doing certain things. Just notice for a second that all your problems, are because of an imbalance between their respective parts, actions & feelings. Either you’re too invested in something, or something is overused, or something is neglected. If you read the Quran, there’s an emphasis on having an important balance in so many different aspects of this life. Islam is such a comprehensive religion that it’s actually the perfect manual to living a healthy life too. Islam is perfect and the balance it calls for is perfect. 9. There’s beauty in the pain and disappointment you feel. There’s beauty in the confusion you feel because you never thought that person would hurt you or forget you. There’s beauty in the constant flow of memories you wish would stop pestering you. The beauty is that everything happens for a reason beyond your comprehension. The beauty is that someone who walked out only made room for the greatest person to walk back in. The beauty is that He is the All-knowing and He always does what’s best. What’s more reassuring than that? 10. Fortify your dua with acceptance. Accept the fact that dua is a powerful tool. Accept the fact that your dua will be heard and answered by the One who says “Be” & it is. Accept the true power of your dua and make it even more effective. You have to know how good something is and trust in it to yield the best outcomes

 by Aaleen 




Mucad Ibrahim - 3

Abdullahi Dirie - 4

An unnamed 12 year old

Sayyad Milne - 14

Hamza Mustafa - 16

Talha Rashid - 21

Tariq Omar - 24

Ozair Kadir - 24

Ansi Alibava - 25

Syed Areeb Ahmed - 26

Ramiz Vora - 28

Farhaj Ahsan - 30

Mojammel Hoq - 30

Atta Elayyan - 33

Junaid Mortara - 35

Hussain Al-Umari - 36

Mohammed Omar Faruk - 36

Junaid Ismail - 36

Osama Adnan Abu Kwik - 37

Zeeshan Raza - 38

Kamel Darwish - 39

Haroon Mahmood - 40

Sohail Shahid - 40

Hosne Ara Parvin - 42

Syed Jahandad Ali - 43

Khaled Mustafa - 45

Mohammad Imran Khan - 47

Naeem Rashid - 50

Matiullah Safi - 55

Amjad Hamid -57

Lilik Abdul Hamid - 58

Arifbhai Mohamedali Vora - 58

Ghulam Hussain - 60s

Karam Bibi - 60s

Musa Vali Suleman Patel - 60

Abdelfattah Qasem - 60

Ashraf Ali - 61

Mohsin Al-Harbi - 63

Linda Armstrong - 65

Maheboob Khokhar - 65

Muhammed Abdusi Samad - 66

Ali Elmadani - 66

Munir Suleiman - 68

Ahmed Jamal al-Din Abdul Ghani - 68

Hussein Moustafa - 70

Abdukadir Elmi - 70

Haji-Daoud Nabi - 71

Musa Nur Awale - 77

Ashraf Al-Masri - unknown

Ashraf al-Morsi - unknown

Zakaria Bhuiyan - missing - unconfirmed

These are the names that should be on everyones dashboard right now. Not eggboy. Not the murderer. And certaintly not a Clinton.

Thank you


My heart hurts so much today. You all have heard and read what happened in New Zealand. At two different mosques. You've read how many innocent people were shot to death. You've read about how the animal that carried out this act of terrorism livestreamed the entire shooting on Facebook. My Muslim friends are mourning and hurting. We have been here before but the pain never gets easier to face.

This is a message primarily however, for my non-Muslim friends. 

Today, I woke up to a barrage of posts online, of people condemning the attacks, offering condolences and support, posts of mourning and heartache. In the wave of online reaction to such a heinous act of violence, I found myself asking, "Where are my non-Muslim friends?" "Surely this matters to them too?" "Where are the people I thought cared about me and my family?" "Where are the friends I thought of as family?" "Where are their words of support?" "Where are they?"

The man that carried out this attack was a white supremacist who wrote more than 70 pages and outlined his far-right manifesto for the world to see before live streaming the attack on Facebook. This man hated immigrants. He is quoted in his manifesto to have revered Donald Trump as "a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose." He writes that he got his beliefs from, "The internet, of course. You will not find the truth anywhere else." Believe it or not, EVERY single act of violence starts with mere words. Violence is bred from the language we hear, the rhetoric we share amidst friends and families, the dangerous ideologies we internalize and normalize just as the people around us do. Violence is spread by the media, through ONLINE portals, articles, videos, digital content. Hate speech is real and has real consequences. Putting bigots, xenophobic, and racist people in power, in the limelight, breeds violence. Just as the media has normalized Islamophobia and hate speech, you have to normalize support for the Muslims you take as friends. Normalize empathy. Normalize love. Normalize peace.

Amidst this dark, dark, day, I ask my non-Muslim friends to please do ONE thing: BE VIGILANT.

Speak out against hateful speech. Call out your family members when they say something racist. DO NOT SHARE racist images of Muslim women just to be funny. It's not funny. Practice empathy. Do not box people in black and white labels such as "us vs them". Educate your friends and family on these issues, on the power of language/words. Talk about how this is not an isolated act of violence. Express your support to the Muslims in your communities. Reach out to your Muslim friends, check to see if they are ok. They need your words of support. They need to know you care. Your family and friends need to see your open support of Muslims. It's a ripple effect.

Your words carry power. Your actions can make a difference. Your support has the power to tip the scales. Your social media presence has the potential to shift ideals.


Because the truth is, you're either part of the problem or part of the solution, and your indifference and silence is synonymous with complacency. Say something. Otherwise be content in sitting on the same side as the murderers themselves.


Dear Canadian Friends,

My friend’s father is being unlawfully detained by Egyptian state security whilst trying to come back home to Canada. No one has heard from him since Feb 18th. His family is fearing the worst as he is not politically active in any capacity whatsoever - so this detainment makes no sense. He has spent the last 20 years giving back to his local community. His family don’t know why he was taken or where he is now. If you have 2 minutes, it would mean a lot if you could go here: http://www.freeyasser.ca/ and fill out the form to bring this important issue to your MP. Thank you so much, friends <3

UPDATE: Here are the things we need everyone to do! 


Dear Canadian Friends,

My friend’s father is being unlawfully detained by Egyptian state security whilst trying to come back home to Canada. No one has heard from him since Feb 18th. His family is fearing the worst as he is not politically active in any capacity whatsoever - so this detainment makes no sense. He has spent the last 20 years giving back to his local community. His family don’t know why he was taken or where he is now. If you have 2 minutes, it would mean a lot if you could go here: http://www.freeyasser.ca/ and fill out the form to bring this important issue to your MP. Thank you so much, friends <3


Dear Canadian Friends,

My friend's father is being unlawfully detained by Egyptian state security whilst trying to come back home to Canada. No one has heard from him since Feb 18th. His family is fearing the worst as he is not politically active in any capacity whatsoever - so this detainment makes no sense. He has spent the last 20 years giving back to his local community. His family don't know why he was taken or where he is now. If you have 2 minutes, it would mean a lot if you could go here: http://www.freeyasser.ca/ and fill out the form to bring this important issue to your MP. Thank you so much, friends <3


(يأيها الذين امنو عليكم انفسكم)

“Take care of your souls.”

— Surah al Ma'idah  5:105 

(“وَقُولُوا لِلنَّاسِ حُسْنًا)

“And speak to people kindly.

— Surah al-Baqarah 2:83

( وبالوالدين إحسانا )

“And to parents do good.”

— Surah al-’Isra’  17:23 

Source: roadtofalah

examine your intentions. don’t move, why are you here? is your anger self righteous or misdirected? are you holding yourself accountable? what are the consequences of your actions? are your feelings facts, are they a tool for you to win an argument? are your actions consistent with the love you say you have for another? what does love mean to you? is your language mindful of another’s illnesses and traumas? do you respect another’s autonomy and critical thinking skills? are your emotions enriching this conversation or damaging it?


If you’ve ever even thought anything nice about me, even for a split second, I pray that Allah grants you the same and even more. I pray that He grants you Jannah for simply having that good thought about me alone inshaAllah. Because believe it or not, good thoughts, good intentions, good duas, good vibes, they all have an effect on people and even yourself. Everything comes back to you. So I hope if you ever thought good of me, that it comes back to you multiplied. I hope you find yourself in Jannah one day simply for thinking well of me once. 

Counseling is not just for people with serious mental issues. It is not just for people who need medication, or who need to be admitted in to a psychiatric hospital. It is for people who cannot always manage the difficulties of life. There is nothing wrong with seeking some guidance to get things on track or during difficult times. We will never be able to fully advocate for the profession until people understand it. This kind of attitude has lead numerous people to let family members suffer in silence.

Omar Husain

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