
Charles Scott's Palimpsest

@conversinginmetaphors / conversinginmetaphors.tumblr.com

Long time wordsmith unleashes that which formally resided only within my head, welcome.

A vacuous rerun

A vacuous rerun waxes a green screen, an homage to unruly eyebrows

A parable of kool aide was voiced badly, an enlivened theatre of harsh crickets

The fringe matched the mane, the correlation was claustrophobic

Laminated by quotes oh how notable, naivety primed with rigorous rapport

Listen to the aroma, the fermentation glossed an auditorium


Say Dominion Into Your Voice Remote

That’s my ideal of the west

Globalism seemed so premature back then

Today’s fore skin calls for light rain

All the cool kids say quotidian

it’s a party when florid portends

The crux of tumult an utterance unrequited

My vague differs sharply but my imagery is pure vocabulary

Do you deny the spasm? I’ll denude instead

The sound of inanimate objections turned

the pomp is quite ardent and circumspect


Growth changed

Fugue caching The Millimeters casual reciprocity, Prozac and other small verisimilitude

Tasted like clairvoyance or seasonal change - staggering pervasive post cards ad hoc

hypotheticals temporal. Loop implicit. Shunt patrons eroded

Love your growth, with a favorite flowerA nudge of serendipity limbo

peruse post-geographic, although imaginative pragmatism

Argot synecdoche brazenly A junket of tenderloin and the occasional bend of egregious ears


The Bigwigs Occasionally Flet

The bigwigs wonder about what really killed the dinosaurs

A catastrophic at heart, But we all have our idiosyncrasies, Hereafter it was gradual Like hardly anything is for keeps

The Fahrenheit felt like liberal republicanism

The curious rebounding tasted like polemic

My triumphs We’re banished and occasionally Or at least that was the thesis

The ideology was distilled and bygone Buy God and other dark matter

You can read and somewhat nuzzle


a somewhat palace Palimpsest * (conversinginmetaphors)

Innate dangling

the quiet place wasn’t quotidian after all

Let me caress let me chant let me go

but I digress occasionally

however the antediluvian game is strong


Lonely articulations

beckoning clarity in subterfuge

a foment in a sweet hindsight

My Titan was deep rooted

(would you like to touch my pejoratives?)


Stoicism felt so steamy

you should want to be obscure

How do you like your foibles?

Every kiss begins with gun powder

Why choose an orifice when appetizers suffice


Let the murmur begin

perestroika me with simple rhymes

a certain behavior of rooms

the best available absurdities

I wish to stand athwart with a holler or two



* (This poem consists entirely of phrases taken directly from conversinginmetaphors blog, specifically, the past three years. Inspired by Annie Dillard’s work with found poetry, I have added nothing, only taken words from his poems and strung them together as a word collage.)

Nicely done


Artifice. Meta reflection

However the space was near the cart return and it went outwardly

Atrocities were literally a module

A quotient was a quorum or a quip

The quiet place wasn’t quotidian after all but slightly basilica

Quickly a plant of infamous evinces

That which reminds of noting in particular and so it sounds

Firmness in a glance, how does that go? ask Alexa risqué questions and laughter ignites but inky blobs

What would you designate! innate dangling and unrefined sculptures of uninhabitable statements


Shout and Shout

A noir canceling head ache

The world is flat like Steve Jobs 2.0

The big game concludes and concludes and With subtitles

Explore the mystery of aroma How many Messiah’s or frogs do you see

Touch them with Lingerie And fiber optic urethra ballets

I’m tired of Singing with boiling idiots

A swamp of obscure syllables

they shouted gravity in my eyes

let me caress let me chant let me go


that’s my allegory and I’m sticking to it

the allegory was dormant

god partisans bereft of super colliders

Telos was his name oh

stargazing an Ozymandian radio joint

Meager was preternatural naturally

The landmass felt last-ditch

Immensely overt the hard way

A buzzing laden of idioms

roughly symmetrical speaking of parlance

piggyback odd models of locution

Down into the mud tropes

the gutter teased like an orchestra

but it was just superimposed


How To Zeitgeist with Cliches and Fireflys

Charles Scott (@conversinginmetaphors​)

How to Win friends and influence people with love in the Time of cholera Blue is the color of zeitgeist and occasionally small icons A stool was near a cluttered island, An iron fist of invisible hands a lovely Figure with Meat my god Francis Bacon is crispy Cliché like the plague tonight or at least Wang Chung in Alberta slip a plaid tabard over my indifference and glee near fireflys My position was obtusely clear assumptions are intervention distortion Art is cool like fireflys

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