Cumulus Music

@cumulusband /

Cumulus is the project of songwriter Alexandra Niedzialkowski. Seattle, WA//TRANS RECORDS// I Never Meant It To Be Like This

So, we are making a record. #hallofjustice #cumulus #cumuluslp2 #transrecords #chriswalla


My favorite boss (I mean besides THE BOSS) is putting out a record <3

"I feel whole without a band, yes, but that doesn't mean I don't miss it and I don't miss them. Saying that I feel whole doesn't mean it hasn't been a total mindfuck of an identity shift because it's so enormous. Almost my entire adult life was devoted and committed to being a quarter of a title I share with three other people. Right now, I've been in the process of dumping out all the baggage of feelings and emotions surrounding those experiences for all of those years, and trying to figure out what is mine, what's not mine, and who I am. "  --


#NowPlaying Best of The Pacific Northwest by Sub Pop. I am so honored to be included on this expansive playlist of northwest music history along with so many songwriters I admire. These songs truly remind me how many brilliant artists we have in our region past and present (and also unburied so much nostalgia with No Kids, Bobby Birdman, Yacht, Mount Eerie, Cub, Badger King, Hoquiam, etc.) Take a listen!

Source: Spotify

Wishing I was on a ferry right now...



go to the concert of a local band you’ve never heard of or have a water balloon fight at 2 a.m or go to a new restaurant you’ve been wanting to go to, but for god’s sake, stop falling into the idea that you have to be traveling all the time or have tons of money to have incredible adventures and make your life mean something.


Bad-Ass Local Girl Scouts Turn Away Trans-Exclusive Donor: “It’s all about inclusivity”

The Girl Scouts of Western Washington gave back a fat donation this week, citing the donor’s bullshit qualifications about who the money could or couldn’t benefit.

“When our council, which serves over 25,000 girls across 17 counties, was recently given a $100,000 donation to help girls participate in Girl Scouts, we were thrilled!” wrote PR director Stefanie Ellis in a press release today.

“When the fact that Girl Scouts welcomes transgender girls was recently in the news, the donor asked us to return the gift unless we could guarantee the money wouldn’t help transgender girls.We said we couldn’t guarantee such a thing because Girl Scouts is for EVERY girl. And we gave the money back.”

The news the Girl Scouts made was back in May, when they announced that they’d be open to any and all girls, cis or otherwise. 

“If a girl is recognized by her family, school and community as a girl and lives culturally as a girl, Girl Scouts is an organization that can serve her in a setting that is both emotionally and physically safe.  Inclusion of transgender girls is handled at a council level on a case by case basis, with the welfare and best interests of all members as a top priority,” wrote Andrea Bastiani Archibald, Ph.D. and Chief Girl Expert in a blog post last month.

Naturally, a bunch of exclusive bigoted d-bags tried to protest, but GSUSA was like “haters to the left, this is happening, get on the train.” 

The Girl Scouts are being gracious AF in keeping the name of the donor private, but to be honest, we sort of wish they’d name-and-shame so that we can know who not to support in the future.

If you want to support the Girl Scouts by putting up some inclusive, intersectional, beneficial-for-all money of your own, they’ve started an IndieGoGo drive to recoup the funds


I could tear myself apart trying to be, everything to everyone but me.

Being a human in the world who also tries to be a good friend, a good partner, a good employee, a good neighbor, a good songwriter, a good band mate, a good ally, a good human being can be overwhelming at times. I have isolated myself a lot over the last few months. I am horrible at keeping all of these social networking sites up to date, but I am going to get better. 

I also want to represent more of myself and the thoughts going on in my head besides just the part of me that is a musician. I will post some thoughts on social issues and pop culture on here to try and give a more accurate glimpse of what goes on in my head. xoxo


Every.single.state. No more dinner table conversations stressing about the red states that would never recognize equality. There is so much left to do but this victory is HUGE. Yesterday was a day that will be remembered through out history. Children will ask- where were you on June 26th, 2015? Every.single.state. My heart could burst!

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