



it’s not a real party until you sneak away to the bathroom to question your existence as you stare at yourself in the mirror haha


Capitalism at its best.  Some role models we should all consider.  I am a fan of Hagen Daz, but after reading this, I need to get me some Cherry Garcia!

I just need to work for them tbh 


And they openly support Black Lives Matter. They are GOLD ❤️

they also have an AMAZING dairy free almondmilk ice cream. changed my life

They’ve also gone in front of congress to testify that every shitty business’s claims that minimum wage hikes are bad are complete bullshit

Ben and Jerry have also been arrested for peaceful protest at least one time, so we know they’re the coolest


Me: my son is so tiny i must have the tiniest son in the world

Doctor: this is a regular sized baby, i don’t think you understand how babies work

Me: I love my tiny son


yea dude I drink a lot. Drink at parties all the time. yea you heard right, 9 capri suns. 9. in 45 minuets.


Naomi loves laying in boxes, but she was sad because this one was too tall for her to lay down AND see us at the same time

So we got creative, and I think she likes the solution

Good news everyone!!

Princess baby got an upgrade!!!

She says thank you for all the love 💕


this is the type of content i wanna see when i sign onto tumblr dot com


people who often say sorry even when it’s not their fault or it’s not in their control probably do it because when they were younger they were often blamed for things that weren’t their fault or weren’t in their control


me, in september when the leaves started changing and the weather was a little cooler: seasonal depression WHOM??????? i am healthy and HAPPY and i LOVE fall! pumpkin spice lattes yas! what was i THINKING? i’m remembering it as worse than it was in years past!!

me, 8 days into november when its freezing and getting dark at 5pm: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. oh oh oh OH. oh ya………

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