
Welcome :)

@kaylieizdabomb / kaylieizdabomb.tumblr.com

My names Kaylie. I love to laugh, eat chocolate, and play with makeup. Get at me, https://twitter.com/#!/kaylie_kennedy

I saw this tweet where someone compared the scene in Iron Man 2 where we see Tony going into Howard’s workspace as a child and how Howard’s reaction was to immediately become angry and yell for Maria to come and get him vs. the scene in Endgame where Morgan sneaks into Tony’s workspace and how Tony’s immediate reaction was to divert all of his attention to his daughter and drop the fact that he’d just DISCOVERED TIME TRAVEL to go and have juice pops with her and I just


When you're an adult and you see advertisements for new episodes of "SpongeBob" and "The Fairly Odd Parents"


the care bears always make fun of bedtime bear bc hes tired all the time and accidentally falls asleep but its only bc he stays up all night to make sure that everyone else sleeps well and to banish nightmares and protect people


the other night i tried to make a curry and i got chilli burns all over my face, so i thought to myself ‘hang on, doesn’t milk soothe chilli burns? it does’ and i couldn’t google because i couldn’t see so i just had to blindly feel my way to the fridge and pour out a bowl of milk, and then plant my face in the bowl of milk, anyway at that point the rice cooker went off and triggered a power surge which turned my electricity off, which i didn’t notice at first because i had my face in a bowl of milk and when i did emerge from the dairy prison i thought i had gone blind with chilli burns. so no i don’t really cook much.


straight woman im talking too: haha like.. idk he just ignores me and doesn’t like me and we have terrible sex haha but i love him tho!!!!!



Canadian Cosplayer is Mistaken for Terrorist

The Cosplayer was wearing a gas mask, helmet, armour and bullet belt. He was also carrying a New Republic of California flag. People thought he had a bomb strapped to his back but it turned out to be several Pringles cans painted silver.

Police were hiding in bushes and behind their cars with long guns drawn. Happened in Grande Prairie, Alberta. (April 14, 2017)

A reminder to all you cosplayers out there: be careful how you dress when in the general public. Not everyone is savvy to semi-obscure characters/designs.

This, a thousand times this.

Take your mask off, bag your props, and move with people.

Every post apocalyptic cosplay group needs a Safety Naruto. The Safety Naruto will signal to ordinary people that yes this is indeed a costume.

The concept of a Safety Naruto is fucking hilarious

Just like a buddy system except it’s a bunch of people with prop guns or bombs are each assigned a Naruto

Source: cbc.ca
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