
@thefakegenius / thefakegenius.tumblr.com

amy ✳ 21 ✳ infp neato

Sometimes I feel like unhinging my jaw & screaming at the entrenched establishment “HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO EXPLAIN THAT WE ARE ALL BROKE?” Because 9 times out of 10, when a “millennial” does something weird, untraditional, or otherwise confusing to previous generations, the core reason is because we’re broke, thus the old ways are not accessible to us, so we’re using new stopgaps and alternatives. An “obsession” with phones/social media? It’s a cheap way to socially connect when many of us are pressed for time due to work or can’t afford to go out. A fixation on food? It’s the last comfort splurge we can feasibly afford, when vacations and the like are not an optipn. A resistance to large life milestone acquisitions? Can’t afford houses, cars, raising children. Weird craft/homebrew/DIY hobbies? Trying to save money, or spin some profit in whatever way can be managed. Widespread cynicism, anxiety and depression? We literally have to take up group fundraising collections for things like emergency expenses, rent and medical care. We’re broke and it’s slowly driving us bananas.


My parents can’t understand why I behave the way I do. My grandmother has never understood me better.


I wish that anti-bullying campaigns would stop arguing that “anyone can be bullied”/that “it’s completely random who the bullying victim is” cause it’s usually not just “anyone” who’s being bullied - it’s the disabled kids, the neurodivergent kids, the kids of color, the fat kids, the mentally ill kids, the poor kids, the transgender kids, the gender nonconforming kids, the non-straight kids. We won’t get anywhere with stopping bullying if we don’t confront the underlying reasons causes it’s no accident that it’s the kids belonging to marginalized groups who ends up being bullying victims. Bullying is not just a “random” evil it’s an expression of the ableism, racism, classism, sexism, homophobia, fatphobia and transhobia in our society and it’s about time that we confront that in our anti-bullying campaigns. 

Edited version. Please reblog this version instead if you’ve reblogged the unedited version. 

me: *has a problem that needs to be addressed directly*
me: if I fake my death right now i'll literally never have to deal with it

why tall friends are great

  • they are towering fortresses good for taking shelter from sun, rain, and vicious birds
  • excellent hiding spot
  • they provide a path in crowds so we small ones can get through
  • can use as large pillows 10/10 would recommend


  • what do their faces look like
  • they’re always looking around like ‘SHIT where did my small friend go did i lose them’ worry not tall friend i am down here


  • hugs are very boob
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