
despite everything, it's still you

@jilliancares / jilliancares.tumblr.com

jillian - 22 - she/her - patreon: jilliancares

Hello, I've been reading your spideypool fics for a long time and it's been a year since you write one, I'm not sure if you get this kind of words enough but I still wanna say it, honestly jillian you're the best spideypool author I ever meet, I fall inlove with the way you write both peter and wade inside or outside their vigilante/anti-superhero identity.

The way you make their relationship and slowly building up their tension is so satisfying, I couldn't get enough and you set my fics standard high too, I can't find anyone that could capture their dynamic as good as you and I alwayd reread everything you write. If i could I would like to make them as physical books but I can't cuz money (and my parent would ask what kind of book is that and eh..) Anyway, I hope you're alright with your personal stuff and live is doing great for you. I miss you and your writing.


your fans


wow!!!! i'm so touched by this sweet message, i really can't thank you enough! 🥺 i'm so glad you enjoy my spideypool and my writing!!!

i've definitely been facing some writer's block in the last year, which is annoying and really frustrating at times. at the same time, my life has gotten a lot busier in a lot of really fun ways, like with new friends and hobbies and a relationship. i would love love love to get back to writing spideypool in the future! but at this point, it mostly feels like i have to wait for inspiration to strike. every time i sit down and force myself to try to write spideypool (or pretty much anything recently), i don't manage to get very far and just end up frustrating myself even more. so!!! here's hoping that the writing worm works its way back into my brain sometime soon. but in the meantime, i'm having a lot of fun and happiness and growth and love in my life :)

Anonymous asked:

heyy i’m looking for a drarry fic if anyone happens to know it? it’s a oneshot, draco’s father modified his memories and he doesn’t remember his relationship with harry, he just goes on kissing harry and what-not because he thinks harry’s under a love spell? and also there’s a snow fight somewhere in there. PLEASE

i'm a million years late answering this, but is this maybe the fic you're looking for? 🤔

Draco has woken up in an alternate universe. Or he has woken up utterly insane. Nothing else can possibly explain why Harry Potter suddenly seems to think he's Draco's boyfriend.
Anonymous asked:

Got a notification you posted again and audibly gasped. Hope you're well these days! There is a lovely girl I went to high school with who is still in my phone contacts as "jilliancares looking girl" so uh yeah your legacy ig

LMAOOO i'm seeing this late but i can't believe that's how you identified a girl u know irl 😭😭 i'm doing well!!! i hope you are too! :)


“When Texas sought to enter the Union in 1845 as a slave state, federal law in the United States, based on the Missouri Compromise, prohibited slavery north of 36°30' parallel north. Under the Compromise of 1850, Texas surrendered its lands north of 36°30' latitude.”

Tell me more about how critical race theory shouldn’t be taught in school.

I am a grown ass man and I just learned about this 5 minutes ago.  Fuck everything about trying to hide the sins of our past.



I was commissioned by @danielhowell and @amazingphil to create this poster for Gamingmas :D It was a huge honour and a dream come true!!! I've been drawing them since 2013, and I owe them SO much for my art journey!!

(text graphics by them, not me!)


you’re sitting across from me in a shitty diner in anywhere, america, and i watch you pour too much creamer in your coffee and i think “i love you.” you look up, catching me staring, and for a moment i think i’m brave enough to say it, but i take too long and the moment passes. i take the balled up straw wraper and flick it at you, pretending that was my plan all along. you laugh. i never want to go another day without hearing that laugh. i think i will have all the time in the world to say it.

op are you okay

yes im married to her now


this is the kind of quality content I expect from the internet

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