
Count to a million

@knits-fire / knits-fire.tumblr.com

Hobbyist pencil artist. Fangirl.

Jueves - La Oreja De Van Gogh

Si fuera más guapa y un poco más lista

If I were prettier and a little bit smarter

Si fuera especial, si fuera de revista

If I were special, like the girls in magazines

Tendría el valor de cruzar el vagón

I’d be brave enough to walk across the car

Y preguntarte quién eres.

And ask you your name.

Te sientas en frente y ni te imaginas

You sit across from me and don’t even know

Que llevo por ti mi falda más bonita.

I’m wearing my prettiest skirt just for you.

Y al verte lanzar un bostezo al cristal

And when I see you yawn into the window pane

Se inundan mis pupilas.

My eyes well up.

De pronto me miras, te miro y suspiras

Suddenly you look at me, I look back and you sigh

Yo cierro los ojos, tú apartas la vista

I close my eyes, you look away

Apenas respiro me hago pequeñita

I can barely breath and become so small

Y me pongo a temblar

And start shaking

Y así pasan los días, de lunes a viernes

And the days go by, Monday through Friday

Como las golondrinas del poema de Bécquer

Like the swallows of Bécquer’s poem

De estación a estación enfrente tú y yo

From station to station, facing each other

Va y viene el silencio.

Silence comes and goes.

De pronto me miras, te miro y suspiras

Suddenly you look at me, I look back and you sigh

Yo cierro los ojos, tú apartas la vista

I close my eyes, you look away

Apenas respiro me hago pequeñita

I can barely breath and become so small

Y me pongo a temblar

And start shaking

Y entonces ocurre, despiertan mis labios

And then it happens, my lips awakened

Pronuncian tu nombre tartamudeando.

Stutter your name.

Supongo que piensas que chica más tonta

I guess you’re thinking ‘what a silly girl’

Y me quiero morir.

And I just want to die.

Pero el tiempo se para y te acercas diciendo

But time freezes and you approach me saying

Yo no te conozco y ya te echaba de menos.

'I don’t even know you and I already missed you.’

Cada mañana rechazo el directo

Every morning I choose this train

Y elijo este tren.

Over the express.

Y ya estamos llegando, mi vida ha cambiado

And we’re almost there, my life has changed

Un día especial este once de marzo.

Today March 11th is a special day.

Me tomas la mano, llegamos a un túnel

You hold my hand, we get to a tunnel

Que apaga la luz.

And everything goes dark.

Te encuentro la cara, gracias a mis manos.

I find your face thanks to my hands

Me vuelvo valiente y te beso en los labios.

I brave up and kiss your lips

Dices que me quieres y yo te regalo

You say that you love me and I give you

El último soplo de mi corazón.

My heart’s last beat.

“This song is dedicated to the victims of the March 11th, 2004 terrorist attacks on several trains in the outskirts of Madrid (Spain) based on a real story, written on the diary of a passenger where there was an unfinished note, meaning that that same Thursday she was writing that entry on her diary, she was another victim of the attack where 191 people died.”


That awkward moment when you use a shipper name in a conversation with a casual watcher


America is about to be that part in the lion king where where pride rock became all shitty bc Scar became king

have yet to see a better analogy

Are you implying Hilary Clinton’s daughter will assassinate Donald Trump because I’m okay with this

Actually, if we follow the narrative, I think it would be the Obama daughters. Which would be even MORE awesome.

Malia’s gonna fight Trump on the roof of the Whitehouse while it’s on fire.


Didn’t Scar get killed by the hyenas, who turned against him when he tried to throw blame at them while begging for his life?

The equivalent would be Trump cornered by both Obama sisters on the White House roof (yes, while it’s on fire, I can totally believe that Trump will somehow lead to the White House catching fire at some point) insisting that “we’re all friends against the Republican establishment, it’s their fault” and Sasha and Malia quote one of Trump’s tweets back at him to tell him to get the fuck out; Trump scurries away and runs right into Pence and Cruz. 

“Our fault, is it, Donald?”

Alternatively, since Scar originally gained the support of the hyenas by promising them a better life with lots of food, Trump is clearly going to fall off the roof of the White House into the arms of the Republican base that voted for him because he promised them a better economy.

Okay but then who’s going to dress in drag and do the hula?

Joe Biden??

Definitely Joe Biden.


You know what’s amazing?

The girls tell Lucifer at the party that ‘it’s real’ if him and Chloe are better together than as two separate halves. Then at the end, you have Chloe saying that they make a good team, which is basically the same as them being better together than as two separate halves. I find this so clever on the part of the writers. It’s not just the hug that makes Lucifer realise she’s for real. It’s the fact that Chloe practically says it to his face, without even realising what her words will mean to him and eurfuasyraaguyfasd i’m gone bye

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