
to you, i dedicate the sun

@vigilantee / vigilantee.tumblr.com


This is literally the last month you can reblog this joke


hey @ goyim could y'all reblog this if you're actually willing to listen to Jewish people and protect us?

we really need allies right now, and I know seeing this on people’s blogs could be comforting to other Jewish people.

why should we when you just called every non jew a derogatory term


“Hey so we know that people literally want you dead but u hurt my feelings so :(((”

not to mention liky ‘goy’ is literally just the way we refer to a non-jew just like ‘cis’ is the word for a non-trans person

if you looked down literally two centimeters in google search you would have seen the beginning of this page

and of this page

but i guess our lives are worthless to you because we called you a debatable-at-best word we use all the time for non-jews so we don’t have to keep saying “non-jews” all the g-ddamn time

^^ yeah p much lmao

This goy loves his Jewish friends

“Their word for us is secretly an insult” is such a tired old racist rumour, brought to you by the type of dipshit who gets angry when they hear people speaking another language in public because they assume the speakers are saying something bad about them.

Personally, I don’t like the word Goy.

Not because it feels insulting, but because it define me depending on what I am not instead of what I am.

Cis does not mean “not trans”, it means “who identify with it’s gender of birth”.

Goy means “not jew”

To be called as such makes me feel uncomfortable, as if I was lacking something instead of being different but valid.

Well, first of all, it actually means "Nation” in biblical Hebrew (for example, the song “Lo yisa goy el goy cherev v'yilmadu od milchama" means “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation”). Hence, when we use the words, we are literally calling you “The people of the other nations” (as Judaism centres around peoplehood in a tribal sense). So, what you have an issue with is being called “a person who belongs to another Nation, rather than of Am Yisrael,” which…is exactly what you are? You do belong to another Nation/Tribe/Identity?

Secondly, lots of groups have words for people who aren’t of their ethnicity? Gadje, Haole, Pākehā, Padakoot, Gaijin, etc. It’s pretty common for groups of small people, especially in a tribal sense, to differentiate from themselves and the greater world—especially when they’re a vulnerable population, which brings me to my last point…

Our right as a persecuted people to describe our experiences as such entirely outweigh your discomfort with being called “not Jewish.” Your bio says your French. Mazel tov, you come from a country that has a long and storied history of ant-Semitism, and you have no fucking right to police how we relate to the persecution you inflicted on us. If you hadn’t segregated and oppressed for 2,000 years, maybe we wouldn’t have such a strong sense of otherness now, but you did, so I guess we’ll never know. Grow up and deal with it. 

hey @ goyim could y'all reblog this if you’re actually willing to listen to Jewish people and protect us?


*attempts to log into bank account*

To continue answer security question: “Where and how will you die?”

types in “alone in a ditch wearing a clown costume”

*i view my account balance of $4.47*


tbh the funniest part in the fellowship of the rings is when pippin drops the helmet down the well in balin’s tomb and we’re just listening to it drop while everyone stares at him and he flinches at every clang and then when it’s over gandalf goes after his whole life i die every time


It’s very likely that at some point in the future, another child will grow up in your childhood home, and will end up having many of the same sorts of memories in the same place that you had them.


this is a blessing bat and you don’t have to do anything for it to work. once u see it you are blessed forever.


im so fucking sick of the dysphoria debate. sam smith comes out as nonbinary and the comments are like “but do you experience dysphoria?????” like what makes you think you get to ask such a personal question? when someone comes out and tells you how they identify thats all you have to know. respect them and move on. the fuck is wrong with y’all

yre all ignoring this post bc yre fuckin cowards who dont want to admit asking a trans person who just came out “but do you have dysphoria?” is the SAME as cis people asking “but have you had the surgery

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