i'll do the hot voice

@callmeplatonically-blog / callmeplatonically-blog.tumblr.com


* "Hey kid, got a very important job for you. Show me how to dab."


   -Sure, he’s made it halfway through the “Let it Go” level on Just Dance with an entire bar of perfection points still steadily filling beyond the “average” score line; which of course is unsurprising, seeing how above average the greatest skeleton to ever main Ana in a motion-detecting musical truly is! But not even the promising progression is enough of a distraction to deter his interest in a potentially prestigious assignment assigned by no other than a war hero of Monsterkind. Well, that and he doesn’t really want her to question his shimmying standards through the virtual snowflakes  spiraling from behind a blanket hastily draped over the visual evidence encoded within their television screen. Despite having discarded the extra width of his battle body’s shoulder pads in the laundry basket, he blocks as much of the half-shrouded screen as his bone-thin presence can manage, rocking back onto the balls of his feet with innocuous rattles until he can actually manage to hit the pause button on the remote he’d tucked behind his back.- WELL, YOU KNOW--VERY IMPORTANT JOBS ARE OFTEN UNSUITABLE FOR “KIDS”. LUCKILY FOR YOU, DEAREST AUNT, I AM TALL ENOUGH TO RIDE THE ROLLER COASTER OF RESPONSIBILITY!

    -And yes, he will be keeping his Sonic socks on all the way to the top of said ride, as sliding across the kitchen tiles on his way to the fridge for a quick refreshment is the only sensible way for a skeleton as cool as he to secure sustenance! After a few more frantic seconds of blind button mashing finally rewards him with silence of the highest definition, Papyrus ponders the fish-tail end of her request flop across the floor for the several seconds it takes to slap some sense across his shins. With a rattle of dawning realization, he seizes his chance with a sly grin.- OF COURSE I CAN! BUT, AUNTIE, WOULDN’T IT MAKE MORE SENSE FOR A TEACHER OF THE FISH-MONSTER  PERSUASION SUCH AS YOURSELF TO SHOW OFF THE WAY OF THE DAB?




☎ ┇ -To anyone else, he'd be grinning, but he doubts the scientist is so easily fooled by the strain in his splitting smile. Fussy fingertips curl into the vermilion coils settled on his shoulders like a debt yet repaid, though he's as close to depositing his dues as if he were trying to feed a square token into cylinder dispenser.- WHY DO YOU SPEAK SO HIGHLY OF ME ANYWAY? YOU'RE BRILLIANT, AND INNOVATIVE, AND KIND. AND I'M NOT YOU.

     His youngest son’s words took him by surprise, snapping whatever pleasant thought the sun had wrought with a near audible crack. Sans was prone to questions of the sort Papyrus had suddenly offered, and Gaster had become accustomed to welcoming his queries with a calm, open demeanor. He was a soul, though broken, meant to love and enlighten those born of his heart.
Gaster fixed Papyrus with a soft, affable smile and beckoned him forward before lining Papyrus’ prominent cheekbones with his worn, war damaged hands. Scars forever gorged into his bone, and they were scars he bore with PRIDE.
    * 👌☜👍✌🕆💧☜ ✡⚐🕆 ✌☼☜ 💣✡ 💧⚐☠📬
           * [BECAUSE YOU ARE MY SON.
📫📫✌☠👎 ✡⚐🕆 ✌☼☜ 👌☼✋☹☹✋✌☠❄📬 ✡⚐🕆 ✌☼☜ ❄☟☜ 💧🕆☠☹✋☝☟❄ ✋ ☹⚐✞☜👎 ✌💧 ✌ 👌⚐✡📬 ✡⚐🕆 ✌☼☜ ✌☹☹ ⚐☞ 💣✡ ☹⚐✞☜📬 👌☜👍✌🕆💧☜ ✡⚐🕆 ✌☠👎 ✡⚐🕆☼ 👌☼⚐❄☟☜☼📫📫✌☼☜ ❄☟☜ ☝☼☜✌❄☜💧❄ ❄☟✋☠☝💧 ❄⚐ ☟✌✞☜ ☜✞☜☼ ☟✌🏱🏱☜☠☜👎 ❄⚐ 💣☜📬
             –AND YOU ARE BRILLIANT.
  -Although there is little indication that a youth of his doting degree had inherited the same studious sense slating a once-royal scientist for all manner of logically-inclined success, there is no mistaking how meticulously he manages his words behind the boisterous facade of his outbursts as erratic as they are entertaining. He’s clever to clip his compliment so the light from his own over-saturated belief in his own abilities can hopefully highlight the lost talents his father so often forgets about himself. Often patternless in his persistence of offering heartfelt messages, each muddled beyond the veil of disturbed silt staining each splash of Waterfall’s collected run-off, Papyrus could leave plenty of loosely threaded thoughts like burbles of afterthoughts capable of uncovering a buried brilliance once he inadvertently connected them. And until then, he’d happily parade through the puddles in his past with childish strides and fingers fastened to his father’s threadbare sleeve, pulling it even looser with the demands of an endearingly new existence that knew of heartache no less than needing a nuzzle when there were none nearby to need.  PLEASE--NEED ME AROUND YOU. ADORE ME, AND THEN YOU’LL KNOW HOW MUCH I DO THE SAME FOR YOU.. DON’T LEAVE ME HERE ALONE--...Tirelessly he’d tug  the taut stitches loose during their Waterfall outings as a precaution against the deeper potholes filled to the brim and masquerading as puddles which were eager to swallow him up past his shinbones, all the while--unaware of what he’d truly unraveled into a dark strand of spool that would snap off without warning once they both separated. Even so, a child of his chivalrous caliber thought little of such unseen dangers, and tugged his father along behind him in earnest as if to steer the stiff set of overworked shoulders towards the light of his laughter pulsing ahead of them both with each proud pounce poised for maximum puddle-scattering.

  Even now, he feels the chill in the caves caught between the coaxing of each phalanx that fumbles for the sides of his face fashioned with a smile angle he can tilt no lower than “beaming”. They smooth the ruffled feathers lining his soul and for a fleeting moment, Papyrus forgets the usual fussiness that finds him in the wake of tender touches as they worry along  the thin fractures fashioned beneath an eye-socket left steadily filling with fondness.- IT’S JUST THAT--YOU THINK SO HIGHLY OF US BOTH WHEN WE’RE THE ONES LOOKING UP AT YOU! WHICH IS PARTLY BECAUSE YOU ARE QUITE TALLER THAN EITHER SANS OR I, BUT YOU’RE MORE THAN THAT...YOU’VE ALWAYS BEEN! SO STOP SELLING YOURSELF SHORT ALL THE TIME, BECAUSE IF WE’RE THE GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT YOU’VE KNOWN, THEN YOU SHOULD KNOW YOU’RE THE CAUSE OF THAT GREATNESS. BECAUSE YOU HAPPEN TO BE OUR FATHER! AND MORE THAN THAT... -With his teeth glinting on either side of the scarred palms that cradled the slope of his crescent grin, Papyrus bumps the bleached digits with all the affections afforded to the bridge of his brow.-


      📬📬📬✡⚐🕆’☼☜ 💣✡ 💧❄✌☼✏

                [...YOU’RE MY STAR! ]


   For so long now there has only been one task and one goal engraved in her entire being. It’s been soaked into her skin for so long, rich deep in her veins, controlling and stationing itself as the driving force every morning when she wakes up. For so long now.. they have wanted their freedom. Undyne sees the look on the King’s face when he talks about it, hears the wishes that litter the halls of echo flowers, lives in the weaker moments of monsters when they voice how miserable they are. Her fist clenches.

   There was no such thing as being too hard on herself. Not when it came to this—it was so important to her. Important to all of them and yet.. in her heart there is something that overrides everything. Undyne doesn’t want to have this conversation right now, as they speak the human is getting farther away, and doing who knows what with the other monsters loitering around in the last stretch of Waterfall. What kind of Captain would she be if she left her arena completely empty? A breeze to walk right on through without any consequence or struggle. No. She had a job to do, and not now nor ever, was she going to press that burden onto his battle-body shoulders.

   She sighs, just as a small collection of words finally bubble up in her throat, just the right ones that will help ease the skeleton’s worries and allow her access back to her job Papyrus starts to say something else. It’s unexpected. Physically it moves her in a small stumble backwards, hand coming over her gut as if she’s about to be sick. What? WHAT? He was kidding, right? Did he really think she’d be capable of taking his soul or any monster soul at that. Was she really that scary?

     “No!” A pause to catch her breath, shock still controlling most of her body, “Never! I’d never take your soul, or any monsters, under any circumstances. We’re talking about a human here, Papyrus. Don’t you understand? Even if they don’t hurt anyone.. even if they get past me.. they will still have to fight Asgore. One of them has to win and I’m NOT—” Teeth bare is a show of predatory nature, not a usual face she’d show Papyrus willingly, but one that came naturally with the thought of people she cared about dusting uselessly, “—about to let the King fall just for some human who was stupid enough to climb this mountain in the first place.”


     “I’m going now.” She finalizes, moving to slip her helmet back atop her head. Despite the minor injury she still had to fulfill her purpose as the Captain. Resting could come later after the human was.. eradicated.

    -Much as he tried to cull his excitement in the wake of surface murmurings to keep the pressure of delivering her promise one soul lighter from the broad berth of her squared shoulders, it still managed to radiate from him in waves of the same pulse beating Underground like a buried tremor of souls waiting to garner enough energy needed to quake the layers of earth stacked above them until there was nothing but sky and stars over their heads. He’d heard the stars—the real ones—were brighter than any pile of polished quartz, and hotter than the periodic plumes of molten material that erupted from the many moats of liquid fire winding around Hotland. Having jogged past his share of plenty glowing geysers on many a fleet-footed fraction of his daily running regime, Papyrus could hardly imagine the type of heat a star might harbor when swinging a wide berth around a pillar of plumes in his path could still singe the surface of any uncovered bones even when he’d take care to alter his direction for a plentiful proximity. But for all the fantastical stories about stars and their magic in granting the wishes of those who wished hardest and yet could never claim their benefits without a clear view of the sky in which they swam, he doubts they’re a force as fiercely overwhelming as Undyne’s unadulterated determination that would sooner burn itself out fulfilling every whimpered wish of those she’d sworn to serve than remain a high-strung decoration for an audience of adoring and upturned gazes. Worrying she could possibly blink out after granting a wish of such an unmanageable magnitude, Papyrus couldn’t pry his meddling fingers far enough from her fins to keep her from hunting down and finding that human whose very soul could harm any of them without meaning to. After all, what’s the worth of getting to the surface if she isn’t there to share the same sky as him?

    Even if he had a gift with leading her in circles with his words, she never had any difficulty charging through each of his mazes with green magic prepped to pause his escape past the barrier of planks making up his platitudes he’d dropped to deter her chase for as long as it would take to ensure she’d never make it past his verbal vexations. At times, he wonders if she thinks them as infuriating as the obstacles he liked to believe his puzzles were to the wayward human after they’d paused to admire the unmistakable and diabolical genius in his savage selection from a Junior Jumble coloring book. It’s an odd game he’s playing—this durability of wills; though his body is far from tempered in the steel swallowing hers, his mind is as stubborn and unbending as the workmanship welded into the ridges spanning her helmet. The durability his plastic armor lacks, at least when paired against hers and not the harmless sleet pellets that pelted him around town and bounced from the bubble encompassing the true steely resolve of his soul held together with several stubborn stitches, is likely what ultimately allows him free-reign through her head-space. After all, it’s not like he’s a threat to anything other than her time. Yet even so, the tactful aim of the words he threads through her thoughts is all he needs to trip her off balance and send her staggering back a step as he suspected she would, given the implications coiled in the stubborn corners of his smile. Having known her for all his life, he’d be more embarrassed if he didn’t know which way to turn her sails to catch the wind in his words than if they possessed the stopping strength of longer than a few stunned seconds.-


     HOW CAN YOU BE SO CERTAIN OF THAT? BECAUSE WE’RE MONSTERS, OR…BECAUSE WE’RE FRIENDS? –He probes insistently through the roots of her outrage that threatened to cover her sight to his reasoning completely the longer he openly considers the complications riddling her answer.- CALL ME NAÏVE FOR BELIEVING IN THE LATTER, BUT IF SOMEHOW YOU WERE TO BECOME THE HUMAN’S FRIEND TOO, THEN TAKING THEIR SOUL WOULD SUGGEST THE FORMER, WOULD IT NOT? SO…WHICH IS IT? –His gloves squelch when he curls them in as if he could crush the sturdy shell surrounding her reasons that hardened her expression beyond the smile he knew her soul capable of.- DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT  I DON’T WANT TO BE JUST ANOTHER MONSTER CARRIED ON YOUR GUILTY CONSCIENCE? –In fact, it’s the last thing he would rather be on a list inclusive of snails, though he sticks to her armor very much like one as he launches at her turned back, his spindly arms barely managing to loop around her in an embrace petulantly punctuated by the click of his cheek hitting her armor.- I’M YOUR FRIEND! IT’S MY JOB TO LOOK OUT FOR YOU SAME AS YOU LOOKING OUT FOR THE KING. SO PLEASE…IF YOU’RE GOING THEN DON’T GO STEAMED. I KNOW THERE’S LITTLE WAY OF ME CHANGING YOUR MIND ON THESE MATTERS, AND I KNOW YOU DON’T ALWAYS THINK THINGS THROUGH WHEN YOU’RE LIKE THIS, SO…UNLESS YOU FIND SOME CHILL FIRST, THEN YOU’LL BE DRAGGING THE COOLEST SKELETON ALONG TO COOL YOU OFF--INVOLUNTARILY, I MIGHT ADD! SEE, I CAN DIG MY HEELS IN, IN MORE WAYS THAN YOU PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT!  


☎ ┇ HEY DAD, LOOKIE WHAT I CAN DO! -And without further warning--he, Papyrus Cool Skeleton, dabs.-

       Gaster is not SURE what a ‘dab’ is, or why his son looked so silly doing so– But it did not matter.
He is proud regardless.

  --DAD?  ... DAD! ARE YOU EVEN WATCHING? YOU’RE SEEING THIS RIGHT NOW, RIGHT? I CANNOT CURRENTLY TELL! -And he dare not peek over his humerus just yet to confirm his audience, not wanting to sever the supposed stream of coolness this stiffly stricken pose was rumored to render upon all of those who invoked its power. Not that he's looking for any extra tutelage in the subject when he’s already aced becoming the incarnation of cool itself just by being himself.-




It had come off as odd to see that the taller skeleton hadn’t taken his lunch on his way out the door that very morning, Sans happening to notice right when he was about to head out for work (of course in a manner that was so late it couldn’t even be considered ‘fashionably-late’). And of course being not only the protective brother role Sans had practically grown into like a big sock, but also to have a reason to delay his shift over at his own sentry station further in the woods of Snowdin, the stockier sibling of the bunch decided it wouldn’t hurt to hop over there and drop the paper-bagged prize off to his adorably forgetful brother. However, Papyrus’ outward outburst of embarrassment hadn’t been what Sans was expecting. With an innocent blink of his sockets, he tilted his head a bit inquisitively, his raised brow bone the only real indication of latent surprise. 


“*whatdya mean, pap? you left the bag right on the table. you were in such a rush ta get out the door i figured ya might’ve left it on accident.” Hanging out with the canine unit or not, Papyrus loved his lunchables, just the sight of the latter tucking his flushed face away in the confines of his scarf and huffing about leaving it on purpose simply had the hooded monster smiling, mouth curled up in an oblong oval of mirth. Sans knew all too well that being apart of the Royal Guard was an endeavor Papyrus had been chasing ever since he was a baby bones, and so hanging out with the canine-unit of the guard could be considered quite a big deal when looking through his eye sockets. 

Regardless, the blue-hooded monster refused to believe that his brother would turn down a perfectly good frozen lunchable just for the sake of looking cool for the gang. So with a shrug that radiated indifference, Sans offered a wink to the other as he snatched up the bag with a disgruntled look on his long face. In his head he counted down, the pinpricks of light in his eye sockets trained on his fumbling hands as he opened up the paper bag and peered down to review the contents inside. Three… two… one… 

And bingo. Papyrus couldn’t say no a pizza lunchable. Those had been his favorite ever since he was tiny. Sans couldn’t help but chuckle, a snort escaping through his nose hole even when he tried to stifle his laughter. Even as Papyrus scrambled to save face in front of the perplexed hounds, Sans knew all too well that his brother hadn’t actually changed who he was or what he liked, and despite himself that solidity in that statement brought him some momentary relief. Although the lanky skeleton may be putting on a front for his potential comrades for the sake of fitting in and being accepted, at the end of the day— even when painting a tragic story of a monster child lacking their sacked lunch, Papyrus was still very much Papyrus. 

Then the dogs were on him, becoming one literal dog-pile as they chomped, licked and pawed at the boisterous rookie. The lazybones himself stood to the side and watched the entire fiasco, grin as big and dopey as it could be. Hands now free they slipped into his pockets as Sans rocked on his heels in a lethargic rhythm. Ah, yes. He remembered the first day when he had found out he’d be working with the canines, one of them had run off with his tibia while the others practically licked him into a stupor. Yes, those were good times indeed. “*ya need any help there, bro?” 

    -In hindsight, had a hound not chomped down on his arm after getting a whiff of that marvelous compartment of shredded mozzarella, Papyrus might have admitted that the situation still swiveling around the sack of salvaged sustenance is--considerably less serious than the stereotype of “seriously embarrassing” his initial set of squawks had first stated with the start of these “follow your brother to practice and wave a lunch packed with love and possibly google eyes taped to the contents” escapades. Not that he’d peeked too long past the crinkled-brown treasure trove of a wadded up old grocery bag to really tell if his brother had bothered to paste plastic eyes to his lunch like he so often did to every leftover Tupperware and condiment bottle in their fridge, much to the growing skeleton’s nauseous disdain of having every single one of his pre-planned meals stare straight into his soul and make him question his non-vegan life choices. Did Sans even know what classified as embarrassing anymore? Sure, there had been a time when even he, a skeleton as once-naive as he was currently-great, considered caroling for their neighbors with the added accompaniment of kazoos as one of the coolest concerts ever conjured, but seeing as those days of lorn had also spanned the segment of his life when he’d (forgive him, fashion) considered Sans’s choice in footwear as “stylish”, well...he can definitely confirm from the eagle’s eye view of his newly soaring standards that his childish tastes of the past had been tempered with the same steel that would surely adorn his shoulders once he’d finally proven himself worthy of serving by Undyne’s side as a real Royal Guard! Even if his taste for tiny pepperonis had remained notably unaltered.

 Saving face in this matter, of course, is a rather difficult task to undertake when Sans keeps merrily dropping his little hints like his usual peppering of puns to suggest that not only did Papyrus leave the lunch, but that he’s as thrilled as his baby-bones would be to find it returned and layered with the kinds of goodies no monster of any shade of moral ambiguity could resist without lying to themselves.  IF BY “ACCIDENT”, YOU MEAN TAKING EVERY PRECAUTION POSSIBLE TO ENSURE IT DID NOT FIND ITS WAY BACK TO ME, SHORT OF ERECTING FORCE FIELDS IN THE INTEREST OF MY PERSONAL BUDGET AND KEEPING OUR ELECTRICAL BILL LOWER...  -Although he still has his doubts that dowsing his lunch between the light of two opposing lamps would deter any lunch returners from their task, he can’t help but feel wistful of his missed opportunity to put his extensive knowledge of all James Boned spy gadgets to proper use.- THEN YES, -He continues a bit louder, just enough to cause the hound brigade’s ears to twitch.- I SUPPOSE OUR DEAR MONSTER CHILD IS STILL RUING THE DAY THEY ALLOWED THIS THOUGHTFUL MEAL TO LEAVE THEIR THOUGHTS! -And with subtle imitation of his brother’s sly gesture, Papyrus audibly winks back. Though he’s sure the hounds are still watching the two of them, analyzing his brother’s winks in ways that surely highlighted a noble intelligence beyond the drool dripping from the tickled pink of their lolling tongues, Papyrus would have liked nothing more than to pinch the bridge of his nasal cavity in defeat and send his brother one of his scathing looks reserved only for his slackadaisical sibling’s more egregious offenses, like his terrible tendency of leaving his socks on the floor for weeks on end, but even he knows that part of looking cool as a cucumber (or anything prone to freezer-burn and left outside in Snowdin for that matter) is playing the part, even amid the pandemonium of his big brother bringing him a baggie lunch and the ensuing slobber fest that struck him at his most poised until he’d practically doubled over amid the fuzzy feeding frenzy. Now he has to save even more face, that is, if he can avoid having it licked off first.

    Managing to crawl halfway out of the flurry of flying fur and excited yips, Papyrus shoots his brother a grin twined in the occasional tremble he cannot stifle so long as Greater Dog keeps assaulting his ankle with puppy kisses. - DON’T YOU DARE! THIS IS ALL PART OF...THE ROYAL GUARD EXPERIENCE! LIKE ON-DUTY DORMS. AND I, FOR ONE, AND NOT GOING TO MISS A SINGLE LICK OF IT--NYEEEEEH! NOT THE LICKING, ANYTHING BUT THE LICKING! -Losing his grip on the ground, the snow he’d been  clutching explodes in his face as he’s dragged backwards into the dog pile’s scrap once more. He always had his suspicions that Undyne thought him too frail to hold his weight around the wet-nosed squad, and he isn’t about to prove them right by having his big brother bail him out of a situation, no matter how slimy.- H-HERE, I WAS GOING TO SHARE ANYWAY! -By the time they’ve honed in on his lunch, he seizes his chance and scrambles free again, this time--sans a boot, Papyrus pulls himself up to pose (albeit a bit wobbily) by Sans’s side, his hands hooked proudly at his hips as he surveys the storm of brown paper scraps churned up by the ravenous group of guards just as aggressive in their love of lunchables as he. He’d found his people.- DID YOU SEE THAT? I’M GETTING BETTER AT DIPPING OUT OF DOGGIE-PILES!


   I’VE GOT THOSE WILES-FOR-DAYS. -They just don’t seem to detect the snowy cloud of scrambling pooches steadily gaining ground towards them, that or the sparkles of victory are still brighter yet in his sockets.-


promises to keep,

Ten years ago, he wants to say. 


          Ten years since he’d held his son in his arms and smiled, since he’d offered him the world on a string at the mere cost of his soul. Ten years since he’d placed a ghostly digit against his son’s teeth to shush him in a game of hide and seek he would never return from. The tangibly awful returned in a whirling rift of contempt–yet Gaster smiled, and wiped his feet upon the mat which lined the door way as though it were the first time he’d ever crossed the threshold into the quiet (yet warm) abode. Take it slow, dear rabbit, breathe–You’ve all the time in the world.

All a monster like you HAS is time.

He shrugged the reminder, and the subtle bile which accompanied it as he drank in the sight of familiar wall paper, of polished wood structure and decor kept hauntingly in place. It was a wonder Gaster could not help but entertain as Papyrus continued to speak.Truthfully, his absence had spanned a decade (while the resets and slowed progression of TIME had made Gaster’s eternal, maddening venture beyond the veil of time and space horrifically long), he was surprised to see the warm reminders of his hands still in place.

Gaster wondered if it was Sans that willed it so–he wondered if complacency had stilled his weary fingers.


He will know, he will see before long, dear rabbit. Patience, patience–

* “–It feels like it has been so long.

                I have been searching for him for so long.”

The older skeleton’s voice wavered only slightly, skimming the barest hints of grief and what must have been boundless depths of relief as he turned to regard Papyrus with a weak smile. He had grown so much–So much, he was so strong now–

                and he’d missed it  A L L.

*  👎✋👎 ✡⚐🕆 😐☠⚐🕈 💣✡ 💧⚐☠ 🕈✌☠❄☜👎 ❄⚐ 👌☜ ✌ 😐☠✋☝☟❄✍


📬 📬 📬 ☟☜ 🕈⚐🕆☹👎 👍☟✌💧☜ 💣✡ ☟☜☜☹💧 🕈✋❄☟ ✌ 💧🕈⚐☼👎 💣✌👎☜ ⚐☞ 🕈⚐⚐👎📪 ✌☠👎 🕈⚐🕆☹👎 👎☜👍☹✌☼☜ ☟✋💣💧☜☹☞ ❄☟☜ 💧🕈⚐☼☠ 🏱☼⚐❄☜👍❄⚐☼ ⚐☞ ❄☟☜ 🕆☠👎☜☼☝☼⚐🕆☠👎📬


                                MADE OF WOOD



Something kind gathered along the corners of his smile.

* 📫📫☟☜ 🕈✌💧 ❄☟☜ ☝☼☜✌❄ ✌☠👎 🏱⚐🕈☜☼☞🕆☹ 🕯💧🕆☠💧☟✋☠☜ 😐☠✋☝☟❄📬🕯


                       'SUNSHINE KNIGHT.’ ]

    -Satisfied with the amount of crushed powder his thoroughly encrusted visitor had managed to scuff off his feet and abandon between the mat’s frozen fibers like particles of past miles wandered, Papyrus paints his smile with a fresh coat of curiosity as those darkly-clad shoulders hunch to spill through the doorway’s upper-most corners unhindered. If there’s a balance between being a hospitable host and a wary one, he’s yet to find its equation as any hint of worry that could have wormed its way ahead of the stranger’s entry into the familiarity of the warmly-lit foyer, fails to unveil itself; that is, if it had even entered at all. He supposes having no skin or hair has its drawbacks, seeing as he’s unequipped to counter any odd happenings like this unannounced house-guest’s sudden arrival with bone-deep tingles of premonition the lambs in his storybook so tragically lacked, but it’s not the lack of this response that puzzles him. No, he’s far more bewildered at the butterflies badgering his soul like the sneak attacks of tickle barrages that Sans used to subject him to whenever he wandered close enough to become ensnared between the puffy sides of his older brother’s jacket back when his height wasn’t such a deterrent for the stouter of his family to fling the folds around his fussy bones. He hadn’t felt so many of the flutters accumulate since those days his brother worked longer shifts while he sat stranded at home and rolling toy cars into the door until it would finally budge and Sans would slip through the sliver to greet him with a persevering grin, sometimes a candy for his patience, and always a hug. But why would that vein of nostalgia flow openly for a passerby whose name he had yet to catch? It’s a bit too early, he decides, to be picking at such puzzling predicaments. After all, it’s not like he’d had the best brand of rest, what with Sans hammering the majority of the night away in his workshop again—curse his uncharacteristically busy-bones!-

   IT WOULD BE FOR THE BEST IF YOU TRY NOT TO ASSESS THE MESS--I’D MUCH RATHER YOU PARDON IT, IN FACT. IT’S EARLY SO, I HAVEN’T GOTTEN AROUND TO PICKING UP MY BROTHER’S NIGHTLY “ACTIVITIES” WHICH HAVE NOT INCLUDED SLEEP THIS PAST WEEK, SURPRISINGLY ENOUGH! BUT I SUPPOSE HE GETS “ENOUGH” DURING THE DAY. -Muzzling his agitation for his guest’s sake, Papyrus commits his gloves to the corners of the open coat in case the taller skeleton had any whim of shedding the outer most layer with its healthy dusting of frost highlighting each stitch in the fabric.- HERE, I’LL WRANGLE THIS UP TO DRY AND THEN WE’LL SET YOU OUT TO DRY BY THE STOVE--IT’S WAY TOASTIER IN THE KITCHEN. I’VE ALREADY PUT SOME TEA ON, AND YOU’RE WELCOME TO IT, GOOD SIR! -Perhaps the scent of freshly brewed coffee would have been a more welcoming choice this time of the morning, but Papyrus isn’t about to exacerbate his brother’s recent case of insomnia anymore than he has to because he has to at least fuss at him later to drive the point through that thick skull.

   With the coat properly hung, Papyrus traipses after his guest’s slow head-start towards the kitchen, squeezing past him in the hallway to lead the way towards the dim glow of the oven’s light that draped itself warmly over the kitchen tiles like the rays of a rising sun sorely missed. While raking away a few tell-tale signs Sans had been through the area during the night--an overturned mug and its corresponding puddle of milk left on the kitchen island, Papyrus hangs onto every fond word this poor father fashions for him out of the house’s lingering shadows. Although he couldn’t claim to personally know the sorrows surrounding the separation lines between parent and child, he imagined it as jagged of a line ripped ruthlessly into his scarf from a playground bully’s claws before Sans could properly sew it up again. And although the pain of awaiting the fate of the comforting cloth had been riddled with childhood anxiety, he doubts the pain of a misplaced material possession would sting as viciously as a missing family member. Sans would never leave him though...he’s one of the luckier monsters, he’s sure. All he has is sweetness to share to the unlucky parent before him.- 

    AH-HAH! SO YOUR SON KNEW OF THE SUNSHINE KNIGHT AS WELL? THEN IT IS  IMPERATIVE WE FIND HIM SOON, BECAUSE HE OBVIOUSLY HAS TASTE THAT ALIGNS WITH AS GREAT OF A MIND AS MY OWN! -How odd though, he thinks to himself while retrieving a couple of mugs from the cabinet; he used to play sunshine knight with Sans, but that had been ages ago since he’d recalled those days, and even longer since he’d played. A thought like a shadow wiggles it’s way through his skull, drilling deeper into the revelation--deeper than he could clearly make out. Trying to shake it free, he turns and as soon as he lays his sockets on the stranger, a flash of recollection ignites the tunnel in a beam of light so concentrated, he drops the cup he’d been carrying to quickly cover an eye-socket as the hint of a headache from  earlier finally strikes unapologetically.- HH! SORRY, I--...I’M NOT USUALLY THIS CLUMSY! YOUR STORY JUST--WRENCHES MY SOUL IN ALL THE WAYS A SOUL SHOULD BE WRENCHED AT SUCH A SAD STORY! -Teeth trembling as another wave of uncertainty rises up his spine like bile, he quickly stoops to scoop the bits of broken glass into his palm.- I KNOW I’VE SAID IT’S JUST ME AND MY BROTHER HERE, BUT--...I’VE ALWAYS ASSUMED WE HAD PARENTS. I MEAN, EVERYONE DOES, RIGHT? SO--...I CAN IMAGINE HOW YOUR SON MUST FEEL--WONDERING IF YOU’RE AROUND AND STILL LOOKING FOR HIM. THE FACT THAT YOU ARE, WELL...IT GIVES ME SOME HOPE AS WELL! THAT’S WHY...-Tilting his skull back to smile at the stranger, he feels as small as he once was while crouched, as if he expected longer arms to extend from some unknown corner of his past and draw him close to a soul that beat in time with his own.- 


    ❄☟✌❄’💧 🕈☟✡ ✋ 🕈✌☠❄ ❄⚐ ☟☜☹🏱 ✡⚐🕆📬


    ...AFTER ALL--I’M VERY GREAT. IT WOULD BE A SHAME TO WASTE MY TALENTS ON ANY OTHER PALTRY MISSION LESS NOBLE THAN A LONG-AWAITED REUNION! -Suddenly startled out of his shard collecting once the altered slur in their speech finally catches up to his oblivious rambling, Papyrus peers curiously at the towering skeleton’s knowing smile.- WAIT. HOW DO YOU...TALK LIKE THAT? ONLY SANS AND I DO THAT--...TO MY KNOWLEDGE ANYWAY.




      -Cruising for a bruising is a surprisingly easy endeavor for the skinless.-


☎ ┇ OH, AND HOW WOULD YOU KNOW? -Papyrus chuckles, the teasing twine in his voice unraveling as he rubs at his elbow through the dark fabric cushioning the frailer beams of his arm bones. Vaguely, he wonders why he even brought up what she would have missed around Snowdin in her recently absolved absence.- YOU WEREN'T EVEN THERE. -Shaking he skull, he tries his best to shoot her that smile she worked so hard to save.- FORGET ABOUT IT.

  And with the sudden shift in his demeanor Undyne directs her full attention to the conversation. Since it was still rather early in the morning she hadn’t been exactly fully aware of what was going on besides the warmth against her palm from her cup of tea and the sound of her friends voice filling the room. What had she said to make him act that way? Whatever the case was she didn’t like it.
    “You make it sound like I didn’t want to be here—which is NOT the case. You should know that better than anyone.” She pauses, features sinking after a moment, “Papyrus? Hey, come on,” A hand comes to settle a top his gently hoping to ease his smile into something warmer and more familiar, “I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t care.”

   -His dodgy admission is less of an observation dropped thoughtlessly behind him like a pebble among a trail of shimmering debris left along a darkened path set through Waterfall’s many twists and turns to ensure if he did not find his destination on the way forward, then at least he’d find his way back out again. It’s more of a slow and dawning realization, one that had been blooming in the back of his skull for quite some time now only to have opened its petals at the tail end of a moment even he and his sharpened wiles did not anticipate. Now that the pollen’s in the air, there’s no fanning it away despite the dutiful efforts of his flip-flopping glove as he tries to dispel the remaining draft that had managed to dent his smile beyond its usual radiance. Half hoping she’d slurped her tea as noisily as she often did during awkward pauses that lasted too long and with too many instances of raised brows gaining high enough grounds not to tickle a free a few titters, he pinches at dark, piling lint along the legging that swallowed  his arm in the same shade he imagined the bloomed thought to be. What kind of a friend was he--accusing her of matters beyond either of their control, anyway? Even...

     Even if the points are partly true. She’d been away during that time--busied by capers concocted at the capital, and there really was no way for her to “know” every little detail of his time spent in her absence. It would have been absurd of him to even consider she had the capability to conjure up every missed moment he’d wished she’d been there for with only snowflakes around to reflect his achievements. Getting recognized for his talents was difficult enough without having one of two very ardent fans scattered to the corners of the kingdom. And although difficulty had an equally difficult time phasing him, it’s the footprints left behind the challenge that fill with a puddled loneliness he’d splash out as often as he could by keeping busy and, as she’d requested--keeping his smile bright enough she could see it all the way from Snowdin to the capital.- ...I KNOW IF YOUR ARMS WERE LONG ENOUGH, YOU’D REACH ACROSS THE ENTIRE UNDERGROUND JUST TO NOOGIE THE SKELETON. -He tries again, hoping to trip her up with a hint of humor to his hung head.

    Much as he prided himself on being able to fool her bullish nature through the red cape in the swing of his scarf, Papyrus finds the task nearly intolerable under the weight of her claw as it comes to curl around the plush width his glove makes of his palm. Without the lashes to peek through, he slowly tilts his skull forward until the edge of each eye-socket settles onto the rim of gold wrapped around the onyx in her gaze. With a tremble traversing his grin, he curls his tilts his hand under hers until he can curl the lot of his bundled finger-bones around her thumb and tries to forget the empty space he used to crush between his gloves until they squeaked under the pressure.- I WISH YOU DIDN’T...     --CARE, I MEAN. I MEAN! IT’S NOT LIKE IT’S THAT BIG OF A DEAL. AND YOU’VE GOT SO MUCH RESPONSIBILITY NOW, I’D ABHOR DISTRACTING YOU FROM IT FOR EVEN A MOMENT WITH MY...PRONOUNCED PRESENCE!  -He insists, hardly noticing the droplet that plops into his tea and sends ripples along its surface.- PLEASE, THINK NOTHING OF IT, ‘DYNE.


☎ ┇ -Being on the shorter side, at least compared to Undyne, he's always had the habit of making a beeline on his bestie from behind and tucking himself under a broad arm to inspect whatever was interesting enough for her to pry her gaze off him for even a moment. With her mother though, it's exceedingly difficult to get the angle right, seeing as the elder fish is far shorter than her daughter. So instead, he rests his chin on her shoulder while he scouts his competition for her attention.- NYEH~

It’s unexpected but not unwelcome when she feels the distinctive intrusion of a skull entering her personal space to nestle upon her shoulder. Though it doesn’t belong to the usual suspect known for getting clingy at a moment’s notice, the fish monster would never turn away her dearest godson.
* “Oh hey kid, did ya need something?”
Still, now that he’s here Papyrus isn’t going to escape so easily. A firmly muscled arm loops around behind to anchor him against her, effectively trapping him in the circle of her affection so he has no choice but to accept the gentle graze of her scaled cheek rubbing against his in a brief nuzzle.

  -Charged with every excitable electron most likely churned from his father’s affectionate state of static cling, Papyrus thinks little of plopping his skull onto an open shoulder, especially one as vacant and in need of his plucky presence as that of his capriciously agreeable Aunt’s. Softened by compacted calcium and magic, he’d naturally assumed skeleton monsters were natural-born care-givers with cuddles to spare before he’d heard of any stories woven in ways that would suggest otherwise. Not that he put much faith in such tales being little more than fiction, or at least recollections of those who’d yet to find their confidence as he had! It had taken some time of course, scouting over the top of an upside-down newspaper to gauge his standing with the strange fish who’d arrived Underground just as mysteriously as the late Royal Scientist; at least, he’d vehemently refer to his initial skittishness as a scout’s intuition thanks to his time monitoring Snowdin’s sentry stations for the Guard. Any hints of a prior hesitance had fled his bones, filled instead by a welcoming whiff of warmth that nearly vibrated into a purr of preference for the perch upon which he’d positioned his chin.-

  WELL, NOT INITIALLY! BUT I SUPPOSE SUBSTITUTING “KID” FOR “COCHISE” WOULD SUFFICE, FOR STARTERS. –Perhaps clingy and sassy aren’t the best combination he could have mixed, both a streak of his father’s crafty character carrying over in stealthily-concentrated doses, but he’s relied so long on his smile for a shield against others recognizing the concoction that he barely takes note of it himself, that is—until her bicep has him bound by her side with hardly the wiggle-room he’d consider worthy of the title.-  O-OR, YOU KNOW…ANYTHING WITH LESS NOOGIES! -Shoulders sinking a tad lower under the added weight of his Aunt’s aggressive affections, he wobbles his new imbalance onto the outer edges of his boot and teeters in place as her patchy cheek buffs his with the attentiveness of a shoe polishing brush. He certainly feels shinier after the effort, but not in the way a freshly-polished shoe might; no, his cheekbones are a tint of tangerine warmed by the subtle attempt to save face after Auntie had called his bluff in blending casual with comfort-seeking. Even after a time long enough to imbue baby-bones with the youthful force that now fueled him into an opponent fierce in friendliness, he still enjoys relaxing by her side like the tiny creature he’d been bundled beneath a blanket fort on the sofa and tucked sleepily next to her thigh.


  Grinning despite the mild upset to his mobility, he butts back at her cheek back with the smooth side of his skull.- MYEH ~ DON’T MIND ME. JUST MAKING MY ROUNDS AS SELF-APPOINTED CAPTAIN OF THE SNUGGLE-SQUAD! I THINK YOU’RE GIVING ME SOME…COMPETITION THOUGH! –He wheezes under the arm loop that’s starting to feel more like a headlock the more he twists to locate the most comforting angle of a fish monster’s armpit.-




* 📫📫 🕯☞✌💣✋☹✡🕯

           * [ –‘FAMILY’,


✡☜💧📪 🕈☜ ✌☼☜ ✌ ☞✌💣✋☹✡ ☠⚐🕈📪 ✌☼☜☠🕯❄ 🕈☜✍

             YES, WE ARE A FAMILY NOW, AREN’T WE? ]

   -A nod sinks his grin halfway beneath the cowls of carmine collected round his spine’s highest peak, but even descending, a sparkle spreads along the generous amount of teeth left as they widen higher in response to his father’s agreement. If Sans and he had been strong even while scattered, then there’s no shred of doubt in his mind that having their family back--all of them, made all of them as solo-standing rocks--into a mountain. And what could anyone possibly do to hurt a mountain?-

    FAMILY MEANS NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND! -He insists, rapping his knuckles against his battle body in a show of confidence he never seemed to have trouble carving into himself whenever a severe lack of it stained his surroundings with a hopeless fog. The plastic shell rattles with each proud pap he plants under the bravery brand printed at the upper left of the pale armor plate, soon to fall silent as his curls his fingers in once he locates the warmth of his soul buzzing beneath.-


      ☠☜✞☜☼ ✌☝✌✋☠📬

                    NEVER AGAIN.





 WELL, IT’S NOT SO MUCH AS LOOKING LIKE A ROBOT AS IT IS LOOKING MORE...RECTANGULAR? -But how could he possibly explain this Underground- wide trend to the anthropomorphic personification of Hot Topic itself? There weren’t nearly enough studded accessories in his wardrobe to pacify such a blatantly branded beast as the sellout before him!- ACTUALLY, MY ORIGINAL BATTLE-BODY PROTO TYPE HAPPENED TO BE MORE BOX-LIKE, BUT I DECIDED FITTING THROUGH MOST DOORS WAS MORE IMPORTANT THAN...-He pauses to pinch one of the shoulder spikes on his counterpart, releasing it sharply to see if it sproings back into place.- “BEING EDGY.” SO! I HAD TO TWEAK THE FINAL DESIGN. OBVIOUSLY, THE CHANGE WAS NOT IN VAIN, AS I AM STILL QUITE THE DREAM-CATCHER FOR THE EYES! STANDING NEAR YOU, THE  LINE  OF  VISION  WILL  MOST CERTAINLY ALWAYS FALL TO ME! AND NOT BECAUSE I’M SHORTER, MIND YOU! YOUR STYLE IS JUST A TAD STALER OF A MUFFIN THAN MY OWN. WHY, WITH A FEW SPRINKLES, I’D SAY YOU’D BE ON PAR WITH MY PERFECTION! I DARE SAY, WE’D MAKE A GREAT PEAR OF PERSONALIZED PARTISANS!

    WE SHOULD START WITH ENSURING YOU DON’T ADD EXTRA R’S TO YOUR WORDS. I KNOW IT’S PROBABLY A  FORCE OF  HABIT  FOR  YOU,  BEING  AS “R”-IGID AS YOU ARE, BUT TRY YOUR BEST TO REPEAT AFTER ME: METTATON. M-E-T-T-A-T-O-N! UNLESS YOU’RE JUST GETTING HIS NAME WRONG BECAUSE YOU’RE A HATER. IN WHICH CASE, I OFFER YOU NO MORE LESSONS. NOT  UNLESS THAT MISPLACED “R” IS YOUR SLIPPERY SNAIL WAY OF ADMITTING THAT ROBOTS ARE INDEED “R”-AD. -If he were tall enough, he would have rammed  shoulders with his lacking lackey, but due to vertical difficulties, he manages to bump the bottom of his “r”-ival’s rib-cage before a smear of curiosity cranes his neck back to regard the spiky clone’s claims with squinty-sockets.- WHY WOULD YOU CONSIDER USING A CHEESE GRATER ON ONE’S  BONES  AS  PROPER  “FLIRTING”?  IT  SOUNDS TO ME LIKE YOU NEED A REFRESHER FROM THE DATING MANUAL! 




what once was golden |

   Eyes immediately fall upon the figure of her fallen friend. This doesn’t come by as much of a surprise for her, the hallucinations have talked before, she remembers his voice so well—so clearly. Thinking of it every day whether a haunting comes to join her or not. Gaze remains dead and cold, it has to, she has to remember it’s not real. It only hurts more if she doesn’t. Even still, Undyne remains fixates on his form, watching his every movement and breath. Every small noise he makes. Every scuff of his boots against the broken pavement. Though she remains completely still for fear of ruining the illusion that had so graciously been given to her. No matter how nightmarish who is she to defy this gift? A show of what once was or what could have been—had she just been strong enough to protect that which was most important to her.
   Undyne lets out a breath, it’s harbored and rigid, expression changing to something softer. She looks as if she’s about to cry even with how hard she tries to keep her features. Perhaps in another, simpler reality, the King would be re-modeling his floral throne room—the one she so graciously torn into desolate pieces. These illusions were getting more and more complex, easing her into a daydream where everything was okay and everyone was alright. Perhaps she’s already drifting without much notice of it.
   Oh. There it was. That snap back into reality. Those imaginary flowers that had seemed to start blooming once again in her imagination quickly wilted as Papyrus moved closer, lecturing her on sitting on the throne while offering her a bundle of petals. Undyne closes her eye feeling like the adventure in the furthest and darkest corners of her mind were coming to an end. After all, you can’t touch an illusion no matter which was you shake it, but she could have sworn she felt the bump of his glove to her head when he placed the flower behind her fin. They twitch, her eye opens once more, the image is still there.
   As if only to the mention of the little drops that accompanied her solemn state she peers down at her shoulder, watching as a drop teeters and slowly falls over the curve of her arm. Normally she doesn’t interact with these figures but today she shakes her head, if ever in the slightest nature, it looks as if it hurts to move after sitting still for so long.
   Taking another slow breath Undyne releases the grip she had on her ankle, the leg stationed up on the throne slips out of it’s position and swings over the edge of the seat, her hand comes up to touch at the buttercup settled between the side of her head and her fin.
   She looks up at him. Lips part, voice breaks when she tries to speak, palm shoves it’s way against her cheek to battle the tear that dared to fall over her battered cheek.
     It felt so real. It sounded so real. It looked so real.
          I hate this. I hate this. I hate this I hatethisIhatethisIhatethis.
   The leg that fell quickly recovers back into its protective cocoon form to the front of Undyne’s body, both of her hands come to her face, pressing over her eyes as claws rest against scales.
     “GO AWAY! Leave me alone!! I can’t do this anymore, I can’t do it. Please. Stop haunting me.. I.. I miss you too much… It’s hurts Papyrus. It hurts so much I’m so sorry I failed you. I want you back here with me but I can’t do it. I can’t bring you b a c k so please..”

    -The newly-ushered desolation that had draped over the throne room in shades of recent evacuation seemed oddly awry, even though he’d wandered through his share of Waterfall’s caverns and hidden grottoes just as empty and wet. Yet the longer his gaze lingered along the stone walls laden in jagged marks only the fiercest of claws could have carved in concentrated fury, the more Papyrus realizes that some empty areas had always been hollow, but still harbored the hope the extra space could be filled with light and laughter when passing through. But the emptiness of the throne room he now found himself circling in confusion was comprised of a lonelier conclusion. Having already been filled with life that no longer lingered, the room imparts a feeling of loss in the wake of ripples spread by the raindrops striking the flooded areas of the floor like piercing projectiles that infiltrated his battle-body without even puncturing through the plastic where his soul leaked its light through his chipped cheekbone. This gutted place did not suit the bare-bones look when his budding memories of the King’s garden still glint green in the reflection of the deeper puddles, all concentrated around the throne as if everything he once knew about this sacred section of the kingdom had sank through to some subterranean level of low through the choppy surfaces of moistened mirrors. Through the suffocating veils of the barrier’s run-off, the aquatic occupation of the throne room settles heavily on his shoulders as if he’d fully submerged underwater where each movement became more strenuous than the last, but he finds this weight far less disconcerting of a change compared to the sight of her bent broodingly over the throne as if she’d claimed every burden left in the world to bear on her shoulders, a ruler reigning over long-drowned entropy. Undeserving.-


    THERE WAS SOOO MUCH STUFF IN HERE BEFORE...DID YOU REALLY MOVE IT ALL? -He inquires, persistent as always, the hint of doting amusement lingering along the edges of concern. She’s one of the toughest souls he has the pleasure of knowing beyond simple “hellos” and distantly draped adoration, but even if he’d claim himself the loudest of her supporters, even he had to admit her faults in forging ahead against her better judgement. Sparing him a tedious night of toting boxes who knows where certainly had her signature staining the corner of her decision in ink that had yet to dry and smudged under his thumb as he inspects each angle of his assumption for any details he dare not miss. Of course this was all her doing, he decides while noting her fresh exhaustion she’d spilled along with her scales onto a throne large enough to swallow her with the slew of whale-sized problems soaking through the patch of waterlogged padding situated under her seating arrangement. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time she’d went out of her way to ensure he wouldn’t hurt himself, but it’s not as if moving a few boxes is anything like climbing ranks in the Royal Guard; at least, the rookie in him doesn’t think so.- WOWIE! HOW SELFISH--NOT EVEN LEAVING YOUR BESTIE SOME BROWNIE POINTS! WELL, EXCEPT FOR THE SPOT YOU MISSED BACK THERE, BUT THAT’S HARDLY A BROWNIE. IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT, IT’S MORE LIKE A CRUMB. -Great, now he really has a hankering to bake some brownies! In fact, he’d probably have to in order to make up for his slack around the King; god--he sincerely hopes he didn’t drool in front of his majesty!

   With the frequency of the falling sky drops streaking away any signs of spilled saliva as his armor glints with each proper dowsing, he doubts he’ll figure that mystery out unless Undyne had already uploaded a Vine of him snoring away among the excavated buttercups. The flower behind her fin seems to be holding up quite well, a sprightly sprig despite the thicker raindrops rolling along each petal of a mane that bobbed a little lower with each floral tear shed. Yellow had always suited her scales and fins’ primary colors, an observation he’d slyly mention whenever he happened upon the Captain mid-cuddle with a certain scientist who sported sunnier scales he wouldn’t mind seeing now weaving through the patches of night and rain, and the occasional rumble echoing throughout the higher stalagmites. Spying her fist as it grinds what he assumes is a stain of overexertion she’d try to hide from him even in plain sight in the hopes that his tendency towards flighty conversations would saturate his better judgement, Papyrus doesn’t prune back his restless rebuke of her selflessness, finding that a fish being soaked under a little black cloud is less pitiable than any other monster without the gills.- TIRING YOURSELF OUT LIKE THIS...I DON’T EVEN WANT TO KNOW HOW MANY LAPS I’M GOING TO HAVE TO RUN TO CATCH UP TO YOUR LEVEL OF  EXHAUSTION SO WE CAN MATCH! -Because of course, swolemates would swell together...in even the most painful of post-workouts. That is, if she’s still his swolemate after snapping like that.-

    WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN’T DO IT? IT’S JUST ONE MORE FLOWER! AND EVEN IF YOU CAN’T DO IT, TELLING ME TO GO AWAY’S NOT GOING TO GET THE LAST SECTION OF THIS ROOM MOVED WHEN YOU LOOK LIKE YOU CAN BARELY MOVE YOURSELF! -The loud protest leaves him prickled as if his battle-body were bursting with pine-cones, but they shatter into harmless shards as the crack in her voice suddenly sends his senses into a tail-spin. Is she really that upset he’d tried to help her? Thinking she’d over strained herself like usual, Papyrus  moves in, voice a shade softer as he tries to shush her through his teeth.- ...WHAT DO YOU MEAN I’M RIGHT HERE! STOP MISSING ME ALREADY, YOU NERD. IT’S NOT LIKE WE’RE TRAPPED IN DIFFERENT ROOMS TALKING THROUGH BEAN CANS AND YARN. -Though he can’t say playing can-telephone with her when they were kids was all that upsetting of an experience.-  HEY NOW...IT’S GONNA BE OK. YOU’RE JUST TIRED IS ALL, RIGHT, GRUMPY-GILLS? WE’LL GET YOU SOME ICE FOR THOSE SORE BICEPS AND A CHAIR THAT’S NOT SO HARD, AND THEN YOU’LL FEEL WAY BETTER, I PROMISE! -Sockets stained with concern, he leans in, taking the backs of her hands splayed shakily over her face as he gently pries them apart as if parting curtains to let a ray of sunlight steal through his smile.- DYNE...DON’T WORRY, OK? 

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