

@prettylittleliartheorie-s / prettylittleliartheorie-s.tumblr.com

Still here and still active! Let's discuss!

You can’t go back to S1 and make sense of the Spencer twin. She was an added addition after the series was renewed for a 6th and 7th season. This announcement came on the day of the season 5 premiere, meaning they would have already filmed half of S5, if not all, at the time of the renewal. This means anything Alex related (clues) wouldn’t have appeared until season 6 and onward because this plot hadn’t been thought up yet. (“I think the show was supposed to end in year six with Charlotte revealed as “A.” - Troian)  In addition, S6 was centered around clues relating and hinting toward Charles and Charlotte’s reveal, so I doubt there were many to find. 

The series is sectioned into S1-2 / S3-6 and 7. There was so much they could have used to tie the entire series together. So many opportunities to connect the mysteries, regardless of the fact Alex’s character was an afterthought (read this post), but they didn’t, and so, this is how you must remember the show is laid out.  S1-2; Mona is A. S3-6: Charlotte steals the game as redcoat, with Ezra’s subplot, the book about Ali. Additionally, the Queen of Hearts: Melissa and Wilden was merely a subplot centered around Wilden’s own motives, Sara Harvey was Black Widow and Redcoat working for Charlotte. S7: Alex Drake continues Charlotte’s legacy and avenges her death.


You can’t go back to S1 and make sense of the Spencer twin. She was an added addition after the series was renewed for a 6th and 7th season. This announcement came on the day of the season 5 premiere, meaning they would have already filmed half of S5, if not all, at the time of the renewal. This means anything Alex related (clues) wouldn’t have appeared until season 6 and onward because this plot hadn’t been thought up yet. (“I think the show was supposed to end in year six with Charlotte revealed as “A.” - Troian)  In addition, S6 was centered around clues relating and hinting toward Charles and Charlotte’s reveal, so I doubt there were many to find. 

The series is sectioned into S1-2 / S3-6 and 7. There was so much they could have used to tie the entire series together. So many opportunities to connect the mysteries, regardless of the fact Alex’s character was an afterthought (read this post), but they didn’t, and so, this is how you must remember the show is laid out.  S1-2; Mona is A. S3-6: Charlotte steals the game as redcoat, with Ezra’s subplot, the book about Ali. Additionally, the Queen of Hearts: Melissa and Wilden was merely a subplot centered around Wilden’s own motives, Sara Harvey was Black Widow and Redcoat working for Charlotte. S7: Alex Drake continues Charlotte’s legacy and avenges her death.


But consider:

Alex being the one who hit Bethany That Night and it was her who Spencer saw. Spencer just assumed she was the one who did this because at this point it was the only reasonable explanation.

Alex being caught on NAT videos. That’s how they found out about her existence. That’s the reason why Melissa was acting so strange, why she was protecting Spencer from “before it even started” and why Ian and Garrett had to die.

It could have been what Maya knew.

Ian knowing about Alex and thinking it was actually her when he wanted to push Spencer off the Bell Tower.

Alex hiding in that creepy, haunted house and watching the girls.

Alex hiding in Jenna’s garage and getting hurt in the fire. Maybe not her face but her body so she still could impersonate Spencer.

Alex being the one we saw in the flashback from before Ali went missing that Spencer doesn’t remember.

Alex stealing the game from Mona because at this point she not only hated Spencer but all of them.

Mona asking Spencer to join A Team not only because Spencer was so smart. Mona noticed there were times when Spencer acted shady. She just didn’t know it was her twin.

Alex switching places with Spencer from the beginning.

Alex making Toby join the A Team and fake his death so she could mess up with Spencer’s head and send her to Radley.

All the British words or references during the show.

How A knew so many things about the girls and nobody never saw them.

Alex being Black Veil and that’s the reason why she needed to hide her face.

Alex dressing up as the masked man in the dollhouse and that’s why Spencer had a feeling she actually knew that person.

Seriously, the list could go on.

It’s all there. They could have used all of this and made it look like it was all planned even if it wasn’t. I’m not saying it would have tied up all the loose ends but it would make much more sense.

So many possibilities. Such a wasted potential.




It wasn’t so hard to connect Alex to the beginning in the first place!!! I don’t understand how they did not think of this.


This breaks my heart. They missed a huge opportunity to blow our minds.

god I want to cry. See, they could’ve had Alex toss this out during “story time”, it would’ve been perfect, flashbacks and all, then they could tell us we could go back to S1, and watch and make sense, and it would have satisfied the 7 year wait, but we can’t because they’ve told us charlotte was supposed to be the finale until they renewed for another two seasons. AND you’re so right! they could’ve tied it all together even if this was an added plot, even if they didn’t mean for it to be endgame they could’ve just acted like it was. There was so much they could’ve done to die the entire series together, bc now the series is sectioned into three separate plots; S1-2 / S3-6 and 7. 

I was so depressed last night. I watched the show with my parents and my boyfriend — I promised my parents since the very beginning of the show that I’d watch the very last episode with them because they’ve been my biggest fans and supporters, so I owed it to them to watch that with them — and it was the best ending I could’ve had. I cried in the last scene. Even though we finished filming last October, it felt like it’s lived on because we’ve been watching it. Now it’s really over. It’s something we all created and it’s beautiful, but now it’s over. I was very depressed about it last night, to be honest.

Janel on watching the finale (via fuckyeslittleliars)

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