Fuck Donuts Not People

@fuckdonutsnotpeople / fuckdonutsnotpeople.tumblr.com

Brandon- 19, California

boring & disrespectful: “oh, i can’t survive without my morning coffee”, “energy drink makes it so that i can get through my boring work”, and so on

living properly: treating caffeinated beverages like very mysterious & powerful magical potions that can give us unforeseen abilities

drink 15 cups of coffee in a day and you can clip through walls

me, approaching my local barista with trepidation and awe: potion seller. I am going into battle and I require your strongest potion.

potion seller: trenta macchiato plus five shots as usual, then?

me, extending my credit card with a trembling hand: fuck me up


this video is 1 second long.  in one minute i could watch it 60 times.  in 2 i could watch it 120.  in an hour i could watch it 3,600 times.  in a year i could watch it 31,536,00.  in a decade - if i spend the next 10 years of my life watching this video - i could watch it 315532800 times.  this is incredible.  this video is my past present and future


Having a big head saved my life

when I was 14 I wanted to buy a fedora but none of them fit me

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