
Even the faintest gleam sparks something.

@lavenderlycoris / lavenderlycoris.tumblr.com

"Potentiality knocks on the door of my heart."-Haruki Murakami,On Seeing The 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning

What’s funny is that this actually happened. 

I’m unfamiliar with this story please elaborate

Finnish soldier gets separated from the rest of his unit but he’s the only one carrying the emergency amphetamines for the unit, takes too many and goes on a one man rampage for like 2 weeks straight giving the opposing Soviet soldiers nightmares for decades. Oh and he did it all on skis. 

Did he survive?

Yes, during his methed up 2-3 week rampage he got injured by a land mine, travelled 400km on skis, and only ate pine buds and a Siberian Jay that he caught which he ate raw. When he made it back to Finnish lines he was taken to a hospital where it was found his heart rate was nearly 200 beats per minute and his weight had dropped to 43kg (94.7lbs).

His name was Aimo Koivunen if you want to look him up


Those are the eyes of a man who has seen god and laughed

Important distinction, it wasn’t “amphetamines” like Adderall or Vyvanse or something, it was Pervitin, prescription grade methamphetamine.


He’s offering $2k PER ADULT not per household and $1k for everyone below 18


enough primaries remain to get him nominated, please if you are in a state then campaign, if not contact people you know that are.

Bernie’s campaign suspended direct fundraising activities yesterday. Instead, they are asking supporters to donate to Meals on Wheels, No Kid Hungry, Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, One Fair Wage Emergency Fund, and the National Domestic Workers Alliance:

Meals on Wheels delivers prepared food to seniors all across the country. This is especially important in the pandemic, as seniors are at high risk, and limiting their need to go to the grocery store by delivering these meals is a critical service.
No Kid Hungry makes sure that children get the food they need, especially since schools are closed across the country. Their service is especially important as families who lose their jobs need to keep their kids fed.
Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund is providing direct financial support to restaurant workers who are out of work or have reduced hours because of the pandemic. They are also supporting community organizations of local workers and providing loans to restaurants to re-open when it is safe.
National Domestic Workers Alliance is giving financial support to in-home care workers, nannies, and house cleaners who have to stay home and not work in order to reduce the spread of the virus.
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund gives funds directly to service workers affected by the pandemic, including restaurant, salon, airport, rideshare, and gig economy workers who find themselves out of work or without customers.
These five groups cover a large section of the problems that we are immediately facing as the health crisis creates an economic crisis. While we need to do much, much more as a country, supporting these groups is a good first step to take if you’re able to do so right now.

Living in Missouri, I’m particularly frustrated by the singular and specific lack of leadership form state & local government (I know, I know. I vote, but I’m outnumbered here), and it is strikingly apparent to me that the only clear and decisive leadership we’re seeing on the national stage is here, from Bernie Sanders. Nothing is decided.


no punctuation we read like romans



words doesn’t classical matter order in greek;


we, in a manner akin to that of a man who once was, in Rome, an orator of significant skill, who was then for his elegance of speech renowned and now for his elaborate structure of sentences cursed by generations of scholars of Latin, the language which he spoke and we now study, Cicero, write, rather than by any efficiency, functionality, or ease of legibility have our words, our honors, the breaths of our hearts, be besmirched.

The fact that this has yet to devolve into boustrophedon is a miracle… or a challenge. I’m looking at you @terpsikeraunos @macdicilla @labellamordens

I’m up to it

Not many jnſtances of Punctuation - but for many Daſhes – et words Capitaliz’d for emphavſis, but not logicaly - ſpeeling and word Endings varied Gratelie - and the long S - ſ - vſed in at the ſtart and Centre of wordes - & the short “s” vſed only at the end - as with the U and V, and the I and J - but v and j only at the ſtart of wordes (we diſtinguishe not between Vouels and Conſonants, only decoratiue Letteres). Ye letter “y” being in lookes cloſe to an Olde letter “þ” which is vſed as “th” - Y may be vſed in the place of TH - but only ſparingly - and ſtill Pronounc’d the ſame as TH. Long and rambling ſentences - ſeeminglie without end - a paragraph can conſiſt of One whole ſentence, and ſhort ſentences are rare – we ſcribe like hiſtorical Modern English – and other european Languages.


And furthermore, Carthage is to be destroyed.

I hate all of you.


Okay, I’ve now lived to see someone *else* use the word “boustrophedon” in a Tumblr post. I can now die content. :)


So this has been stuck in my head ever since I heard it three days ago.


this is the polar opposite of Everybody Knows Shits Fucked


i didn’t know this til i looked up the video on youtube, but this dude is a super cool and accomplished musician! his name is Rushad Eggleston–wikipedia describes him as “an innovative musician who has changed the way the cello is played,“ but according to his personal website he’s a “cello goblin & otherworldly jester currently touring earth” 

This is a man who knows what he’s about.


hes got a deal for you

[image description: a drawing of Garfield the Deals Warlock, drawn to resemble the orange Lasagna Cat. He’s lying on his belly, tail dangling beneath him, against a white background. He’s wearing a purple robe and pointy wizard’s hat and there’s a small smile on his face.]

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