
education is power

@mintaur-blog / mintaur-blog.tumblr.com

Hi my name is Minta and I'm studying in Barcelona. I'm an IB and Selectividad student. Welcome to my stressful blog

08.29.15 || Annotations are probably some of my favorite things ever

Tips: - Define all words you don’t recognize or are unsure of. I’ve thought I understood a poem, defined one word that I was like “eh I know this word, but I better double check” and then my whole perception of the poem changed completely. - Notice words or themes that repeat. The author has come back to those ideas for a reason. - Use a variety of symbols. I like to highlight, underline, wavy underline, circle, and box specific words or lines. If you use different markings for different ideas, it’s a lot easier to follow your own train of thought if you come back to the poem in a few weeks or even a few days. - As you go along, jot down ideas. They’ll probably change once you’ve read the poem a couple times, but your first thought may be your best thought!


More Free Printables Than You Should Ever Need




To Do Lists


Notes/Brainstorm Pages


Home Organization



1 2 3 4


An awesome way to give children days of clean drinking water!

UNICEF’s tap project is back! Funded by Aqua di Gio, all you have to do is  open this link on your phone (the url is: uniceftapproject.org ), and not touch it. For every 15 minutes you leave your phone alone, a child receives a day’s worth of drinking water for free.

Please please please check out this project, it’s awesome and dear to my heart. I know a lot of people aren’t able to donate when they want to, here you can do so without having to be torn.

Please share this project. Reblog. Like. Tell people about it, get them talking, there aren’t many like this around.

Because it’s help me to study and it give water to people in need

This is so cool and amazing and everyone should know about it!! Also helps keep you off your phone AND help children!!! Check this out xx


How I Manage My Time

(Image credit to ME: PLEASE DO NOT REPOST)

Hi all!

I’ve had quite a number of asks wanting some time management tips, so I thought I’d make a post about my time management plan! 

1ST RULE: Break Long-term Tasks into Short-term Tasks

So on Friday evening, I sit down with a piece of paper and write down the heading: BIG TASKS, and list the major tasks for the weekend + following week under the heading.

Then I break each of these tasks into smaller pieces where I can. (Tests&essays are already planned for, using the study time planner I posted last week.)

Then I categorise each task as one of the following 4 categories:

1. Urgent and important 2. Important but not urgent 3. Urgent but not important 4. Not urgent and not important.
IMPORTANT task is something that has to be done. There are consequences if it isn’t done.
URGENT task has a deadline, and can’t be caught up with once the deadline has passed.

I made the following sets of questions to aid in categorising the tasks.

So from my example:

  • my philosophy essay is due on Monday; therefore it is urgent. If I don’t hand this essay in, I may fail my course; therefore it is important.
  • My mom’s birthday is soon, so I want to send her a card. This task is important, but not urgent; I can send it anytime, as long as she gets it before her birthday.
  • My dancing class is urgent; if I miss this practice session I can’t catch up later, since they move on anyway in the next session. But since I’m admittedly not committed to dancing, missing the lesson will not have huge consequences. It is technically not important.
  • My friends and I want to have a movie night sometime. This task is not important - it has no serious consequences attached to it even if it doesn’t happen. It is not urgent - we can throw it anytime we want.

I write the category number next to the task.

Once I am done categorising, I copy the tasks onto the following template:

Like this!

(If you guys want the time-square template, it can be found here, or here.)

2ND RULE: Task Decides Time

What I do next is assign X-amount of hours to each task. The number of hours I assign to each task depends on its category!

  • The minimum ratio that I have set between the number of hours assigned to the 4 categories is 4:2:2:1. 
  • i.e. Category 1 tasks must take up AT LEAST twice as many hours as category 2 or 3 tasks, and AT LEAST quadruple the amount of hours for category 4 tasks.
  • This ratio, of course, varies from week to week. But as long as the ratio is bigger than 4:2:2:1, I’m happy.

This week being a test week and all, there is a lot of work to be done so category 1 is pretty full. (plus the birthday party contributed significantly to category 3)

Next step is to divide these hours over the days of the week. Obviously I have to put the deadlines into consideration, and my set schedules (like lectures).

  • I assign a task/part of task to each day, and a number of hours to spend on that task. 
  • I don’t, however, specify the time. 
  • I personally find that time-specific schedulers don’t work for me, simply because of the fact that I suck at sticking to the times. It means that if I don’t finish your task by the set time (eg. study maths at 11:00am), that task is left hanging because I have to move onto the next task for the next hour (write essay at 12:00pm). This creates a build-up of incomplete work and is simply NOT efficient. That’s why I don’t use them. 
  • Everyday I keep my list of tasks in my head, and complete them one by one whenever I have the time. 
  • The goal is to get all of the tasks done before I go to bed.
  • Unless there is a time constraint attached (eg. meetings, or closing times for shops), whether I complete the task (especially studying) during lunchtime or before I go to bed doesn’t matter too much.

I draw a weekly planner into my bullet journal page.

Then I divide the tasks among the days!

I then transfer these tasks onto my daily bullet journal pages throughout the week.

3RD RULE: Leave Room For Compromise

I’m only human. I always end up doing something wrong and leaving some tasks incomplete during the week.

To compensate for this, I do 2 things:

  • 1. Abandon low-priority tasks
If I had category 1 and category 4 tasks left incomplete for example, and I simply had no time to do both things, I’d give up the category 4 task and give my undivided attention to the high-priority task! I have to know what I need to sacrifice for the greater good.
  • 2. Integrate “catch-up time” into your plan
Sometimes you can’t give up any of the tasks. CRISIS! To prevent situations like this, you should plan some “free time” into your week so that you can use them to catch up with things you are behind with. So my plan should technically never look full.

This has been another long post… 

I hope you guys foundd this post helpful! Inbox me if you have any questions :)




  1. Shower before class. Have a 9 a.m. class? Hop out of bed in the morning and head straight for the shower. It’ll wake you right up! Plus, your classmates will probably thank you.
  2. Bring a water bottle, and drink plenty of H2O. Staying hydrated is a key factor in staying awake. Try putting ice in your water bottle; the     cold water will keep you lively and alert.
  3. Go to the bathroom. Walk off the sleepiness by taking a trip to the bathroom. The process of walking will get the blood circulating again. And don’t forget to take a stretch break while you’re in the hallway.
  4. Bring eye drops. It’s hard to stay wide-eyed and awake when your eyes are dry and irritated from the lack of sleep. When they’re feeling dry, splash a couple drops in them. You’ll feel more refreshed and your eyes will be grateful.
  5. Sit in the front row, or at least in the middle! The closer you are to the professor, the less likely you are to fall asleep due to volume. Not to mention the fear of getting caught dozing off will keep you wide awake!
  6. Take note. If you are daydreaming, eventually that will turn into real dreaming when you fall asleep. It might be hard when you are so tired, but taking notes during class can help keep you awake. It will keep you focused on the class material and less focused on how tired you are.
  7. Pressure points: Two of the best, and conveniently subtle, pressure points to keep you up are your earlobes and wrists.     For your ear, while it may look like you’re just learning your cheek on your wrist, rub the area right above your lobe (or where a traditional ear piercing would be) between your thumb and index finger. Not only is it a fine motor movement to keep you active, but also invites blood to rush up towards your ear, and therefore, to your head.     Or putting the inside of your wrists against something cold: the metal bar of your desk, the desktop, your laptop. The pressure point here will keep you awake!
  8. Small, repetitive movements: Foot tapping and chewing gum, just like rubbing the pressure point in your ear, “wakes up” those muscles, returning blood to those areas and reinvigorating your blood circulation.
  9. Hold your breath for a few moments. Every time you feel like you are falling asleep, hold your breath to a count of 100. You will become restless and more wakeful while you hold your breath. When you start breathing again, you’ll feel relieved and awake.
  10. Tap your feet and drum your fingers. Even these slight movements will help get your circulation moving and keep you  from falling asleep.
  11. Avoid consuming too much sugar. Sugar will give you a short     energy boost followed by a prolonged descent into sleepiness. Try a     healthy energy boosting snack instead, for example, carrots. Carrots are a  good energy booster, they’re healthy and won’t drain you of energy.
  12. Snap a hair tie. Okay, this is a weird method but I swear it works for me. Seeing as I always have a hair tie on my wrist, anytime I feel myself falling asleep, I just snap the hair tie against my wrist to keep me awake. It doesn’t really hurt, but it is enough to keep you alert. Next time you feel like snoozing, just try it to see if it works for you.

Time is of the essence or whatever idiom you use to make a connection. The point is as a college student or even a high school student, you will be busy and you will have 2-3 projects due in a week’s span, papers due, and homework due. You’re stressed and overwhelmed. Fear not, my over-worked fellow student! Here are some tips to help you manage your time and get all those projects, papers, and readings done.

  1. Do Not Procrastinate- This is a number one rule for any student, or it should be. We all procrastinate. Don’t lie to yourself saying you have never done it. If you know you have a paper due next week, you better get to it! 
  2. Break things into smaller chunks- Projects, papers, and assignments seem more manageable if you break up things into chunks. For example, I have to write a lab report that is due next week. I will write the introduction and methods section today, results tomorrow, and discussion/conclusion the day after. See? Instead of thinking you need to get it all done in one day and sit in the library for hours, you can just break it into chunks. You can also do different chunks of assignments more effectively and get things done quicker.
  3. Do not multitask- Multitasking doesn’t work and there are studies that have proven multitasking is worse for productivity. Or says some crack science. I don’t know, but I do know that when I “multitask” I get more overwhelmed and I just lose focus. Work on one assignment at a time, and focus solely on that assignment.
  4. Shut off social media- This is the biggest time waster I have ever seen. Literally, I thought I only spent 10 minutes on Tumblr and it turned into 30 minutes. On your pomodoro break of 5 minutes, call you friend, family, or maybe read a pleasure book. Don’t get on social media until your longer break.
  5. Use a planner, calendar, to-do list, or whatever- Just have something that you can use to know your deadlines and an ability to check things off when they are done. I find having a list works for me, because I can plan things out and I follow a physical list better than a mental list.
  6. Prioritize your assignments/projects/etc.- Do you really need to work on that homework assignment that’s due in two weeks or should you be studying for that exam in a few days? Learn what is more pressing and will affect your grade more.
  7. Stop complaining about not having enough time- Some where I read or heard we waste more time complaining than actually executing what we need to do. Stop complaining and get to work!
  8. Have a set time of waking up and a set time of ending your work- Having a set schedule every day that you follow promotes a more productive lifestyle. If you wake up at 6 am everyday and end your “working day” (stop homework and school stuff), you’ll find you can fit in your hobbies, exercising, and pleasure reading.
  9. Take mini breaks during the weekday, but take longer breaks on the weekend, evenings, and holidays- Mini breaks allow you to recharge and longer breaks allow you to help stay productive long term.
  10. Sleep! Sleeping is important and it solves everything. End of story.
  11. Batch your work together- If you have things related to school, set an hour and a half for that and then things for paying bills, checking emails, checking accounts, or whatever, set aside an hour. 
  12. Have a buffer time between task- Do not schedule things too close together, give yourself about 5-10 minutes in between tasks.
  13. Being a perfectionist is not to your advantage- I understand you want to do things “perfect”, but in that extra 15 minutes you spend fussing about the details on a powerpoint could be better spent on another assignment. I am not saying to turn in a crap assignment, but if you have three other things on your to-do list that require immediate action, you might want to refocus yourself.

Those are my helpful tips on learning to manage your time effectively in school without feeling like you need twenty of you. Good luck!



i just want to be sure about something. just because we are running a studyblr it doesnt mean we have to be the top student. it doesnt mean we should always have the highest grades. in fact, i didnt even study in high school until this year. but now im back, im trying and this is what matters. we are all trying to do something in our lifes. and we should be proud of nothing but this. we can fail, we can cry and we can suck sometimes too. we can have the lowest grades and we can really mess up. what makes us studyblrs is not being the top student, its what we do at the end of the day. cause at the end of the day no matter what happens we came here and motivate each other. thats the best thing a human can do to others; to inspire. i just want all of you to let things go&relax. cause we are all doing amazing.

(also i want to hug all of you but it seems like impossible so yeah)


AP Cram Packets Galore!

Someone on the Internet consolidated this list and sent it to me. So so helpful! GOOD LUCK everyone!

Chemistry AP Chemistry Notes Podcasts Quick Review Comparative Government and Politics Government Comparisons Cramsheet Study Sheet Computer Science Review: Part 1Part 2 English Language Rhetorical Strategies AP Language Review Environmental Science Vocab to Know Tips APES Review European History STUDY GUIDES Exam Review Sheets French Language Cram packet Human Geography Course-notes Macroeconomics Every Graph You Need To Know (YouTube) Cram packet Microeconomics Cue cards Study guide

(note: NOT MY STUFF. The MC exams have been officially released by College Board. None of these materials were acquired through illegal means.)

best thing ever

EDIT 12/1/14: I was going through this and realized the AP Calculus “If you see that, do this” link doesn’t work anymore, so I crossed it out and replaced with another one I saw online. Let me know if it’s helpful. 


how to look like u werent just crying in the bathroom

hold a cold rag/tissue to your eyes and anywhere else that tends to get red or blotchy for two minutes

regulate your breathing so your blood flow evens out

fix your makeup and make sure you’re not sweaty

go back out and live a lie



Free Printables Masterpost

Printables make the studyblr community more organized and of course there are so many resources! Here is a masterpost involving printables I have found and some I have used :)


Those are the ones I have found and some I have used. I want to make sure there is a variety of printables available to the studyblr community. If you have printables, please inbox me your link so I can add you to the list!


To help you get organised for school next month :)


surviving an ap class can be one of the hardest things to do in high school. i’m here to help you out! i’ll add some general tips at the end of the post.




all languages

history + social sciences

general advice

if you made it down here: good job that was a lot of scrolling

do not procrastinate! time management skills are so key to doing well. start a bullet journal (my tag) (sareena’s masterpost), start a studyblr (sareena’s masterpost), and just learn how to schedule your time well (sareena’s masterpost)

get good sleep. i looove sleepyti.me because i always wake up so alert.

take notes. if you don’t think you need to, do it anyway.

and, most importantly, take care of yourself. you can’t do well (or anything) if you’re not drinking water, eating, and sleeping. put your needs first.

Love the chem crash course, notes & podcast

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