
sign me the fuck up

@urieftross / urieftross.tumblr.com

i'm kanaiela and I fuck around a lot

“Hello, -starts punching the air- I’m powerful dancer, Han!” 

Ah yes, those are in fact.. some powerful dance moves


if you’re in the united states right now i hope you’re safe. i hope you’re with people you love. today has exposed just how much hatred there is in this rotten world and i hope that at least for now, you have people around you that give you hope. i am so, so sorry, this is not the kind of world you deserve 


Calming masterpost:

crisis/urgent support lines and sites
relaxation/anxiety relief
the quiet place project
music and sounds
comfort food
advice and tips
videos and movies
distractions etc
Calming songs, playlists and instrumentals:
Calming/distracting Websites
Crafts and activities, easy and fun DYI projects
What to do when:
Meditation and breathing
Simple things
Make Something!
Other Nice Things
Calming/Relaxing Music:
  • Soft Piano: x, x, x, x, x
  • The Sound of Waves: x
  • The Sound of a Storm + Waves: x


If Trump wins tonight, let’s all agree to survive and thrive out of spite.


This is important. Life goes on. We can still take care of ourselves and each other.


If you support Trump, and ESPECIALLY if you voted for him, I hate you. I’m not messing around, I legitimately hate you and despise you as a person. If you support trump, unfollow me, block me, never let me see your disgusting disgraceful waste of space face, or have to read anything your sexist racist homophobic etc. brain vomits up ever again.


To the 5% of people in Arizona who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 11 electoral votes that would have gone to her.

To the 3% of people in Florida who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 29 electoral votes that would have gone to her.

To the 5.5% of people in Michigan who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 16 electoral votes that would have gone to her.

To the 5% of people in New Hampshire who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 4 electoral votes that would have gone to her.

To the 3.3% of people in Pennsylvania who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 20 electoral votes that would have gone to her.

To the 5.7% of people in Wisconsin who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 10 electoral votes that would have gone to her.

Total, that is 90 electoral votes. As I type this, Hillary needs 61 to win.

Please just let that sink in for a second. 

Hillary would’ve been elected right now, at this very moment, if instead of you protesting your vote, had just voted for her. She would  EASILY be President. 

You KNEW 3rd party candidates didn’t stand a chance. You were told. But instead, you had to vote for them anyways, and guess what?

You screwed us over. Congratulations.

I hope that feeding your “both candidates are bad” superiority complex is worth a Trump presidency. 


Congrats America you’ve elected a racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, unqualified piece of garbage as our next President. Glad to see you dont care about the rights of POC, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities or women.


i was sitting on my couch, in tears, and my dad, an Old Liberal, sits down next to me and he says

‘i know i can’t say anything that will make any of this better, but i want you to know that, in 1980, when i was 18 years old, i watched the country elect ronald reagan, and i was just as devastated as you are now. it felt like everyone had gone insane. my friends and i joked about moving to canada or japan or england, just like you are with your friends. i was angry then, and i’m still a little bitter now, but I got through it. we all did. donald trump is not ronald reagan, i know, but if i can get through it, so can you.’

anyway that soothed my hurt a miniscule amount, hope it soothes you a bit


when i say “unfollow me if you support trump” im not saying it ironically. no, seriously, if you support trump then i dont want your disgraceful ass to be in any way associated with my blog. get out.

trump supporters are getting mad keep reblogging


what do we do tho? like, honestly? what happens if he’s elected? what do we honest to god do?

Coming from the UK after our own catastrophe: you make his life hell. You make his government’s life hell. Anything and everything shitty that they want to do, you protest, you campaign, you petition, you lobby. You tie the whole thing up in so much red tape that Mr I’ve-Never-Had-Anyone-Say-No-To-Me starts loathing his job.

You create private safe zones, you look out for one another, you let your now validated racist, homophobic, transphobic neighbours know that their bigotry will not be tolerated through any means you feel it’s safe to do so. You join forces. Despite everything, you thrive out of spite, out of survival, out of a need to protect your own.

All of these communities have faced untold amounts of hell before and we’re all still here. It’s in our history to survive – in our genetic makeup. There will be losses and there will be casualties but in four years you’ll still be here and you’ll vote him out and the time to grieve will be then. For now, fight. In any way you can, even if all you can do is get through each day at a time. Fight him every step of the way.


Go out tomorrow, find a cause. NARAL, ASPCA, Planned Parenthood, A New Way Forward, The Innocence Project, Oxfam, Greenpeace… find out about programs and groups that deal with human trafficking, with racism, with sexism, with women’s health, LGBTQA rights, with what you want to fucking change! Sign up, and fucking fight.

Intern at your local congressional office! Stuff envelops! Listen to citizen complaints! Help dig us out of this shitstorm!

Donate money! Donate time! Be a Big Brother or a Big Sister. Reach out and find what your community needs! Join a litter collecting squad or write cards for people at an elderly community or buy a family in need groceries.

There is. So. Much. You. Can. Still. Do.

Online activism is all well and good, but these groups need feet on the fucking pavement. Don’t confuse shouting at people online as activism! So put up, and let’s shut this racist, classist, misogynistic, rape apologist down.


The reason I like staying up so late so much is because between the hours of 1am to 5am, the world is quiet and no one expects anything from me. I could stare at my wall for 4 hours and there would be no consequences. It’s so silent and calm. I love it.

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